Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Transvestite invited to speak at Vienna Cathedral
Transvestite pop star Conchita Wurst was invited to speak at Card. Christoph Schonborn’s Aids Memorial Service on December 1, 2017, in St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Vienna. Schonborn’s inter-confessional “requiem” was held in honor of the “victims” who have died of AIDS. It featured Mozart’s Requiem played by members of the Vienna Chamber Orchestra, and was concluded with an a cappella rendition of the insipid Protestant song “This Little Light of Mine”.The event, held on World Aids Day, was the fruit of a collaboration between Card. Schonborn and Gery Keszler, who has made his career as the openly-homosexual founder of Vienna’s Life Ball, Europe’s largest fundraising event for AIDS.
The Prelate of the Church collaborated openly and proudly with a sodomite like Keszler – who Schonborn reportedly considers a friend who helped him "melt away his prejudices” against homosexuality.
Even worse was the fact that Schonborn invited Conchita Wurst, a male transvestite, to speak at that ecumenical-homophile monstrosity. Above you see Wurst speaking immediately after the Cardinal’s speech in St. Stephen’s Cathedral, sixth row below.
Wurst, who won the 2014 Eurovision competition, actively promotes homosexuality, transgenderism, transvestism and other debaucheries through his music (here, here and here). Pictured below is Wurst wearing a gold dress, long hair and nails, makeup and beard during one of his performances.
All this is not surprising, however, since Card. Schonborn is a repeat offender when it comes to undermining Church doctrine. Those who have been following Schonborn’s ecclesiastical career know this well, as we have featured him many times on our site (here, here, here, here, here, here and here). Besides his obvious ecumenical offenses, including promoting the “dialogue” with Jews, Protestants, Schismatics, Muslims and Hindus, he has also paved the way for liturgical abuses at his “Youth Masses,” which includes balloon Masses, lake Masses, disco Masses and whipped cream orgies.
Worst of all, Schonborn has done much to promote sexual deviancy. Some examples: his acceptance of a practicing sodomite on the parish council, his order to give “blessings” for homosexual couples on St. Valentine’s Day, and his allowing in the Cathedral’s museum an art exhibition by a communist artist and sexual deviant that displayed the Last Supper as a homosexual orgy. To this “artist,” he later allowed a Catholic burial after his death, even granting the communist a red casket and a pornographic sculpture for a tombstone.
Schonborn’s AIDS Day Memorial was compromised from the beginning with its attempt to present homosexuals and sexual deviants as “victims,” thus normalizing them by winning them the acceptance and sympathy of Catholics. But all of this is topped with the appearance of a transvestite as a speaker in his Cathedral.
What will it take for people to realize that our Prelates are promoting debauchery instead of preaching Catholicism?
Watch the one-minute video of Conchita at the Vienna Cathedral here.
Photos from video on the Internet

Posted December 10, 2017

Our Lady of La Salette,
restore the Holy Church.