Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
The dancing cloistered Augustinians
Founded in 1901 to give assistance to the poor in Venezuela, the Congregation of the Augustinian Recollect Sisters of the Heart of Jesus (Hermanas Agustinas Recoletas del Corazon de Jesus) became a branch of the Cloistered Augustines in 1950. In the last row below, we can see a photo of the founders.Following the conciliar winds, the Congregation first changed its habit, then a complete reform of its internal life took place.
Today the sisters perform dances for different audiences in churches, in their cloister or on other stages, as seen in photos on this page.
It is sad to see sisters who were attracted to a sublime vocation end by adhering to the world - steered by the pernicious influence of their religious superiors and the Vatican.
Videos of different performances of the Cloistered Sisters can be watched here, here, here, here and here.
Photos from the Internet, first seen in Catapulta

Posted July 27, 2014