Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
The Peruvian rock band of nuns
Sister Monica and the Siervas (Servants) are a Peruvian rock'n'roll band comprised entirely of nuns.Since several of the nuns of their convent were able to play musical instruments, this group of nuns decided to form a band.
On September 8, 2017, they traveled to Southern California to perform. One of the attendees in the Diocese of Orange made this comment about the band of nuns wearing habits: "I love it because they are breaking a paradigm. They are out of the box."
They were invited to play for Pope Francis in Juarez, Mexico in early 2016. Their performance in front the Pope and 200,000 spectators was an implicit papal endorsement of the band.
More here; watch a video here.
Photos from the video

Posted September 24, 2017