Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
‘Goal: 50% women leading the Church’
In March 2020 German Bishops made the decision that the proportion of women in leadership positions in the Church should be one-third by 2023.On June 9, 2020, the Archbishop of Paderborn, Hans Joseph Becker, second row below, made an appeal for that ratio to be raised to 50%.
On May 29, 2020, Agnes Wuckelt, third row, representing the Catholic Women's Community of Germany (KFD), gave an interview agreeing with Bishop Georg Bätzing, chairman of the German Bishops' Conference, favoring the ordination of women. Wuckelt stated: "The call of women to be priests must be recognized and their participation must be sincerely desired as an enrichment for the entire religious community."
So, it seems that Germany has decided that it will break the more than 2,000- year-old law of the Catholic Church that only men can be ordained priests.
At the moment the Conciliar Church in Germany ordains women as priests and bishops, it will officially cease to have any link with the Catholic Church.
What is apparent is that the German Bishops are doing this in complete harmony with the Final Document of the Amazon Synod, which Pope Francis highly recommended in his Querida Amazonia.
Above, German women gathering on International Women's Day, March 8, 2020; fourth row below, Card. Reinhard Marx amicably receives the protests of the KFD; fifth row, members of the feminist pro-ordination Maria 2.0 movement protest against exclusively men priests in the Catholic Church; sixth row, Pope Francis names Dr. Francesca di Giovanni to a high post in the Vatican Secretariat of State.
Photos from
Novena news, & Internet

Posted June 14, 2020