What People are Commenting
Omission, Melania & Contradictory Revelations
The Real Melania Trump
This article below in Newsmax was a very disappointing.
I used to hold out some hope for Melania and I thought she at least had some Catholic blood in her veins but now I see that she doesn't have a drop.
Former first lady Melania Trump will detail her pro-choice stance on abortion in her upcoming memoir and said there’s “no room for compromise” on the issue in a video released to promote the book on Thursday.
An excerpt from her upcoming memoir “Melania” obtained by The Guardian said that the former first lady said she believes that “it is imperative to guarantee that women have autonomy in deciding their preference of having children, based on their own convictions, free from any intervention or pressure from the government.”
She added: “Why should anyone other than the woman herself have the power to determine what she does with her own body? A woman’s fundamental right of individual liberty, to her own life, grants her the authority to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes.”
The excerpt continued: “Restricting a woman’s right to choose whether to terminate an unwanted pregnancy is the same as denying her control over her own body. I have carried this belief with me throughout my entire adult life.”
She reiterated her stance on abortion Thursday morning in a social media teaser promoting her book: “Individual freedom is a fundamental principle that I safeguard. Without a doubt, there is no room for compromise when it comes to this essential right that all women possess from birth.
This article below in Newsmax was a very disappointing.
I used to hold out some hope for Melania and I thought she at least had some Catholic blood in her veins but now I see that she doesn't have a drop.
Former first lady Melania Trump will detail her pro-choice stance on abortion in her upcoming memoir and said there’s “no room for compromise” on the issue in a video released to promote the book on Thursday.
An excerpt from her upcoming memoir “Melania” obtained by The Guardian said that the former first lady said she believes that “it is imperative to guarantee that women have autonomy in deciding their preference of having children, based on their own convictions, free from any intervention or pressure from the government.”
She added: “Why should anyone other than the woman herself have the power to determine what she does with her own body? A woman’s fundamental right of individual liberty, to her own life, grants her the authority to terminate her pregnancy if she wishes.”
The excerpt continued: “Restricting a woman’s right to choose whether to terminate an unwanted pregnancy is the same as denying her control over her own body. I have carried this belief with me throughout my entire adult life.”
She reiterated her stance on abortion Thursday morning in a social media teaser promoting her book: “Individual freedom is a fundamental principle that I safeguard. Without a doubt, there is no room for compromise when it comes to this essential right that all women possess from birth.
Contradiction in Private Revelations
Dear TIA,
I come to you for help in understanding how to handle the private revelations of two saints giving contradictory information.
In the Mystical City of God, Venerable Mary of Agreda tells us, “The exact number of blows dealt out to the Savior from head to foot was 5,115.” In the writings of Saint Brigitte, we have the number 5,480 instead and the devotion that corresponds to honoring them but actually is short by 5 (15 groups of prayers daily for one year = 5,475).
I send you two sources: One, a website. The other, a photo of a booklet on St. Brigitte in French.
I could not find anything about this online except a forum of Baptists. How sad that they have noticed and take it as a proof that Catholicism is a false religion.
What are we supposed to think?
Thank you in advance,
TIA responds:
Dear C.G.,
We believe that since the two very virtuous seers received their revelations mystically, there is no way to know how they counted the blows for us to be able to give an opinion on their final count.
But, as good Catholics, let us not focus on the apparent contradiction, but on a possible harmonization of these numbers. Let us try to see if there can be an explanation for this difference in counting.
We are considering a blow, for the purpose of this answer, the final slash of the whip on the Body of the Savior.
When we analyze the back of the Shroud of Turin, we see three different types of scourges used for the Flagellation (see picture at right). Two of those scourges had short handles, one with three leather straps with multiple small bones, another with seven straight leather straps with two small balls of lead at end of it, and a third scourge that did not have a handle but
formed a ring from which hung four knotted leather straps with hard bones at the edge of each.
It seems that the seers saw the men flagellating Our Lord and counted the blows that each man’s arm inflicted on Him. Then, they multiplied the blows by the number of straps on each scourge to calculate the final blows on Our Lord’s Body. One of them could easily have made a mistake as she multiplied the blows by the number of straps on each whip. She could, for example, have counted five or six straps instead of the actual seven straps on the whip with lead balls at the end. This would explain the discrepancy in numbers. Such a mistake would be more than understandable in a lady under the stress of great emotion at seeing Our Lord being flagellated so cruelly.
Here you have one simple and reasonable explanation for what superficially could be considered a contradiction. There are other possible explanations that for sake of brevity we will not set out here.
We stress, however, that even if is important to clarify the objective number of blows Our Lord received in the Flagellation, much more important is to have a spirit of compassion for Him in suffering that torture.
In the case of the devotion you mention that honors a precise number of blows, it is our opinion that you and those who practice such devotion should continue to do so in perfect peace of mind. Again, what actually counts is the spirit of compassion each of us should have.
Regarding the Baptists who see in this difference a reason to go against the Catholic Church, we believe that they are blind and have stone hearts. They cannot see that God sends private revelations principally to trigger in Catholic souls more love and understanding of His Passion and His love for us. The Protestants see reality thorough the lens of revolt and filter all sentiments through bitterness. These criteria make their lives an antechamber of Hell.
TIA correspondence desk
I come to you for help in understanding how to handle the private revelations of two saints giving contradictory information.
In the Mystical City of God, Venerable Mary of Agreda tells us, “The exact number of blows dealt out to the Savior from head to foot was 5,115.” In the writings of Saint Brigitte, we have the number 5,480 instead and the devotion that corresponds to honoring them but actually is short by 5 (15 groups of prayers daily for one year = 5,475).
I send you two sources: One, a website. The other, a photo of a booklet on St. Brigitte in French.
I could not find anything about this online except a forum of Baptists. How sad that they have noticed and take it as a proof that Catholicism is a false religion.
What are we supposed to think?
Thank you in advance,
TIA responds:
Dear C.G.,
We believe that since the two very virtuous seers received their revelations mystically, there is no way to know how they counted the blows for us to be able to give an opinion on their final count.
But, as good Catholics, let us not focus on the apparent contradiction, but on a possible harmonization of these numbers. Let us try to see if there can be an explanation for this difference in counting.
We are considering a blow, for the purpose of this answer, the final slash of the whip on the Body of the Savior.

Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus
It seems that the seers saw the men flagellating Our Lord and counted the blows that each man’s arm inflicted on Him. Then, they multiplied the blows by the number of straps on each scourge to calculate the final blows on Our Lord’s Body. One of them could easily have made a mistake as she multiplied the blows by the number of straps on each whip. She could, for example, have counted five or six straps instead of the actual seven straps on the whip with lead balls at the end. This would explain the discrepancy in numbers. Such a mistake would be more than understandable in a lady under the stress of great emotion at seeing Our Lord being flagellated so cruelly.
Here you have one simple and reasonable explanation for what superficially could be considered a contradiction. There are other possible explanations that for sake of brevity we will not set out here.
We stress, however, that even if is important to clarify the objective number of blows Our Lord received in the Flagellation, much more important is to have a spirit of compassion for Him in suffering that torture.
In the case of the devotion you mention that honors a precise number of blows, it is our opinion that you and those who practice such devotion should continue to do so in perfect peace of mind. Again, what actually counts is the spirit of compassion each of us should have.
Regarding the Baptists who see in this difference a reason to go against the Catholic Church, we believe that they are blind and have stone hearts. They cannot see that God sends private revelations principally to trigger in Catholic souls more love and understanding of His Passion and His love for us. The Protestants see reality thorough the lens of revolt and filter all sentiments through bitterness. These criteria make their lives an antechamber of Hell.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted October 8, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: St. Catherine: ‘The Cowardly & Complicit Silence of Bishops’
There were Bishops at Vatican II who weren’t modernists. They knew the Faith, extremely well.
Why didn’t 800, or at least 500, ok 200, 50 surely, or even only 15 gather before promulgation of Vatican II, or months before it, and warn the priests, the highly educated clergy and the simple clergy about the coming darkness?
They could have established networks to keep Catholics together, children educated in the Faith, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, keep some Churches sound.
I think of this, but move on. Rosary, Brown Scapular, listen to traditional – which is redundant – Catholic sermons, try to tell people of absolute destruction and malice of today’s Rome...
But the few who didn’t sign... Was that enough? And the others, oh but they were confused...
Archbishop John Fisher was certainly shocked, but he didn’t shirk his Catholic duty. I think of him a lot. By the way, I found out he was quite a Shepherd, kind and attentive to his flock before he was tortured to death for Christ and His Church.
He belongs to all of us now, ready to receive our prayers.