Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Drag queen sings during Cardinal's Mass
As the comments increase on social media regarding the Mass for LGBT 'victims' celebrated in Brazil that we featured last week, new pieces of footage are surfacing. Two of them show drag queen Scarleth Sangalo, alias Edson Junior, singing during the Mass said by Card. Sergio da Rocha, Primate of Brazil.The drag queen sang an Ave Maria to the audience after a microphone was passed to him by one of the priests assisting Card. da Rocha during his Mass.
Although we know of much support for transsexuals (here, here, here, here and here) and homosexuals (here, here and here) offered by Pope Francis and Bishops around world, this is the first time we have seen a drag queen performing during a Mass celebrated by a Cardinal.
Above, Card. da Rocha poses with the drag queen. The Cardinal went so far as to praise the homosexual's voice comparing it to that of another famous Brazilian singer, Fafá de Belém, according to the homo's words on Instagram.
As the general apostasy of the Conciliar Church gains in speed, it also grows in boldness. We do not know what else we will have to witness before God intervenes.
Photos from two videos posted by Call Me Jorge
Posted June 20, 2021