Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Brazilian Bishop invites women to concelebrate Mass
In a leftist political-social-religious event known as Romaria da Terra (Pilgrimage for the Land), Bishop Jaime Kohl of Osorio, Brazil, invited another five fellow Bishops and two Protestant women-pastors to concelebrate a Mass, above.Osorio is about 65 miles away from Porto Alegre, the capital of Rio Grande do Sul, which made it easy to attract a large crowd to such an event. The gathering was promoted by the Brazilian Bishops Conference, the communist religious organization CPT – Pastoral Land Commission – and the Diocese of Osorio. To guarantee a larger attendance, the Bishops planned a youth camp at the same place on February 11-12, with the Romaria scheduled for February 13.
The theme of the gathering was to promote women's rights, the fight for land, resistance and gender diversity. Resistance must be understood as support for ex-president Lula, who was condemned to a 12 year prison term for corruption in his government.
The buses stopped at a nearby parish and the "pilgrims" walked some miles in the countryside until reaching the town of Rio de Dentro, Mampituba – rows five to seven below. There, Mass was said and speeches were delivered in a tent set up for that purpose.
At the Mass, we can see – above and below first row – the Protestant female ministers extending their hands at the Consecration of the bread and wine in order to concelebrate along with the Bishops. A little before, during the Offertory, they "blessed" the gifts raised up by the crowd - second row.
Since we know that concelebrations are a practice that became more frequent in the Conciliar Church to make Mass more like a Protestant banquet, when the progressivist Bishops invite Protestant female-ministers to also take part in this process, we see that we are witnessing one evil multiplied by another.
It is an overdose of heresy served in a cocktail of radical leftist tendencies – Communism, Feminism, ecology, homosexuality, tribalism, civil unrest, to name only the more relevant ones...
In short, here we find the recipe normally used by Liberation Theology, loved and promoted by Francis.
Photos from the Romaria da Terra Facebook; first seen in
Fraters in Unum

Posted March 4, 2018

Our Lady of La Salette,
restore the Holy Church.