Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
The rapping nuns of Sister Faustina
The sisters shown on this page are from the Polish Congregation of Our Lady of Mercy, founded in Warsaw in 1862. It was to this Congregation that Sister Faustina Kowalska belonged. John Paul II's strong support for her ideas helped this institution spread into many countries. It is common to hear them referred to as the nuns of Sister Faustina.In June 2020 these nuns released in Poland a rap video, here, whose message is: We don't need to use masks against the virus, we trust Jesus. The lyrics follow:
Yo yo,
Rapping ain’t hard to do.
It’s enough to say ‘Jesus, I trust you!’
And right now we don’t want masks.
We just want merciful grace!
Although we agree that we should always trust in Our Lord Jesus Christ, especially in face of a contagious disease, we cannot support spouses of Christ entering the public arena to sing rap. It is an inadmissible concession to the modern music, which should never be made by Catholics, especially in an order whose goal is to maintain good morals.
By singing and dancing to rap in public (online) while wearing their beautiful religious habits, they are demoralizing the seriousness and recollection proper to religious life.
Photos YouTube video first seen on
Call Me Jorge

Posted August 23, 2020