What People are Commenting
Imam & One Title Does Not Fit All
Tumultuous Times
Dear TIA Correspondence Desk,
Today in my Inbox your masterpiece of a response arrived!
I refer to my letter and your reply about the recent kiss given by Pope Francis upon an Imam's hand in Indonesia. The sight of that kiss disturbed me so grievously, that I wrote a letter to your Mailbag, wondering as I did, if it would be published and further wondering as to your reaction.
Today I realized my letter was not only published with the headline: Given Francis' Heresies Should We Become Sede-Vacantists? -- but it was answered with enormous care and attention, time and devotion, with amazing erudition in such length as to be thoroughly instructive.
I marveled with what precision your response had been composed, laying out comprehensively so much and giving, most importantly, a course to follow -- so as to instruct and fortify not only myself but all of us readers -- giving us such benefits as if we had, in effect attended a seminar on the subject, replete with links to study and illustrations for us to ponder.
I am indeed overwhelmingly grateful to TIA! I have read it through twice, slowly and thoughtfully, at this point and later shall return to begin delving into the embedded links but I could not delay this same day, in conveying to you my heartfelt Thank You!
Yes, grateful to know TIA and to be able to turn to you in the tumult of these times.
Blessings in Maria,
Dr. E.A.Z.
Today in my Inbox your masterpiece of a response arrived!
I refer to my letter and your reply about the recent kiss given by Pope Francis upon an Imam's hand in Indonesia. The sight of that kiss disturbed me so grievously, that I wrote a letter to your Mailbag, wondering as I did, if it would be published and further wondering as to your reaction.
Today I realized my letter was not only published with the headline: Given Francis' Heresies Should We Become Sede-Vacantists? -- but it was answered with enormous care and attention, time and devotion, with amazing erudition in such length as to be thoroughly instructive.
I marveled with what precision your response had been composed, laying out comprehensively so much and giving, most importantly, a course to follow -- so as to instruct and fortify not only myself but all of us readers -- giving us such benefits as if we had, in effect attended a seminar on the subject, replete with links to study and illustrations for us to ponder.
I am indeed overwhelmingly grateful to TIA! I have read it through twice, slowly and thoughtfully, at this point and later shall return to begin delving into the embedded links but I could not delay this same day, in conveying to you my heartfelt Thank You!
Yes, grateful to know TIA and to be able to turn to you in the tumult of these times.
Blessings in Maria,
Dr. E.A.Z.
One Title Does Not Fit All
Hello and GOD bless,
On Sede-vacantism and receiving the Sacraments. Further, to your recent article on the confusing topic of Sede-vacantism.
It would seem that one title doesn't fit all. Apparently there are 4 different groups, depending on what they believe. All, believing they are the correct group, a bit like yourselves.
One thing that stands out to me from Our Lady of La Salette's message is that she said that The Church would be in Eclipse, which is something we should take in a literal sense, as Our Holy Mother has chosen these words for a reason.
One definition and I think is the one that most people would understand as being what was meant in Her message: "The partial or total blocking of light of one celestial object by another".
So to me this would mean that whatever is eclipsing the One True Catholic Church, founded by JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF, is another religion. A counterfeit church instigated by Satan and his minions.
On receiving Holy Communion and the Sacrement of Confession: It would seem to me that a Priest who is ordained in the old rite of Ordination by a valid Bishop would provide a person with valid Sacraments.
To say who is valid in these times is virtually impossible from a human point of view. But I believe if the Bishop has followed to the best of his ability the True Teachings of The Church, that these ordinations are valid.
Yours Faithfully,
TIA responds:
Hello T.R.,
Thank you for your lucid observations about both the various types of sede-vacantism – one title does not fit all – and the definition of an eclipse: the blockage of a luminous object by an opaque one, the latter being a different religion. It is another metaphor for our idea of sede usurpata.
TIA correspondence desk
Hello and GOD bless,
On Sede-vacantism and receiving the Sacraments. Further, to your recent article on the confusing topic of Sede-vacantism.
It would seem that one title doesn't fit all. Apparently there are 4 different groups, depending on what they believe. All, believing they are the correct group, a bit like yourselves.
One thing that stands out to me from Our Lady of La Salette's message is that she said that The Church would be in Eclipse, which is something we should take in a literal sense, as Our Holy Mother has chosen these words for a reason.
One definition and I think is the one that most people would understand as being what was meant in Her message: "The partial or total blocking of light of one celestial object by another".
So to me this would mean that whatever is eclipsing the One True Catholic Church, founded by JESUS CHRIST HIMSELF, is another religion. A counterfeit church instigated by Satan and his minions.
On receiving Holy Communion and the Sacrement of Confession: It would seem to me that a Priest who is ordained in the old rite of Ordination by a valid Bishop would provide a person with valid Sacraments.
To say who is valid in these times is virtually impossible from a human point of view. But I believe if the Bishop has followed to the best of his ability the True Teachings of The Church, that these ordinations are valid.
Yours Faithfully,
TIA responds:
Hello T.R.,
Thank you for your lucid observations about both the various types of sede-vacantism – one title does not fit all – and the definition of an eclipse: the blockage of a luminous object by an opaque one, the latter being a different religion. It is another metaphor for our idea of sede usurpata.
TIA correspondence desk
Implications of Sede-Vacante Position
Thank you for your continued exemplary efforts to teach Catholics worldwide on the Faith and these troubling, as the Venerable Holzhauser called, “End Times”. I wish to pose a fundamental question on the subject of Sede-Vacantism. To believe that this situation exists, what would the ramifications be and how should a Roman Catholic behave?
As a devout Roman Catholic, I am not a theologian or sufficiently learned about all Divine and Canon Laws that pertain to this subject. I am tediously searching the internet for knowledge from Scripture, Oral Tradition, Fathers and Doctors of the Church. Unfortunately, today there are too many so-called “experts” who behave like they are canon lawyers or theologians – and I mean theologians who subscribe to traditional Catholic teachings; not Modernism/ Progressivism.
The other challenge is Catholic sects, such as SPPV and a number of independent traditional priests tend to be, in my humble opinion, arrogant and uncharitable towards those with differing opinions on the subject. Typically, they want nothing to do with devout Catholics who do not subscribed to their overtly militant views in totality.
One other point – I only care about today and the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio. I do not wish to concern myself with all the Popes since Vatican II. With all that Catholic Prophecies indicate about the chastisements we are facing, it’s today and tomorrow I am concerned with.
As for my wife and me, we prefer the Traditional Latin Mass and associated Sacraments. Unfortunately, we have to drive nearly 3 hours one way to participate in the TLM on Sundays. We are elderly and have health conditions that limit such travel regularly. Therefore, we do that every two or three months and participate on the Internet for the TLM for other Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation – praying unceasingly the Rosary and other prayers/ devotions daily. It is a desert out here.
I wish to conclude that after investigating this matter the best that I am able to, I am inclined to believe that Bergoglio is a heretic and apostate and the Chair of Peter is empty. Yet, I do not believe in behaving any differently than you do. I see no reason to get emotional and overly prejudiced about this matter.
Did not the BVM say that ultimately our last recourse will be The Rosary and the Sign left by Her Son? My wife and I remain devout, devoted and militant for our Faith with Hope and Love. We are confident that in the end the Blessed Virgin Mary will win. Though the “Chair” may be empty, we will continue to behave no differently than we are presently. We await with joyful hope for the “Counter-Reformation” led by the Great Monarch and the Holy Pope to come.
Yours in Christ,
TIA responds:
Dear N.F.,
Thank you for your sincere letter. We respect your position very much and are sorry for your situation which does not allow you and your wife to have more frequent access to the Mass and Sacraments.
Regarding the present day Pope and the other conciliar Popes, we believe they are heretics since all defended the heresy of universal salvation. Therefore, they are not Popes before God.
However, since the Church is a visible society and a majority of Catholics considered them as Popes as does the world in general, they are de facto Popes before the Church and the world.
For them to stop being Popes before the Church, it would be necessary that a considerable number of Catholics would be aware of their heresies and would deny obedience to them when they teach error. For this to happen, we as Catholics need to resist the wrong doctrines they preach and denounce them as much as we can.
The sede-vacantists enter the picture to disturb the execution of this simple operation. They wrongly affirm that when the Pope is heretic, he loses his power of jurisdiction and power of orders. This accusation has the practical effect of creating chaos and encouraging scrupulousity among Catholics, who no longer know with certainty what is a valid sacrament or a valid command of the authority. Further, the sede-vacantists have detonated their system of mutual “excommunications,” condemning those who disagree with them. In other words, they damage the genuine reaction against Progressivism and favor the enemy.
Given the increasingly bold statements of Pope Francis TIA is adapting its focus on the resistance: The See of Peter has been usurped by Progressivism and Masonry. This takeover makes the juridical dispute about the validity of the conciliar Popes still more out-of-place. Let us unite efforts to expel the enemy by spreading their desire to destroy the Church, instead of spewing the constant sterile accusation “I am right, you are wrong.”
For this counter-attack to be successful many prayers are necessary.
We hope that these considerations show you that by thinking as you do and praying the Rosary, you are doing what all Catholics should do.
TIA correspondence desk
Thank you for your continued exemplary efforts to teach Catholics worldwide on the Faith and these troubling, as the Venerable Holzhauser called, “End Times”. I wish to pose a fundamental question on the subject of Sede-Vacantism. To believe that this situation exists, what would the ramifications be and how should a Roman Catholic behave?
As a devout Roman Catholic, I am not a theologian or sufficiently learned about all Divine and Canon Laws that pertain to this subject. I am tediously searching the internet for knowledge from Scripture, Oral Tradition, Fathers and Doctors of the Church. Unfortunately, today there are too many so-called “experts” who behave like they are canon lawyers or theologians – and I mean theologians who subscribe to traditional Catholic teachings; not Modernism/ Progressivism.
The other challenge is Catholic sects, such as SPPV and a number of independent traditional priests tend to be, in my humble opinion, arrogant and uncharitable towards those with differing opinions on the subject. Typically, they want nothing to do with devout Catholics who do not subscribed to their overtly militant views in totality.
One other point – I only care about today and the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio. I do not wish to concern myself with all the Popes since Vatican II. With all that Catholic Prophecies indicate about the chastisements we are facing, it’s today and tomorrow I am concerned with.
As for my wife and me, we prefer the Traditional Latin Mass and associated Sacraments. Unfortunately, we have to drive nearly 3 hours one way to participate in the TLM on Sundays. We are elderly and have health conditions that limit such travel regularly. Therefore, we do that every two or three months and participate on the Internet for the TLM for other Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation – praying unceasingly the Rosary and other prayers/ devotions daily. It is a desert out here.
I wish to conclude that after investigating this matter the best that I am able to, I am inclined to believe that Bergoglio is a heretic and apostate and the Chair of Peter is empty. Yet, I do not believe in behaving any differently than you do. I see no reason to get emotional and overly prejudiced about this matter.
Did not the BVM say that ultimately our last recourse will be The Rosary and the Sign left by Her Son? My wife and I remain devout, devoted and militant for our Faith with Hope and Love. We are confident that in the end the Blessed Virgin Mary will win. Though the “Chair” may be empty, we will continue to behave no differently than we are presently. We await with joyful hope for the “Counter-Reformation” led by the Great Monarch and the Holy Pope to come.
Yours in Christ,
TIA responds:
Dear N.F.,
Thank you for your sincere letter. We respect your position very much and are sorry for your situation which does not allow you and your wife to have more frequent access to the Mass and Sacraments.
Regarding the present day Pope and the other conciliar Popes, we believe they are heretics since all defended the heresy of universal salvation. Therefore, they are not Popes before God.
However, since the Church is a visible society and a majority of Catholics considered them as Popes as does the world in general, they are de facto Popes before the Church and the world.
For them to stop being Popes before the Church, it would be necessary that a considerable number of Catholics would be aware of their heresies and would deny obedience to them when they teach error. For this to happen, we as Catholics need to resist the wrong doctrines they preach and denounce them as much as we can.
The sede-vacantists enter the picture to disturb the execution of this simple operation. They wrongly affirm that when the Pope is heretic, he loses his power of jurisdiction and power of orders. This accusation has the practical effect of creating chaos and encouraging scrupulousity among Catholics, who no longer know with certainty what is a valid sacrament or a valid command of the authority. Further, the sede-vacantists have detonated their system of mutual “excommunications,” condemning those who disagree with them. In other words, they damage the genuine reaction against Progressivism and favor the enemy.
Given the increasingly bold statements of Pope Francis TIA is adapting its focus on the resistance: The See of Peter has been usurped by Progressivism and Masonry. This takeover makes the juridical dispute about the validity of the conciliar Popes still more out-of-place. Let us unite efforts to expel the enemy by spreading their desire to destroy the Church, instead of spewing the constant sterile accusation “I am right, you are wrong.”
For this counter-attack to be successful many prayers are necessary.
We hope that these considerations show you that by thinking as you do and praying the Rosary, you are doing what all Catholics should do.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted September 17, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: Francis Kisses an Imam's Hand
They both are on the highway to eternal damnation. But don't the sins of Francis warrant much more punishment?
He doesn't have a clue, does he??