What People are Commenting
Breastfeeding, Reptilians & Vatican Apostasy
Irish Songs
Dear TIA,
Re: The Rattlin’ Bog
I could sing that song well in homes and pubs 40-50 years ago. It would be a challenge for my Bidenesque brain today...
BTW, the Irish Rovers finally retired only a short few years ago. They were from the north of Ireland, which was obvious from their pronunciations... One of their songs you might appreciate was entitled "The Orange and The Green." It deals with a mixed marriage in Ireland and really says it all.
A link is here. Enjoy!
God bless!
Re: The Rattlin’ Bog
I could sing that song well in homes and pubs 40-50 years ago. It would be a challenge for my Bidenesque brain today...
BTW, the Irish Rovers finally retired only a short few years ago. They were from the north of Ireland, which was obvious from their pronunciations... One of their songs you might appreciate was entitled "The Orange and The Green." It deals with a mixed marriage in Ireland and really says it all.
A link is here. Enjoy!
God bless!
Miss or Mrs.?
Pax Christi
I am a 61-year-old woman who thankfully converted to Catholicism three years ago.
Though God graced me with many experiences in my life that eventually led to my conversion, I am still an obvious product of this chaotic modern world.
I am divorced. The Church has judged that I was emotionally "arrested" in my development, incapable of entering into a proper marriage, and granted an annulment.
I will not call myself "Ms." But Mrs? Miss?
I teach music and languages for a living, so this issue comes up.
God bless us and Our Lady protect us,
TIA responds:
We congratulate you for your good fortune to become a Catholic.
Thank you for your consideration in turning to us for a response to your problem.
Given that your marriage was annulled by the Church, it seems to us you should sign yourself with the title of Miss.
However, if you have children from that marriage, which you did not indicate, we believe it is more appropriate to sign yourself with Mrs., in order not to give the appearance that your progeny was out of the wedlock, that is, illegitimate. To protect the good reputation of your children it seems better in that case to use the title of Mrs.
TIA correspondence desk
Pax Christi
I am a 61-year-old woman who thankfully converted to Catholicism three years ago.
Though God graced me with many experiences in my life that eventually led to my conversion, I am still an obvious product of this chaotic modern world.
I am divorced. The Church has judged that I was emotionally "arrested" in my development, incapable of entering into a proper marriage, and granted an annulment.
I will not call myself "Ms." But Mrs? Miss?
I teach music and languages for a living, so this issue comes up.
God bless us and Our Lady protect us,
TIA responds:
We congratulate you for your good fortune to become a Catholic.
Thank you for your consideration in turning to us for a response to your problem.
Given that your marriage was annulled by the Church, it seems to us you should sign yourself with the title of Miss.
However, if you have children from that marriage, which you did not indicate, we believe it is more appropriate to sign yourself with Mrs., in order not to give the appearance that your progeny was out of the wedlock, that is, illegitimate. To protect the good reputation of your children it seems better in that case to use the title of Mrs.
TIA correspondence desk
Volcano Threatening Italy
Interesting news: Interesting in view of the many predictions and prophecies of earthquakes and disaster, and eventually Rome being destroyed.
In the red zone of the awakening Phlegraean Fields, the most dangerous volcano in Europe, 2,000-year-old ruins are rising from the earth, thrust upward by hydrothermal force. The water line is receding at the docks as the ground rises. Thousands of earthquakes, including one that drove 1,500 people into temporary shelter, are sending shock waves of fear through coastal communities. ... The fields, experts say, have the potential to wreak more havoc than Mount Vesuvius, about 25 miles away, during its historic destruction of Pompeii in 79 AD.
Interesting news: Interesting in view of the many predictions and prophecies of earthquakes and disaster, and eventually Rome being destroyed.
In the red zone of the awakening Phlegraean Fields, the most dangerous volcano in Europe, 2,000-year-old ruins are rising from the earth, thrust upward by hydrothermal force. The water line is receding at the docks as the ground rises. Thousands of earthquakes, including one that drove 1,500 people into temporary shelter, are sending shock waves of fear through coastal communities. ... The fields, experts say, have the potential to wreak more havoc than Mount Vesuvius, about 25 miles away, during its historic destruction of Pompeii in 79 AD.
Pelosi: 'We're Reptilian, Cold-Blooded'
Hello TIA,
Salve Maria!
I do not recommend deep diving into conspiracy theories. I used to spend far too many hours on bizarre websites trying to understand all kinds of strange phenomena until I ultimately realized that none of it was going to change my life in any meaningful way that would bring me closer to God.
The only conspiracy I really needed to investigate was the one that TIA already investigated: the infiltration into the Vatican and its effects on humanity. Everything else is mostly meaningless compared to this.
Some conspiracies come up organically that all can see, however, like Trump's bizarre assassination attempt with all of its inconsistencies and quirks. Today I bring another one that is growing in popularity.
In an interview, Nancy Pelosi said, "We’re different from the President, we’re very discreet, reptilian, cold blooded."
Now, I researched the reptilian conspiracy very briefly and wrote it off as fanatical but to then see her use this specific term along with cold-blooded after it was so strange I had to report it.
This specific twitter post has, at the time of this email (August 23, 10:39AM), 1.4 million views and the buzz seems to be growing around this term.
It just seems to me like more bizarreness in our political leaders is going to come, in many different forms, as we approach the coming Chastisement.
In Jesu et Maria,
Salve Maria!
I do not recommend deep diving into conspiracy theories. I used to spend far too many hours on bizarre websites trying to understand all kinds of strange phenomena until I ultimately realized that none of it was going to change my life in any meaningful way that would bring me closer to God.
The only conspiracy I really needed to investigate was the one that TIA already investigated: the infiltration into the Vatican and its effects on humanity. Everything else is mostly meaningless compared to this.
Some conspiracies come up organically that all can see, however, like Trump's bizarre assassination attempt with all of its inconsistencies and quirks. Today I bring another one that is growing in popularity.
In an interview, Nancy Pelosi said, "We’re different from the President, we’re very discreet, reptilian, cold blooded."
Now, I researched the reptilian conspiracy very briefly and wrote it off as fanatical but to then see her use this specific term along with cold-blooded after it was so strange I had to report it.
This specific twitter post has, at the time of this email (August 23, 10:39AM), 1.4 million views and the buzz seems to be growing around this term.
It just seems to me like more bizarreness in our political leaders is going to come, in many different forms, as we approach the coming Chastisement.
In Jesu et Maria,
Saying Amen at Holy Communion
Dear TIA,
Here in the UK we have an influx of priests from Africa and the Sub-Continent as a consequence of the collapse of ‘home-grown’ vocations in the Novus Ordo. One has grown wary (and weary!) through experience, of their frequently ‘charismatic’ tendencies, shallow formation and promotion of every Vatican II novelty.
Last Sunday, the distinguished priest from Ghana in his sermon stressed the vital importance of communicants saying “Amen” as they receive the Host. This is of course a Protestant novelty introduced into the rubrics only in 1969. It reflects Protestant theology that the faith of the communicant confects the sacrament whereas the true Catholic theology is that Christ is really present after a valid consecration irrespective of the state of the faith of the recipient. The responses of the congregation in the Novus Ordo are redolent of a Greek Chorus (in a tragedy!).
Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
Here in the UK we have an influx of priests from Africa and the Sub-Continent as a consequence of the collapse of ‘home-grown’ vocations in the Novus Ordo. One has grown wary (and weary!) through experience, of their frequently ‘charismatic’ tendencies, shallow formation and promotion of every Vatican II novelty.
Last Sunday, the distinguished priest from Ghana in his sermon stressed the vital importance of communicants saying “Amen” as they receive the Host. This is of course a Protestant novelty introduced into the rubrics only in 1969. It reflects Protestant theology that the faith of the communicant confects the sacrament whereas the true Catholic theology is that Christ is really present after a valid consecration irrespective of the state of the faith of the recipient. The responses of the congregation in the Novus Ordo are redolent of a Greek Chorus (in a tragedy!).
Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
The Apostasy Comes from the Top
“The future Pope Pius XII, 31 years before the beginning of the Second Vatican Council, spoke these words: ‘I am worried by the Blessed Virgin’s messages to little Lucia of Fatima. This persistence of Mary about the dangers which menace the Church is a divine warning against the suicide of altering the faith, in her liturgy, her theology and her soul … I hear all around me innovators who wish to dismantle the Sacred Chapel, destroy the universal flame of the Church, reject her ornaments and make her feel remorse for her historical past …
A day will come when the civilized world will deny its God, when the Church will doubt as Peter doubted. She will be tempted to believe that man has become God. In our churches, Christians will search in vain for the red lamp where God awaits them.
Like Mary Magdalene, weeping before the empty tomb, they will ask, ‘Where have they taken Him?’”
Indeed, these were prophetic words as, since Vatican II, we have seen an attempt to “update the Faith” by moving the Church away from the Deposit of Faith, which cannot be changed or amended. It is easy to understand why the revealing of the Third Secret of Fatima was to occur in 1960, and why it was suppressed by those who had the intent to change what could not be changed.
Cardinal Ratzinger, before becoming Pope Benedict XVI, stated that the Third Secret referred to “dangers threatening the faith,” and he drew a parallel between the message of Fatima and the message of Akita. Cardinal Mario Luigi Ciappi, who had read the Third Secret, stated that the Virgin had said that apostasy would begin from the top. Padre Pio spoke about a “false church” and a “great apostasy” occurring after 1960 in regard to the Third Secret. However, when the purported Third Secret was released in 2000, it said nothing about these things.
The Mass of St. Pope Paul VI, while valid, after 60 years of practice, has now been demonstrably proven to be far less efficacious than the Tridentine Rite… As a result, the relative powers of Satan, via his conduit, the Occult and its myriad forms, is once again spreading across the earth.
Again, for those who say they believe in God and, thus, the supernatural, this is an assertion that is both defensible and begs one that’s contrary to come forth. The cabal present within the Vatican that is relentlessly pressing to extinguish all vestiges of the Tridentine Rite is effectively doing the devils work. …
For “those with eyes to see” it’s not that complex.
“The future Pope Pius XII, 31 years before the beginning of the Second Vatican Council, spoke these words: ‘I am worried by the Blessed Virgin’s messages to little Lucia of Fatima. This persistence of Mary about the dangers which menace the Church is a divine warning against the suicide of altering the faith, in her liturgy, her theology and her soul … I hear all around me innovators who wish to dismantle the Sacred Chapel, destroy the universal flame of the Church, reject her ornaments and make her feel remorse for her historical past …
A day will come when the civilized world will deny its God, when the Church will doubt as Peter doubted. She will be tempted to believe that man has become God. In our churches, Christians will search in vain for the red lamp where God awaits them.
Like Mary Magdalene, weeping before the empty tomb, they will ask, ‘Where have they taken Him?’”
Indeed, these were prophetic words as, since Vatican II, we have seen an attempt to “update the Faith” by moving the Church away from the Deposit of Faith, which cannot be changed or amended. It is easy to understand why the revealing of the Third Secret of Fatima was to occur in 1960, and why it was suppressed by those who had the intent to change what could not be changed.
Cardinal Ratzinger, before becoming Pope Benedict XVI, stated that the Third Secret referred to “dangers threatening the faith,” and he drew a parallel between the message of Fatima and the message of Akita. Cardinal Mario Luigi Ciappi, who had read the Third Secret, stated that the Virgin had said that apostasy would begin from the top. Padre Pio spoke about a “false church” and a “great apostasy” occurring after 1960 in regard to the Third Secret. However, when the purported Third Secret was released in 2000, it said nothing about these things.
The Mass of St. Pope Paul VI, while valid, after 60 years of practice, has now been demonstrably proven to be far less efficacious than the Tridentine Rite… As a result, the relative powers of Satan, via his conduit, the Occult and its myriad forms, is once again spreading across the earth.
Again, for those who say they believe in God and, thus, the supernatural, this is an assertion that is both defensible and begs one that’s contrary to come forth. The cabal present within the Vatican that is relentlessly pressing to extinguish all vestiges of the Tridentine Rite is effectively doing the devils work. …
For “those with eyes to see” it’s not that complex.
Posted August 27, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: Cure of Ars on Mothers Nursing in Public
To add some weight to this article by the Cure de Ars: My first Mortal Sin was at 5 years old; I was escorted into the bedroom to see my cousin openly breastfeeding her new baby.