Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Pope backs show of immorality
Adding to the Italian circus performance Pope Francis watched last week, he presided over a show of the American Circus this past Wednesday, February 3, 2016.If the previous presentation had many immoral aspects, this one surpassed them and any other. In addition to women acrobats in extremely tight leotards, the show included six cheerleaders showing their midriffs and wearing skirts so short that they did not hide anything a skirt is supposed to cover. It is entirely open to discussion whether the young women were even using underwear. And this display of their intimate parts took place in the presence of Bergoglio.
The Pope did not make any censure of this bold display of immorality.
On the contrary, he supported the performers, first, by watching them; second, by posing with them for a photo, last row, and, third, by encouraging them with these words: "What you have done today, and the training behind it, gives witness to the truth that a life without constant striving is a life of mediocrity." (Original here)
With this support of a brazen immoral show, how can purity in Catholic youth around the world be preserved and the Commandments be practiced?
Are we not witnessing the lifting of what restrains every type of immorality, sin and perdition from taking over the world, that is, the katechon about which St. Paul wrote (2 Tess 2:6-7)?
A video of this show is available here
Photos from the video by Rome Reports & AFP

Posted February 7, 2016