Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Masses in Brazil for the Day of the Freemason - I
Above you see four Freemasons - from the left, an apprentice, two companions and a master. In their center is a Catholic priest, Fr. Geraldo Magela Silva, parish priest of Our Lady of the Conception Church in the city of Bom Jardim (Nice Garden), in the State of Pernambuco, Northeast of Brazil. The four Masons are in front of the altar and hold their symbols - a square, hammer and compass - while their grand master addresses the congregation with a short speech.This photo as well as the others on this posting were taken at a Mass Fr. Magela celebrated to commemorate the Day of the Freemason, on August 20, 2012. Below first row, you can see those same symbols placed on the altar as Fr. Magela celebrated the Mass.
In the second row, you see the Freemasons approaching the altar; third row, they make Novus Ordo gestures to signify they are participating in the Consecration; fourth row, they receive Communion. Last row, Fr. Magela fraternizing with the grand master.
Considering these photos, how can one not ask: Is the Conciliar Church still the Catholic Church? Is it not a New Church with every possible affinitiy with the agents of the Devil and every possible hostility toward true Catholics?
Photos from Fratres in Unum

Posted October 7, 2012