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Argentina Catholic University spreads feminism
The Catholic University of Argentina (UCA) in Cordoba is the center of a strong feminist movement. The feminist organization based there called Teologanda joins together 30 female theologians from Argentina and Chile.It enjoys not only the support of the College of Theology at UCA, but also the official backing of the Conference of Bishops in Argentina through its Department of Laity.
It is also directly linked since 2019 to the Catholic Forum of German Female Theologians (AGENDA) based in Germany and the Latin-America-Germany Interchange (ICALA), turned toward spreading feminism through the work of female theologians. These organizations – Teologanda, AGENDA and ICALA – have been financed by ADVENIAT, the very wealthy Catholic foundation belonging to the German Bishops.
The locomotive pulling this movement in Argentina and Chile is Dr. Margit Eckholt, third row below, Professor at the University of Tubingen and at the University of Osnabruck. She is the president of both ICALA and AGENDA.
With all this support, Teologanda has been very active promoting feminism and gender ideology through seminaries, above, first and second row below; book publications, fourth and fifth rows, and magazines, sixth row.
In one of the texts highlighted on the Teologanda website, Virginia Azcuy, the Chilean president of the Argentinean group writes: "Feminism has entered into dialogue with the paradigm of liberation and, has developed in our countries a feminist current of Latin American Liberation Theology."
Clockwise from top left above, February 29, 2020, July 19, 2019, July 20, 2019, October 19, 2019
Photos from Teologanda, first seen on Catapulta

Posted July 19, 2020