Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Catholic Monsignor Decorated by Jewish Masonry
On May 16, 2004, Amos Lodge No. 136 of the B'nai B'rith in Scranton, Pennsylvania, awarded a medal of honor to Msgr. Constantine V. Siconolfi, above center first row, pastor of Sacred Family Church in Scranton. The reason alleged for giving him a Jewish medal was his disinterested assistance in the cause of Judaism.
In the photo are standing from the left: rabbi Aaron L. Peller of Hesed Temple, Robert S. Yanover, president of Amos Lodge, rabbi David Geffen of Israel Temple; county commissary Robert C. Cordato and attorney Richard S. Bishop. Seated from the left: Congressional representative Paul J. Kanjorski, Msgr. Siconolfi and Msgr. Joseph G. Quinn, rector of the St. Peter Cathedral.
In 1974 Card. Franjo Seper, under the authority of Paul VI, abolished the automatic excommunication of Catholics who enter Masonic lodges. This decision was incorporated into the New Code of Canon Law issued in 1983. Today we see Cardinals, theologians and even a Pope being awarded for their contribution the the cause of the worst enemies of the Church.
He who has ears, let him hear...
Posted July 12, 2009

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