What People are Commenting
Pilgrim Priest, Nursing in Public & Knock
$19,000 for a Pair of Jeans
Dear TIA,
You know we are in trouble when you have to even ask the question: Is $19,000 too much to spend on jeans?!
Actress Blake Lively recently wore a pair of $19,000 jeans to a screening of her latest movie It Ends with Us.
Movie is well named. It really does have to end with us when we reach such a degree of extravagance and stupidity.
$19,000 on one pair of jeans!
You know we are in trouble when you have to even ask the question: Is $19,000 too much to spend on jeans?!
Actress Blake Lively recently wore a pair of $19,000 jeans to a screening of her latest movie It Ends with Us.
Movie is well named. It really does have to end with us when we reach such a degree of extravagance and stupidity.
$19,000 on one pair of jeans!
Cure of Ars on Mothers Nursing in Public
Dear TIA,
Recently a discussion exploded on Instagram on the propriety of mothers nursing their babies in public. It translates: Mothers should or should not expose their breast in public to nurse their babies.
Some argued that it is OK because in Medieval iconography there are many statues of Our Lady doing so.
Others were against arguing that in our times infected by a highly impure propaganda coming from Hollywood, Internet and academia (Strip-tease, Nudism, Freudism, Theology of the Body etc.) that old habit which could be understood in the past, should not be applied today among Catholics.
I am against this habit and one of my friends who initiated the discussion brought the text below by St. John Baptist Vianney, the Cure of Ars.
“There are mothers who have so little religion or, if you like, are so ignorant that if they want to show off their baby to some neighboring mothers, they will show it to them naked. Others, when they are putting on diapers, will leave the babies, for a long period of time, uncovered before everyone. Now even if there is no one present at all, you should not do this. Should you not respect the presence of their Guardian Angels?
“It is the same thing when you are feeding them. Should any Christian mother allow her breasts to remain exposed? And even if they are covered, should she not turn aside to some place where there is no one else? Then there are others who, under the pretext of being foster-nurses, are continually only half-covered. This is very disgusting. It is enough to make even the pagans blush. People are compelled to avoid their company in order not to expose themselves to evil thoughts.
“But, you will say to me, even if everyone is around, we must feed our children and change their diapers when they cry! And I shall tell you that when they cry, you ought to do everything you possibly can to quiet them but that it is a far better thing to let them cry a little than to offend God. Alas! How many mothers are the cause of evil glances, of bad thoughts, of immodest touches! Tell me, are these the Christian mothers who should be so reserved? Oh, dear God! What judgment should they expect?
“Others are so cruel that they let their children run around for the whole morning, during the summer, only half-dressed. Tell me, unhappy people, would it not be better for you to take your places among the savage beasts? Where is your religion, then, and your anxiety to do your duty? Alas! As far as religion is concerned, you have none. As for your duties, have you ever known what they were? That you have not, you give proof every day. Ah, poor children, how unfortunate you are to belong to such parents!”
S.B and S.D.
Recently a discussion exploded on Instagram on the propriety of mothers nursing their babies in public. It translates: Mothers should or should not expose their breast in public to nurse their babies.
Some argued that it is OK because in Medieval iconography there are many statues of Our Lady doing so.
Others were against arguing that in our times infected by a highly impure propaganda coming from Hollywood, Internet and academia (Strip-tease, Nudism, Freudism, Theology of the Body etc.) that old habit which could be understood in the past, should not be applied today among Catholics.
I am against this habit and one of my friends who initiated the discussion brought the text below by St. John Baptist Vianney, the Cure of Ars.
“There are mothers who have so little religion or, if you like, are so ignorant that if they want to show off their baby to some neighboring mothers, they will show it to them naked. Others, when they are putting on diapers, will leave the babies, for a long period of time, uncovered before everyone. Now even if there is no one present at all, you should not do this. Should you not respect the presence of their Guardian Angels?
“It is the same thing when you are feeding them. Should any Christian mother allow her breasts to remain exposed? And even if they are covered, should she not turn aside to some place where there is no one else? Then there are others who, under the pretext of being foster-nurses, are continually only half-covered. This is very disgusting. It is enough to make even the pagans blush. People are compelled to avoid their company in order not to expose themselves to evil thoughts.
“But, you will say to me, even if everyone is around, we must feed our children and change their diapers when they cry! And I shall tell you that when they cry, you ought to do everything you possibly can to quiet them but that it is a far better thing to let them cry a little than to offend God. Alas! How many mothers are the cause of evil glances, of bad thoughts, of immodest touches! Tell me, are these the Christian mothers who should be so reserved? Oh, dear God! What judgment should they expect?
“Others are so cruel that they let their children run around for the whole morning, during the summer, only half-dressed. Tell me, unhappy people, would it not be better for you to take your places among the savage beasts? Where is your religion, then, and your anxiety to do your duty? Alas! As far as religion is concerned, you have none. As for your duties, have you ever known what they were? That you have not, you give proof every day. Ah, poor children, how unfortunate you are to belong to such parents!”
S.B and S.D.
Message of Knock & the Eucharistic
Dear TIA,
Ave Maria+
May I begin by stating how much benefit I derive from the TIA website.
Keep up the great work.
I am an Irishman living in London where the Westminster Diocese has been taken over (for the time being) by the homosexualist and dis-chaste Novus Ordo Regime. That said, the Mass in the Old Rite is thriving, thanks be to God.
I read with interest the piece about our Lady of Knock where I recently visited for a couple of days pilgrimage.
I firmly believe the powerfully silent message of Our Lady of Knock is a Eucharistic message, reminding faithful Catholics everywhere of the importance of the Sacrament of Sacraments.
I believe this message is critically important in view of the Novus Ordo mass which is effectively no more than a 'religious service' and which has worked to degrade and mock the Eucharist in the midst of all those Catholics who have surrendered their souls to the empty faithless message of the Novus Ordo Regime. This truth can be illustrated most powerfully by recalling that many compromised contracepting Catholics don't think twice about joining in the Novus Ordo communion stampede each Sunday rendering their communion unworthy.
The message of knock is there to remind Catholics of the importance of the Apostolic Eucharist at the heart of true orthodox Catholicism and which is centered exclusively on the Old Rite. …
Those 'new age' Catholics who adhere to the Novus Ordo are foolishly following a sect which began in 1962 and as such has no apostolic connection.
All those who love the Catholic Church will recognize that the Novus Ordo Regime is providentially permitted by our Sovereign Lord to test us and ultimately to purify our faith as we struggle against the counterfeit and adulterated version being pushed by many clergy in our time in the form of the Novus Ordo.
May God's Will Be Done+
J.C., Ireland
Ave Maria+
May I begin by stating how much benefit I derive from the TIA website.
Keep up the great work.
I am an Irishman living in London where the Westminster Diocese has been taken over (for the time being) by the homosexualist and dis-chaste Novus Ordo Regime. That said, the Mass in the Old Rite is thriving, thanks be to God.
I read with interest the piece about our Lady of Knock where I recently visited for a couple of days pilgrimage.
I firmly believe the powerfully silent message of Our Lady of Knock is a Eucharistic message, reminding faithful Catholics everywhere of the importance of the Sacrament of Sacraments.
I believe this message is critically important in view of the Novus Ordo mass which is effectively no more than a 'religious service' and which has worked to degrade and mock the Eucharist in the midst of all those Catholics who have surrendered their souls to the empty faithless message of the Novus Ordo Regime. This truth can be illustrated most powerfully by recalling that many compromised contracepting Catholics don't think twice about joining in the Novus Ordo communion stampede each Sunday rendering their communion unworthy.
The message of knock is there to remind Catholics of the importance of the Apostolic Eucharist at the heart of true orthodox Catholicism and which is centered exclusively on the Old Rite. …
Those 'new age' Catholics who adhere to the Novus Ordo are foolishly following a sect which began in 1962 and as such has no apostolic connection.
All those who love the Catholic Church will recognize that the Novus Ordo Regime is providentially permitted by our Sovereign Lord to test us and ultimately to purify our faith as we struggle against the counterfeit and adulterated version being pushed by many clergy in our time in the form of the Novus Ordo.
May God's Will Be Done+
J.C., Ireland
Posted August 22, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Fr. David Nix comments and endorses an article by Dr. Marian Horvat on his web page. He addresses the question of Our Lady’s position during the Crucifixion.
You may read his article "A Marian View to the Catholic Church" here.
Thank you for your good work.