Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Masses in Brazil for the Day of the Freemason - III
Above we see Fr. Aldeone Pereira Silva, Vicar of the São Pedro Church in the city of Pombal, State of Paraíba, Northeastern Brazil. On the evening of August 20, 2012, he is welcoming a delegation of Freemason leaders of his city, who hold banners of two of their lodges. Wearing black suits and tie-clips displaying the symbol of Freemasonry, they came to assist at a Mass Fr. Silva was saying for the Day of the Freemason. Fr. Silva embraces one of the Masons to show his great affinity with them.In the first row below, the Freemasons enter the Church in a procession displaying their banners while the people stand as a sign of respect. Fr. Silva can be seen at the end of the group. The symbols are placed in the presbytery, second row; the leaders of the Masons seat themselves in the first pews reserved for them. On both sides of the transcept, delegations of local youth and womens' orders of Masonry are also seated in a position of honor.
In the third row, we see representatives of its womens' and mens' orders delivering speeches during the Mass. Fourth row, Masons join hands to say the Our Father during the Novus Ordo celebration; fifth row, Fr. Silva gives them Communion... Last row, São Pedro Church where this blasphemy took place.
Have no illusions that the superior of Fr. Aldeone Silva, Bishop Jose Gonzalez de Alonso of the Diocese of Cajazeiras, is against this celebration. He gave it his full approval, like the other Bishops who allowed these Masses celebrating Masonry to be said.
For, in fact, many similar Masses were said all over Brazil. This series of three photo galleries that TIA has posted the last few weeks is just a sample of the many others Masses and events that took place last August 20.
We hope the series will help open the eyes of our readers about the direction the Conciliar Church is taking as it pays tribute to the centuries-old enemies of the Catholic Church, who are agents of the Revolution and followers of the Devil.
Photos from Click Pombal & the Internet

Posted October 21, 2012