Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Inter-religious park created in Argentina
In the city of Santiago del Estero, Argentina, a pan-religious square, above, was inaugurated on October 20, 2021, to celebrate inter-confessional dialogue. It was an initiative of the local State governor Gerardo Zamora.The small buildings in the complex, representing five religions – Catholicism, Protestantism, Judaism, Islamism and Buddhism – were erected in Aguirre Park, a recreational area that includes playgrounds, barbecue sites, hiking/jogging paths and event venue sites.
The construction of this inter-religious square was meant to help form children and youth with the progressivist and heretical idea that all religions are equally pleasing to God and lead to eternal salvation.
Pope Francis sent a letter to compliment the local authorities for the initiative. In it, he affirmed: "The news of this venture made me happy. That in the midst of so many disagreements, a community has the courage to do something like this reveals courage, valor and, above all, the desire to walk together. In the midst of this 'World War III in pieces and stages' that mankind is experiencing, small steps towards an encounter among us creates peace and harmony."
If we compare this warm papal eulogy of a progressivist initiative with the violent opposition Francis expressed in July against traditionalists in his Traditionis custodes, we know where things are going in the Church – until God intervenes.
Photo from the Internet, first seen in Catapulta

Posted October 31, 2021