What People are Commenting
Dates, Carmelites & Chinese Priests
Do Not Join the Novus Ordo Revolution
Dear Tradition in Action
Ave Maria!
I have just watched a wonderful film about the French Carmelite Nuns who were executed in 1794 for refusing to join in the French Revolution and who instead chose to cling to their apostolic Catholic faith.
Their is a lesson here for us Catholics of today who are caught up in the revolution triggered by the Second Vatican Council otherwise known as the Novus Ordo. In imitation of the Carmelite nuns of Compiegne, we too should not be tempted to join in the Novus Ordo revolution but should instead remain steadfast in defending the orthodox Catholic faith at the heart of which is the traditional Latin Mass or what many of us lovingly know as the Mass of Ages the true the worship of our Lord established since the time of St Gregory the Great and affirmed by the Council of Trent. Let us not falter in our defense of the faith of our fathers.
The edifying words of St Peter Canisius say it all: "Better that only a few Catholics should be left, staunch and sincere in their religion, than that they should, remaining many, desire as it were, to be in collusion with the Church's enemies and in conformity with the open foes of our faith."
The French film telling the story of the martyrdom of the French Carmelite nuns is worth watching on You Tube and is called: Dialogue des Carmelites.
Tridentine Graces to you all,
J.C., U.K.
Ave Maria!
I have just watched a wonderful film about the French Carmelite Nuns who were executed in 1794 for refusing to join in the French Revolution and who instead chose to cling to their apostolic Catholic faith.
Their is a lesson here for us Catholics of today who are caught up in the revolution triggered by the Second Vatican Council otherwise known as the Novus Ordo. In imitation of the Carmelite nuns of Compiegne, we too should not be tempted to join in the Novus Ordo revolution but should instead remain steadfast in defending the orthodox Catholic faith at the heart of which is the traditional Latin Mass or what many of us lovingly know as the Mass of Ages the true the worship of our Lord established since the time of St Gregory the Great and affirmed by the Council of Trent. Let us not falter in our defense of the faith of our fathers.
The edifying words of St Peter Canisius say it all: "Better that only a few Catholics should be left, staunch and sincere in their religion, than that they should, remaining many, desire as it were, to be in collusion with the Church's enemies and in conformity with the open foes of our faith."
The French film telling the story of the martyrdom of the French Carmelite nuns is worth watching on You Tube and is called: Dialogue des Carmelites.
Tridentine Graces to you all,
J.C., U.K.
Francis & the Russian Schismatics
We know that the Russian Schismatic Church, self-denominated “Orthodox,” is a tool for Communism; it has been for a long time an informer of the KGB. It is not surprising, then, that the Ukrainians, who are in war with Russia, would expel it as a collaborator with the enemy. And so the Ukraine government did expel it.
Who came in defense of this tool of Communism? Francis.
Here and here we see Francis practicing religious liberty and equality again, following in the footsteps of all the Conciliar Popes. A religious liberty that in this case is aggravated by a support for Communism.
Most Vat II Catholics do not even realize how wrong this is, sadly.
We need a cleansing and a renewal, a true one.
We know that the Russian Schismatic Church, self-denominated “Orthodox,” is a tool for Communism; it has been for a long time an informer of the KGB. It is not surprising, then, that the Ukrainians, who are in war with Russia, would expel it as a collaborator with the enemy. And so the Ukraine government did expel it.
Who came in defense of this tool of Communism? Francis.
Here and here we see Francis practicing religious liberty and equality again, following in the footsteps of all the Conciliar Popes. A religious liberty that in this case is aggravated by a support for Communism.
Most Vat II Catholics do not even realize how wrong this is, sadly.
We need a cleansing and a renewal, a true one.
Francis’ Chinese ‘Catholic’ Priests
Dear TIA,
This group of young men, below, are some of the priests and friars from Fuijan, China, who participated in the “patriotic education” camp in Xinjang.
The aim is to insure that these priests are spreading the Chinese Communist propaganda on the State, and following all the guidelines that place the State above Religion.
Please note that they are all wearing secular clothing, mostly Western t-shirts. Nothing “too Catholic” like a Roman collar.
The one sent to make the instruction was Bishop Vincent Zhan Silu, a radical promoter of the Patriotic Catholic Church. He is so bad he was under Vatican excommunication for 18 years, until Francis. As part of the Vatican-China “deal” of 2018 he was recognized by Francis as Bishop of Funing/Xiapu. He was not required to change any of his views.
Can we really call the PCC Catholic? Can we really believe the good intentions of the Communist Party and its minion Bishop Zhan Silu?
Not hard questions to answer, sadly.
Let us pray for the persecuted Underground Church in China.
This group of young men, below, are some of the priests and friars from Fuijan, China, who participated in the “patriotic education” camp in Xinjang.
The aim is to insure that these priests are spreading the Chinese Communist propaganda on the State, and following all the guidelines that place the State above Religion.
Please note that they are all wearing secular clothing, mostly Western t-shirts. Nothing “too Catholic” like a Roman collar.
The one sent to make the instruction was Bishop Vincent Zhan Silu, a radical promoter of the Patriotic Catholic Church. He is so bad he was under Vatican excommunication for 18 years, until Francis. As part of the Vatican-China “deal” of 2018 he was recognized by Francis as Bishop of Funing/Xiapu. He was not required to change any of his views.
Can we really call the PCC Catholic? Can we really believe the good intentions of the Communist Party and its minion Bishop Zhan Silu?
Not hard questions to answer, sadly.
Let us pray for the persecuted Underground Church in China.

Posted September 12, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I recently subscribed to your email list, after having used your website for many years.
I appreciate the content very much.
I have one suggestion: that the dateline, or “date posted” be brought up to the top of the articles.
You very helpfully often embed links to other articles in your stories, and usually have a list of related articles at the bottom of the page. Especially when opening these links, it would be very helpful to immediately see when those articles were published.
Much of your material is “timeless” in that it relates to historical tradition, yet it in most cases it would still add valuable context to the story to know immediately when it was published.
The current placing of the date posted away down below the sharing bar is very hard to find: I did not even realize it was there until today! For long articles, scrolling down to that point and then back to the top is tedious.
Dating articles at the top is very much the standard approach in all media, so I hope that you will see the point of making the change.
Best regards,
God bless,
T.B., New Zealand
TIA responds:
Dear T.B.,
Thank you for your support and for your suggestion.
Most of our readers access our articles through the portal Latest Updates, which has very clearly printed the date of each posting. Several of our popular pages such as Church Revolution in Pictures, What People Are Commenting, View of the News & Progressivist Documents repeat again the date at the beginning of their indexes.
To access an article, a reader normally goes through these pages and is aware of the posting dates.
Besides, on each page, with the exception of the Saint of the Day section, the dates are repeated.
We understand that, for persons accustomed to surf the Internet looking for the latest news, our site can appear “tedious,” however they do not realize our aims. We are not turned toward giving the latest news. A reader can find this on most of the media outlets.
We are turned toward orienting our readers on how Catholic doctrine should be applied to present day matters and how these matters favor the advance of the Revolution or contribute to the fight of the Counter-Revolution. Our analysis of History, also, is done from the lens of the Revolution-Counter-Revolution fight. These comments are “timeless” as you rightly observed.
Notwithstanding, we would be very glad to attend to your request if it did not demand a manual change on more than 8,000 pages. At this moment, unfortunately, we do not have the time or the means to execute such a task.
TIA correspondence desk