What People are Commenting
Trash Bags & Penitential Liturgy
Vatican II Was an Anti-Syllabus
Re: Ratzinger’s Anti-Scholastic Legacy
Ratzinger reveres a Jewish scholar while denigrating the greatest Catholic theologian Saint Thomas Aquinas? (Catholic theologian is result as no other type of theologian exists. And I tell nonCatholics this).
He called the work from the Vatican II horror an anti-Syllabus, in reference to Pope Pius IX? He has been judged and knows what he has wrought.
Re: Ratzinger’s Anti-Scholastic Legacy
Ratzinger reveres a Jewish scholar while denigrating the greatest Catholic theologian Saint Thomas Aquinas? (Catholic theologian is result as no other type of theologian exists. And I tell nonCatholics this).
He called the work from the Vatican II horror an anti-Syllabus, in reference to Pope Pius IX? He has been judged and knows what he has wrought.
Vatican II Similar to Freemasonry
Re: Ratzinger’s Anti-Scholastic Legacy
I know, Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) is guilty of the same crimes as the Freemasons of the Vatican II Conciliar Pseudo-Church.
I wonder if his repentance in the later days before his death would wipe out his guilt or not, only God knows. But the damage remains that modernists have destroyed the church to the foundation.
Now we are waiting for Our Lady to rebuild the Church with Her Triumph. The Rosary is the weapon for now, and hopefully there will be more true Traditional Mass to make reparation to both Hearts.
Re: Ratzinger’s Anti-Scholastic Legacy
I know, Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) is guilty of the same crimes as the Freemasons of the Vatican II Conciliar Pseudo-Church.
I wonder if his repentance in the later days before his death would wipe out his guilt or not, only God knows. But the damage remains that modernists have destroyed the church to the foundation.
Now we are waiting for Our Lady to rebuild the Church with Her Triumph. The Rosary is the weapon for now, and hopefully there will be more true Traditional Mass to make reparation to both Hearts.
Trash Bags vs Abortion
Dear TIA,
Our second daughter is a Dominican sister teaching fourth grade in California. That state places cameras on the trash trucks which collect recyclables. It is not allowed to toss plastic bags in the recycle bin, and the sisters are careful not to do such. One evening a parish group used the school for a function, and during cleanup a plastic bag found its way into the recycle bin. The trash truck camera noticed the bag and THE SCHOOL WAS FINED $400.
Killing your unborn is your right, but don't accidentally try to recycle a plastic bag. As the ancient Greeks said: "Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first drive insane."
Our second daughter is a Dominican sister teaching fourth grade in California. That state places cameras on the trash trucks which collect recyclables. It is not allowed to toss plastic bags in the recycle bin, and the sisters are careful not to do such. One evening a parish group used the school for a function, and during cleanup a plastic bag found its way into the recycle bin. The trash truck camera noticed the bag and THE SCHOOL WAS FINED $400.
Killing your unborn is your right, but don't accidentally try to recycle a plastic bag. As the ancient Greeks said: "Those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first drive insane."
Muslim Sacrilege
A Muslim-born politician in Switzerland shoots at an image of Our Lady and Baby Jesus during a target practice to help her "unwind." Some shots hit their faces. There was so much outrage over her blasphemous actions, she posted an apology and resigned. She pretended she did not bother to even check what the picture was she was shooting at...
Read here and here
The backlash is more than this leftist politician feminist expected. She has lost her job. Amazing. Still some consequences for bad action. She may even face legal consequences for violating religious freedom.
We can expect Francis to come to her defense soon, I imagine.
A Muslim-born politician in Switzerland shoots at an image of Our Lady and Baby Jesus during a target practice to help her "unwind." Some shots hit their faces. There was so much outrage over her blasphemous actions, she posted an apology and resigned. She pretended she did not bother to even check what the picture was she was shooting at...
Read here and here
The backlash is more than this leftist politician feminist expected. She has lost her job. Amazing. Still some consequences for bad action. She may even face legal consequences for violating religious freedom.
We can expect Francis to come to her defense soon, I imagine.

Coming Synod Penitential Liturgy
Dear TIA,
Salve Maria!
This news was sent to me by a friend. This October (in a few weeks), the Synod has a "Penitential Liturgy" planned. See here the flyer advertising the event here. The way to get to it is through the Synod website here, and then click on "Penitential Celebration", which takes you here. Then next to "Penitential Celebration", click on "ENG".
The most important excerpts are below, they speak for themselves:
In Jesu et Maria,
Salve Maria!
This news was sent to me by a friend. This October (in a few weeks), the Synod has a "Penitential Liturgy" planned. See here the flyer advertising the event here. The way to get to it is through the Synod website here, and then click on "Penitential Celebration", which takes you here. Then next to "Penitential Celebration", click on "ENG".
The most important excerpts are below, they speak for themselves:
A Church that wants to walk together must be continually reconciled. Forgiveness constitutes the Church’s fundamental fulfillment because it synthesizes its nature and mission. It would, however, be simplistic to only think of the Church as the administrator and dispenser of sacramental forgiveness.We can only pray for the Chastisement to come, and keep working as much and as quickly as we can to denounce the enemies in the Church, to wake more people up...
At the end of the spiritual retreat (30 September - 1 October) for all participants in the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, the Penitential Liturgy is intended to direct the work of the Synod towards the beginning of a new way of being Church.
In St. Peter's Basilica, the penitential celebration, presided over by Pope Francis, will include time to listen to three testimonies of persons who have suffered sin: the sin of abuse; the sin of war; the sin of indifference to the drama present in the growing phenomenon of migrations all over the world. Subsequently, the confession of a number of sins will take place. The aim is not to denounce the sin of others, but to acknowledge oneself as a member of those who, by omission or action, become the cause of suffering and responsible for the evil inflicted on the innocent and defenseless. Whoever expresses the request for forgiveness will do so in the name of all the baptized.
In particular, they will confess the:At the end of this confession of sins, the Holy Father will address, on behalf of all the faithful, the request for forgiveness to God and to the sisters and brothers of all humanity.
- Sin against peace
- Sin against creation, against indigenous populations, against migrants
- Sin of abuse
- Sin against women, family, youth
- Sin of using doctrine as stones to be hurled
- Sin against poverty
- Sin against synodality / lack of listening, communion, and participation of all
In Jesu et Maria,
Posted September 17, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Salve Maria!
Re: The Rosary Crusade that Freed Austria from the Communists
Your article has special meaning to me and it's posting was perfect timing.
September 12th, Holy Name of Mary feast day, is my father's birthday. He was born in Austria in 1914. His family fled the Communist regime and immigrated to the USA when he was very young. His faith kept our family on the right Catholic path as best he could with all the progressive changes that threatened us.
It is interesting that Fr Pavlicek, who led the Rosaries that saved Austria from Communism, was a Paramedic.
My father was a family physician who made house calls at all times of the day and night when he was sicker (Cancer) than his patients and never charged anyone who couldn't afford medical help. He took care of families from birth to death and was beloved by many.
He also saw the evils taking over the Church and was very concerned.
My devotion to Mary comes from him.
The Rosary, our most powerful weapon in these critical times, needs to be used and promulgated with the zeal of Fr. Pavlicek.
In Maria,