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LGBT Calendar, Girls’ Call & Barbie
Girls’ Vocation: Religious, Married or Single
Dear TIA
Ave Maria Purissima !
In the light of the excellent exposition by Dr. Marian Horvat and Miss Elizabeth Lozowski on what a girl should do after she graduates from high school, I would like to make the few following points.
Traditional Catholic parents should disabuse their daughters of any notions of a career and they should do this at a young age. They should explain that Almighty God has a special role for girls and that role is vocation: A vocation to the religious life, to the married life or to the single life.
I believe Catholic girls should ideally be home schooled, as even traditional convent schools today cannot be fully trusted. Home schooling girls is not as demanding as home schooling boys. Girls need, of course, literacy and numeracy and also history, especially Church history and some geography. They do not need science, geometry or algebra, and instead should learn perhaps art or music.
Central to a girls education are moral and religious training, especially the Catechism. Next in importance comes domestic science, in other words housekeeping skills and also child training. The young girl will learn more from assisting her mother in the home than from any textbooks. The importance of being a wife and mother needs to be emphasized. This is a job demanding a whole variety of skills, both practical and personal. There is no other job quite like it and no other job gives the same level of fulfillment. It is indeed a great privilege to be a wife and mother.
The young girl should understand her life will be different from that of her male siblings. She will have less freedom and more duties as a child. However she will not have the same level of responsibility in later life. While a religious vocation should always be encouraged and prayed for, statistically it is more likely the girl will turn to the married vocation. She should know the primary purpose of marriage is procreation. While we would hope a marriage should be a happy one, happiness is not necessary for a good marriage. Devotion to duty and a preparedness for sacrifice are much more important.
If parents discipline their girls and train them in a spirit of sacrifice from an early age, then marriage should not be a problem for them. As for the age of consent, I think competency is actually more important. A girl should not marry until she has mastered her housekeeping skills. I believe a husband ideally should be 8/10 years older. In this way the girl will find obedience and submission easier and the young man will be able to exercise his authority more easily. In general, however, I believe a girl should enter her chosen vocation as early as is practicable.
Parents, be honest with your girls. They must follow God’s plan for them, not the plans of the feminist society in which we live.
God bless you all at TIA.
Yours faithfully
C.P., Ireland
Ave Maria Purissima !
In the light of the excellent exposition by Dr. Marian Horvat and Miss Elizabeth Lozowski on what a girl should do after she graduates from high school, I would like to make the few following points.
Traditional Catholic parents should disabuse their daughters of any notions of a career and they should do this at a young age. They should explain that Almighty God has a special role for girls and that role is vocation: A vocation to the religious life, to the married life or to the single life.
I believe Catholic girls should ideally be home schooled, as even traditional convent schools today cannot be fully trusted. Home schooling girls is not as demanding as home schooling boys. Girls need, of course, literacy and numeracy and also history, especially Church history and some geography. They do not need science, geometry or algebra, and instead should learn perhaps art or music.
Central to a girls education are moral and religious training, especially the Catechism. Next in importance comes domestic science, in other words housekeeping skills and also child training. The young girl will learn more from assisting her mother in the home than from any textbooks. The importance of being a wife and mother needs to be emphasized. This is a job demanding a whole variety of skills, both practical and personal. There is no other job quite like it and no other job gives the same level of fulfillment. It is indeed a great privilege to be a wife and mother.
The young girl should understand her life will be different from that of her male siblings. She will have less freedom and more duties as a child. However she will not have the same level of responsibility in later life. While a religious vocation should always be encouraged and prayed for, statistically it is more likely the girl will turn to the married vocation. She should know the primary purpose of marriage is procreation. While we would hope a marriage should be a happy one, happiness is not necessary for a good marriage. Devotion to duty and a preparedness for sacrifice are much more important.
If parents discipline their girls and train them in a spirit of sacrifice from an early age, then marriage should not be a problem for them. As for the age of consent, I think competency is actually more important. A girl should not marry until she has mastered her housekeeping skills. I believe a husband ideally should be 8/10 years older. In this way the girl will find obedience and submission easier and the young man will be able to exercise his authority more easily. In general, however, I believe a girl should enter her chosen vocation as early as is practicable.
Parents, be honest with your girls. They must follow God’s plan for them, not the plans of the feminist society in which we live.
God bless you all at TIA.
Yours faithfully
C.P., Ireland
Feminism’s Frustration
Dear TIA,
Re: Barbie movie review
Thank you for the outstanding review of the Barbie movie. I am so often reminded of one of TIA's greatest achievements: the identification of most of modern culture of any kind, painting, music, tv, movies, art, etc., as completely contrary to the will of God on this planet. Your site is a constant, precious resource against not just sickly Novus Ordo Modernism, but against the bulk of what we experience daily in the media, i.e. deadly Cultural Communism.
I personally know an aging feminist who enjoyed the Barbie movie so much that she saw it twice. It's worth noting that this (anonymous example) woman cannot hold onto a relationship with a man and never has. She considers traditional Catholic life, faith and marriage to be just plain foolish. Like so many we all know, her only absolute value is that 'there are no absolute values'. And, of course, she thinks that the patriarchy is somehow responsible for all of the world's ills. The same empty platitudes of the movie, but acted out in real life.
Please note that there is no gloating on my part over the terrible self-inflicted loneliness of this stereotypical liberal (I don't like liberals, who does?). She never ever seems happy because she is not. Her life is dedicated to de facto marxist conflict applied even to a dichotomy of false classes: 'all women vs. all men.' It's insane. Diabolical! It reminds me of Shakira the pop star singing John Lenin's anthem to Atheism "Imagine" to wryly smiling Bergoglio Francis at the UN in 2015. ("Imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try. No hell below us, above us, only sky"). A celebration of nothing to nothing for nothing. An absence of any recognizable virtue.
However, Our Lady has shown us just how precious women of all kinds: mothers, wives, consecrated celibates, nuns, sisters, teenagers, even well raised little girls, etc. are to a truly just, holy, and sound society. I think of all the Saints who've had the sacred stigmata, most of them women, so Heaven can show us visibly just how powerful is true love of women for Christ. So we will continue to pray for these feminists' conversions. The cornerstone of any just society remains the Catholic family. There's nothing they can do to change that truth.
So, bless TIA for all of your brave work. I believe Our Lady is uniquely proud of you all.
Ave Maria,
Re: Barbie movie review
Thank you for the outstanding review of the Barbie movie. I am so often reminded of one of TIA's greatest achievements: the identification of most of modern culture of any kind, painting, music, tv, movies, art, etc., as completely contrary to the will of God on this planet. Your site is a constant, precious resource against not just sickly Novus Ordo Modernism, but against the bulk of what we experience daily in the media, i.e. deadly Cultural Communism.
I personally know an aging feminist who enjoyed the Barbie movie so much that she saw it twice. It's worth noting that this (anonymous example) woman cannot hold onto a relationship with a man and never has. She considers traditional Catholic life, faith and marriage to be just plain foolish. Like so many we all know, her only absolute value is that 'there are no absolute values'. And, of course, she thinks that the patriarchy is somehow responsible for all of the world's ills. The same empty platitudes of the movie, but acted out in real life.
Please note that there is no gloating on my part over the terrible self-inflicted loneliness of this stereotypical liberal (I don't like liberals, who does?). She never ever seems happy because she is not. Her life is dedicated to de facto marxist conflict applied even to a dichotomy of false classes: 'all women vs. all men.' It's insane. Diabolical! It reminds me of Shakira the pop star singing John Lenin's anthem to Atheism "Imagine" to wryly smiling Bergoglio Francis at the UN in 2015. ("Imagine there's no heaven, it's easy if you try. No hell below us, above us, only sky"). A celebration of nothing to nothing for nothing. An absence of any recognizable virtue.
However, Our Lady has shown us just how precious women of all kinds: mothers, wives, consecrated celibates, nuns, sisters, teenagers, even well raised little girls, etc. are to a truly just, holy, and sound society. I think of all the Saints who've had the sacred stigmata, most of them women, so Heaven can show us visibly just how powerful is true love of women for Christ. So we will continue to pray for these feminists' conversions. The cornerstone of any just society remains the Catholic family. There's nothing they can do to change that truth.
So, bless TIA for all of your brave work. I believe Our Lady is uniquely proud of you all.
Ave Maria,
Posted October 24, 2023

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