What People are Commenting
Fortune Telling, Jobs & Forming Girls
Good Training, Bad Training
Dear TIA,
Re: Elon Musk Says Americans Are Too 'Retarded' for Tech Jobs, Censors Critics
Contentious time ahead! What a massive put down!
And I thought the word "retarded" was no longer permissible to use? The arrogant Elon Musk probably thinks white males are only good for cannon fodder -- fighting wars in support of Israel's ambitions -- being killed or maimed -- to be replaced by his AI robots!
The best response in this war of words is the X post (shown within the article) from parents of a son who graduated IN 2023 with HONORS & 2 DEGREES in electrical and computer ENGINEERING -- BUT the son cannot even obtain a job interview, let alone an engineering job -- and NONE of his white male classmates have found jobs commiserate with their degrees EITHER.
Better, a young white man learns a trade. Everyone in time needs a plumber or an electrician.
God help us!
E.Z., Ph.D.
Re: Elon Musk Says Americans Are Too 'Retarded' for Tech Jobs, Censors Critics
Contentious time ahead! What a massive put down!
And I thought the word "retarded" was no longer permissible to use? The arrogant Elon Musk probably thinks white males are only good for cannon fodder -- fighting wars in support of Israel's ambitions -- being killed or maimed -- to be replaced by his AI robots!
The best response in this war of words is the X post (shown within the article) from parents of a son who graduated IN 2023 with HONORS & 2 DEGREES in electrical and computer ENGINEERING -- BUT the son cannot even obtain a job interview, let alone an engineering job -- and NONE of his white male classmates have found jobs commiserate with their degrees EITHER.
Better, a young white man learns a trade. Everyone in time needs a plumber or an electrician.
God help us!
E.Z., Ph.D.

Forming Girls to Regain Society
Dear TIA,
Ave Maria Purissima !
I believe if we want to regain a truly Catholic society we must restore virtue to our girls. Parents must once again hold up The Virgin Mary as the role model for their daughters. We must stop treating girls as if they were feminine versions of boys. Girls have a distinct God- given role in life which they are duty bound to fulfill. The God given duties of the girl and the boy and their psychology are totally different.
The education of a girl should ideally take place in the home. Traditionally, boys were sent to boarding school and girls were homeschooled by a governess. Mother should now take up that role as indeed, many do. The idea of a career for girls is not in keeping with Gods plan and girls should be disabused of any idea of a career. Instead, they should be taught about the beautiful vocations God has designed for them. The Religious vocation as a Bride of Christ, is at the very top, after comes the vocation of a single virgin and then the vocation of wife and mother. The three involve sacrifice and suffering, but bring great rewards.
Marriage was designed for the purpose of procreation. It is a life of sacrifice. However, in the ranking of vocations it comes third after the religious vocation and the single unmarried vocation. The lay girl who remains a virgin is greatly valued by Holy Mother Church and will gain a high place in Heaven, if she keeps to her promises of virginity, purity and chastity. This is the type of vocation the young ladies of TIA practice and it is indeed a most noble and worthy one.
A girl may also serve as a teacher of girls and a nurse of girls and women. Girls may not drive buses, be accountants, lawyers, businesswomen, politicians. It breaks my heart to see women taking the jobs of men and offending God in doing so. …
Ideally, girls should be trained for life in the home. If God calls them to serve him in religion, then this is a great bonus and privilege reserved for the few. A girl will need formal lessons in certain subjects but the education most of use to her will take place after school hours, as she learns the female skills of cleaning, cooking, sewing, beautifying a home and child rearing, from her mother.
Finally dear parents, boys need freedom while girls need order and discipline. A boy's role is to lead his sisters. The girl's role is to follow and to feel protected. The boy should be trained for leadership, the girl for obedience and sacrifice. This is her God-given role. We really must stop misleading her and honestly discuss the beautiful roles God has given her.
God bless you.
Yours sincerely,
C.P., Ireland
Ave Maria Purissima !
I believe if we want to regain a truly Catholic society we must restore virtue to our girls. Parents must once again hold up The Virgin Mary as the role model for their daughters. We must stop treating girls as if they were feminine versions of boys. Girls have a distinct God- given role in life which they are duty bound to fulfill. The God given duties of the girl and the boy and their psychology are totally different.
The education of a girl should ideally take place in the home. Traditionally, boys were sent to boarding school and girls were homeschooled by a governess. Mother should now take up that role as indeed, many do. The idea of a career for girls is not in keeping with Gods plan and girls should be disabused of any idea of a career. Instead, they should be taught about the beautiful vocations God has designed for them. The Religious vocation as a Bride of Christ, is at the very top, after comes the vocation of a single virgin and then the vocation of wife and mother. The three involve sacrifice and suffering, but bring great rewards.
Marriage was designed for the purpose of procreation. It is a life of sacrifice. However, in the ranking of vocations it comes third after the religious vocation and the single unmarried vocation. The lay girl who remains a virgin is greatly valued by Holy Mother Church and will gain a high place in Heaven, if she keeps to her promises of virginity, purity and chastity. This is the type of vocation the young ladies of TIA practice and it is indeed a most noble and worthy one.
A girl may also serve as a teacher of girls and a nurse of girls and women. Girls may not drive buses, be accountants, lawyers, businesswomen, politicians. It breaks my heart to see women taking the jobs of men and offending God in doing so. …
Ideally, girls should be trained for life in the home. If God calls them to serve him in religion, then this is a great bonus and privilege reserved for the few. A girl will need formal lessons in certain subjects but the education most of use to her will take place after school hours, as she learns the female skills of cleaning, cooking, sewing, beautifying a home and child rearing, from her mother.
Finally dear parents, boys need freedom while girls need order and discipline. A boy's role is to lead his sisters. The girl's role is to follow and to feel protected. The boy should be trained for leadership, the girl for obedience and sacrifice. This is her God-given role. We really must stop misleading her and honestly discuss the beautiful roles God has given her.
God bless you.
Yours sincerely,
C.P., Ireland
Posted January 7, 2025

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Salve Maria!
Mr. Mirek Salwowski liked the TIA post on X (formerly Twitter) on dancing. We visited his profile and he had an interesting post condemning a Polish "tradition"/custom of fortune-telling on St. Andrew's day. He ends his post by saying "not everything in Polish tradition is worthy of cultivation." We thought we would pass it on because it is interesting that he acknowledges there are impurities even in once-Catholic European customs, and that it is therefore necessary to be vigilant and purify them of anything bad.
His post, Google-translated from Polish follows:
Many people say that "Andrzejki [St. Andrew's day fortune-telling sessions]" are OK because "it's just fun and no one takes it seriously", etc. And I ask, how do all these smart alecks know that CERTAINLY NO ONE takes St. Andrew's Day prophecies seriously? This cannot be said with absolute certainty about adults, let alone children, who have precisely this tendency to believe in various extraordinary, unrealistic and strange things more easily (starting with elves and dwarves, and ending with the fact that poured wax can predict their marital future).
So where does the assumption come from that no child takes St. Andrew's Day prophecies seriously? Of course, you grow out of it, but here too you have to ask yourself, where does the certainty come from that familiarizing children with fortune telling in childhood in no way contributes to them later being more susceptible to more overt forms of occultism (e.g. going to a fortune teller, participating in séances, etc.)? Are such things completely out of the question in our society, to reject out of hand any possible connection between "Andrzejki fortune telling" and the spread of occult practices?
Besides, what kind of idea is it to play at things that are sinful and have been condemned by God? We play at fortune telling "because it's not serious", so maybe let's play at raping, killing children, etc.? Let's make toys in the shape of small children specially adapted for their massacre (from which a liquid resembling blood will flow, which will make sounds of agony, etc.).
So, down with St. Andrew's Day prophecies. Not everything that is part of Polish tradition is worthy of praise and cultivation.
In Jesu et Maria,
TIA media