Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
An Abrahamic religion centered in Ur & Abu Dhabi
The recent visit of Pope Francis to Ur was the stage for delivering an inter-religious prayer, which we reproduce in its integrity:Almighty God, our Creator, you love our human family and every work of your hands: As children of Abraham, Jews, Christians and Muslims, together with other believers and all persons of good will, we thank you for having given us Abraham, a distinguished son of this noble and beloved country, to be our common father in faith.
We thank you for his example as a man of faith, who obeyed you completely, left behind his family, his tribe and his native land, and set out for a land that he knew not. We thank you too, for the example of courage, resilience, strength of spirit, generosity and hospitality set for us by our common father in faith.
We thank you in a special way for his heroic faith, shown by his readiness even to sacrifice his son in obedience to your command. We know that this was an extreme test, yet one from which he emerged victorious, since he trusted unreservedly in you, who are merciful and always offer the possibility of beginning anew. We thank you because, in blessing our father Abraham, you made him a blessing for all peoples.
We ask you, the God of our father Abraham and our God, to grant us a strong faith, a faith that abounds in good works, a faith that opens our hearts to you and to all our brothers and sisters; and a boundless hope capable of discerning in every situation your fidelity to your promises. Make each of us a witness of your loving care for all, particularly refugees and the displaced, widows and orphans, the poor and the infirm. Open our hearts to mutual forgiveness and in this way make us instruments of reconciliation, builders of a more just and fraternal society.
Welcome into your abode of peace and light all those who have died, particularly the victims of violence and war. Assist the authorities in the effort to seek and find the victims of kidnapping and in a special way to protect women and children. Help us to care for the earth, our common home, which in your goodness and generosity you have given to all of us. Guide our hands in the work of rebuilding this country, and grant us the strength needed to help those forced to leave behind their homes and lands, enabling them to return in security and dignity, and to embark upon a new, serene and prosperous life. Amen.
This prayer establishes a new Abrahamic Religion uniting the progressivist wings of Catholics, Jews and Muslims. A religion that is entirely at variance with the Catholic Church founded by Our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a landmark discourse of the papal apostasy, in which the name of Jesus Christ does not appear even once.
This prayer was anticipated by a commission established in September 20, 2019, last row below, in New York under the inspiration of the Vatican to build an inter-religious Abrahamic House in Abu Dhabi, see photo above. The news report on this project explains that the three different buildings – a Catholic church, a synagogue and a mosque – will be built in a single complex around a garden. The Vatican report can be read here.