Progressivism in the Church
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Is the Pope's fall a sign?
While preparing to celebrate an outdoor New Mass at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Poland on July 28, 2016, Pope Francis had a spectacular fall, as shown in this page.Should we interpret it as the start of a punishment for all he has done to destroy the Catholic Church in his three year Pontificate? If this is the case, the choice of a famous Sanctuary of the Mother of God for its start would be very symbolic.
It is premature to arrive at a conclusion - only time will confirm or deny this hypothesis. But it is certainly not premature to keep an eye open to this possibility.
This symbol assumes added credibility given that the Bishops, politicians and public of Poland are not going along with the immigration and ecological guidelines of Pope Bergoglio. Please check here, here and here.
Original photos here.
Photos from AFP/Getty Images, AP & CTV

Posted July 31, 2016