Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Francis admires male body contortions
In a curious unfolding of the "theology of the body" we saw on February 7, 2018, Pope Francis attentively admiring the contortions of a male acrobat wearing only the clothing strictly indispensable to prevent from saying that he was naked.As the close-ups on this page eloquently show, under the pretext of a gymnastics show, the acrobat exposed to Pope Bergoglio and his retinue the different parts of his body.
It is interesting to note that it was the Vatican that took the initiative of inviting Rony Rollers Circus to perform in order to entertain the Pope.
It is not difficult to realize that the audiences that normally admire scantily clothed male performances are those of homosexuals. So, the question necessarily comes to mind: Are we witnessing another promotion of homosexuality by Francis?
When we consider that Benedict XVI was also an admirer of such male performances and that Paul VI was known for his attraction to male artists (here and here), we wonder what is going on behind the scenes in this post-Vatican II papacy.
Photos from a
video by the CTV (starts at 53:00)

Posted February 18, 2018