Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Here is Austrian ‘pastor’ Sissy Kamptner
Since the idea of female priests is scandalous and contrary to nature, many dismiss it as an unlikely scenario to emerge in the Church. Sadly, in Austria it is a palpable reality today.Pictured on this page is one of these “priestesses” named Sissy Kamptner, a 61-year-old woman who calls herself the “pastor” of Christ Child Parish in Steyr, Diocese of Linz, Austria.
Kamptner, who is married and has two children, claims that she is a pastor since 1984. Due to the catastrophic – but predictable – shortage of priests after Vatican Council II, it seems Kamptner took it upon herself to fill this vacuum. A step also quite foreseeable since parishes are being led astray with revolutionary feminist ideology.
Kamptner is just one of many already-active female priests in the Diocese of Linz. Founded in 1997 by Bishop Maximilien Aichern, the Diocesan Women’s Commission – chaired by Kamptner from 2011-2018 – is a feminist group, calling itself an “advisory body to the Bishop.” Its ultimate goal is stated as the “full legal equality of women in the Catholic Church,” meaning the worldwide installation of women priests, as you can see here.
As stated on their website, the members of this commission of women see their mission as a consequence of Vatican II, emphasizing “the universal priesthood of all Christians.”
They not only go so far as to advocate women priests, but they also push for interchangeable roles among men and women: “We support qualifying women to enter traditional male domains, as well as taking steps for men to enter traditional women’s domains” (original here).
Photos from the Internet first seen in Catapulta

Posted February 11, 2018