Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
The surfing nuns of New Jersey
Above you see the sad example of a spouse of Christ who should be making reparation for the offenses of the world against Him and His Holy Mother, but instead tries to be accepted by the world. Sister James Dolores, in her 74th year, is not that far from being called to her particular judgment, but she is still pretending to be able to surf.It is another example of how powerful human respect is in the Conciliar Church. As a matter of fact the whole phenomenon of adaptation to the world, ordered by Vatican II, could well be defined as a gigantic movement of human respect.Sister Dolores is not alone. All the members of the Sister Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in New Jersey to which she belongs, take a similar approach regarding surfing. In the Vila Maria, their religious House in Stone Harbor, the nuns promote periodical surfing festivals. In their Internet advertisement, below first row, they invite all the area surfers and residents to come to their Nun's Beach.
They also have a little business raffling off a "nun-painted" surfboard to those adepts of this sport, second and third rows.
Although the advertisement in first row below pictures a surfing nun, no actual photo of a surfing nun is provided. Perhaps, in the not so distant future, we will actually see surfing nuns, something that today only the enemies of the Church do when they mock religion dressing as surfing nuns for their pagan Halloween festivities, last row.
Photos from the Internet

Posted June 10, 2012