What People are Commenting
Huge Impact, Confessions & Silent Invasion
Huge Impact of Your Work
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ at Tradition in Action,
I wanted to write my heartfelt thanks for all your work, for introducing me to Our Lady of Good Success and helping me to foster a strong devotion to her.
I am a convert to the Faith, baptized 5 years ago at age 32 through an SSPX Mission Parish, in a remote, rural part of Australia. My husband also returned to his Faith after 30 years, Deo Gratias!
A dear friend introduced me to Dr. Horvat’s talks and they were instrumental in helping me to understand and implement elements of Christian virtue into my life, especially modesty and decorum. I am forever grateful!
Following the prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success and the life of Mother Marianna has helped us make sense of the times we are living in, helping us to remain hopeful in the unprecedented chaos and quagmire of liberalism and modernist heresies that saturates our society.
Our life has turned out unexpectedly and after our only son was stillborn three years ago, we haven’t been able to have any more children. I had poured over all the talks on raising children, the temperaments (a topic I’m heavily interested in as I studied Greek medicine for my previous career prior to being a housewife) and all things homeschooling, they were so interesting and delivered with such charity and clarity. Thank you! This life is short, Our Lord knows what is best for us and there is such sweetness in the Cross.
Anyway, this was my rambling way of thanking you for the huge impact your work had on our lives, across the other side of the world.
We live close by to a Traditional Benedictine Monastery where we have daily Holy Mass and the Divine Office which is a blessing of inestimable value. I was hoping it may be possible to purchase from you please some material regarding the Prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success to distribute amongst the faithful here?
Please be assured of our prayers for all involved in TIA,
In the Immaculate Heart,
M.W., Australia
I wanted to write my heartfelt thanks for all your work, for introducing me to Our Lady of Good Success and helping me to foster a strong devotion to her.
I am a convert to the Faith, baptized 5 years ago at age 32 through an SSPX Mission Parish, in a remote, rural part of Australia. My husband also returned to his Faith after 30 years, Deo Gratias!
A dear friend introduced me to Dr. Horvat’s talks and they were instrumental in helping me to understand and implement elements of Christian virtue into my life, especially modesty and decorum. I am forever grateful!
Following the prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success and the life of Mother Marianna has helped us make sense of the times we are living in, helping us to remain hopeful in the unprecedented chaos and quagmire of liberalism and modernist heresies that saturates our society.
Our life has turned out unexpectedly and after our only son was stillborn three years ago, we haven’t been able to have any more children. I had poured over all the talks on raising children, the temperaments (a topic I’m heavily interested in as I studied Greek medicine for my previous career prior to being a housewife) and all things homeschooling, they were so interesting and delivered with such charity and clarity. Thank you! This life is short, Our Lord knows what is best for us and there is such sweetness in the Cross.
Anyway, this was my rambling way of thanking you for the huge impact your work had on our lives, across the other side of the world.
We live close by to a Traditional Benedictine Monastery where we have daily Holy Mass and the Divine Office which is a blessing of inestimable value. I was hoping it may be possible to purchase from you please some material regarding the Prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success to distribute amongst the faithful here?
Please be assured of our prayers for all involved in TIA,
In the Immaculate Heart,
M.W., Australia
Novus Ordo Mass & Valid Confessions
I am learning more and more about the heresies of Bergoglio and Vatican 2 but I attend daily mass at local Novus Ordo church. I just read one of your replies which indicated that since I’m aware of the heresies, I am in a state of double mortal sin.
I plan to correct this as soon as possible but am wondering if going to confession with a Novus Ordo priest is illegitimate?
I am inclined to answer yes, it is illegitimate but I’m not sure. Also, have all my previous confessions been illegitimate and how do I make up for years of illegitimate confessions?
Thank you and May Our Lord and Savior keep and bless you always.
TIA responds:
Hello H.A.,
First, let us observe that the conclusion that you are in mortal sin is not indisputable. It may be a little hasty. What the posting you mention establishes are two boundaries between those persons who are entirely aware of the Protestant character of the Novus Ordo Mass and those who are entirely ignorant of it. Between these two parameters there is a space in which people are not clearly aware of the evils of such Mass. When there is no clear awareness, there is not mortal sin.
Second, we at TIA believe that the Sacraments at the Conciliar Church are valid, generally speaking. Therefore, when the need exists, we can benefit from going to Confession in these churches.
Third, if you go to Confession with a progressivist priest and confess the sin of going to a Novus Ordo Mass, he will tell you that there is no sin. This will make you still more confused and scrupulous.
Fourth, we conclude by advising you to stop going to the Novus Ordo Mass and look for a Tridentine Mass accessible to you. Start to attend it and then ask a tradionalist priest to hear your confession, in the case that you were/are going to the Novus Ordo Mass because you wanted/want to support its Protestant reforms.
TIA correspondence desk
I am learning more and more about the heresies of Bergoglio and Vatican 2 but I attend daily mass at local Novus Ordo church. I just read one of your replies which indicated that since I’m aware of the heresies, I am in a state of double mortal sin.
I plan to correct this as soon as possible but am wondering if going to confession with a Novus Ordo priest is illegitimate?
I am inclined to answer yes, it is illegitimate but I’m not sure. Also, have all my previous confessions been illegitimate and how do I make up for years of illegitimate confessions?
Thank you and May Our Lord and Savior keep and bless you always.
TIA responds:
Hello H.A.,
First, let us observe that the conclusion that you are in mortal sin is not indisputable. It may be a little hasty. What the posting you mention establishes are two boundaries between those persons who are entirely aware of the Protestant character of the Novus Ordo Mass and those who are entirely ignorant of it. Between these two parameters there is a space in which people are not clearly aware of the evils of such Mass. When there is no clear awareness, there is not mortal sin.
Second, we at TIA believe that the Sacraments at the Conciliar Church are valid, generally speaking. Therefore, when the need exists, we can benefit from going to Confession in these churches.
Third, if you go to Confession with a progressivist priest and confess the sin of going to a Novus Ordo Mass, he will tell you that there is no sin. This will make you still more confused and scrupulous.
Fourth, we conclude by advising you to stop going to the Novus Ordo Mass and look for a Tridentine Mass accessible to you. Start to attend it and then ask a tradionalist priest to hear your confession, in the case that you were/are going to the Novus Ordo Mass because you wanted/want to support its Protestant reforms.
TIA correspondence desk
The Silent Invasion
Dear TIA,
I am from Brazil and I believe this post on X will interest you.
[TIA translated the post below from Portuguese into English]
Keep up the good work.
The Silent Invasion
When someone speaks of the silent invasion people ask: What is this? I received the information below from the United Kingdom and I am sharing it as is for this simple reason: When you see the house of your neighbor burning, you should take precautions to save your own.
Well, here are the data.
The mayor of London is Muslim; the mayor of Birmingham is Muslim; the mayor of Leeds is Muslim; the mayor of Blackburn is Muslim; the mayor of Sheffield is Muslim; the mayor of Oxford is Muslim; the mayor of Lawton is Muslim; the mayor of Oldam is Muslim; the mayor of Rokdal is Muslim.
All this was achieved with only 4 million Muslims in a total of 66 million people in England.
Today there are more than 3,000 mosques in England. There are more than 130 Sharia Muslim tribunals. There are more than 50 Sharia counsels.
78% of the Muslim women do not work; they live from the State and have free housing.
63% of the Muslim men do not work; they live from the State and have free housing.
The Muslim families have an average of 6 to 8 children, with assistance and free lodging from the State.
All the schools of the U.K. are obliged to include a class about Islam, while atheist and socialist politicians try to forbid Christian teaching in predominantly Christian countries.
And can we have a say on this immigration policy?
One of the ways to combat this phenomenon is to disseminate this info throughout the United States, Europe and the world to inform the citizens of Christian countries.
This is the dangerous news that the media does not report.
This is the lesson the West has to learn.
The Muslim culture has silently invaded the West and they are already showing their sharp claws. France has 5 million Muslims; England and Germany 3 million each; Spain about 2 million; the United States about 500,000, and in the West an infinity of mosques.
They act in a dissimulated way and some look pacific while their aim is to dominate. When their number reach a majority they impose their laws and become violent.
Today we see them timid and frightened among the western leaders in the manifestations that occurred in France, but tomorrow they will collaborate with the most bloody Muslim terrorists paid by their petro-dollars.
I am from Brazil and I believe this post on X will interest you.
[TIA translated the post below from Portuguese into English]
Keep up the good work.
When someone speaks of the silent invasion people ask: What is this? I received the information below from the United Kingdom and I am sharing it as is for this simple reason: When you see the house of your neighbor burning, you should take precautions to save your own.
Well, here are the data.
The mayor of London is Muslim; the mayor of Birmingham is Muslim; the mayor of Leeds is Muslim; the mayor of Blackburn is Muslim; the mayor of Sheffield is Muslim; the mayor of Oxford is Muslim; the mayor of Lawton is Muslim; the mayor of Oldam is Muslim; the mayor of Rokdal is Muslim.
All this was achieved with only 4 million Muslims in a total of 66 million people in England.
Today there are more than 3,000 mosques in England. There are more than 130 Sharia Muslim tribunals. There are more than 50 Sharia counsels.
78% of the Muslim women do not work; they live from the State and have free housing.
63% of the Muslim men do not work; they live from the State and have free housing.
The Muslim families have an average of 6 to 8 children, with assistance and free lodging from the State.
All the schools of the U.K. are obliged to include a class about Islam, while atheist and socialist politicians try to forbid Christian teaching in predominantly Christian countries.
And can we have a say on this immigration policy?
One of the ways to combat this phenomenon is to disseminate this info throughout the United States, Europe and the world to inform the citizens of Christian countries.
This is the dangerous news that the media does not report.
This is the lesson the West has to learn.
The Muslim culture has silently invaded the West and they are already showing their sharp claws. France has 5 million Muslims; England and Germany 3 million each; Spain about 2 million; the United States about 500,000, and in the West an infinity of mosques.
They act in a dissimulated way and some look pacific while their aim is to dominate. When their number reach a majority they impose their laws and become violent.
Today we see them timid and frightened among the western leaders in the manifestations that occurred in France, but tomorrow they will collaborate with the most bloody Muslim terrorists paid by their petro-dollars.
Posted August 20, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Is there a book available wherein can get the Propers for all the fourteen Masses excised from the Roman Missal? I am very grateful for those included in the article.
Thank you.
Fr. C.W.
Dr. Byrne responds:
Dear Fr. C.W.,
Mr. Atila Guimaraes has kindly passed on your query to me. I presume you are referring to Part 91 of the series of articles for TIA.
The full Propers of these Masses can be found in the online 1920 Missal. See the Appendix at the end of the Missal, where they are interspersed among the Missae pro aliquibus locis.
With kind regards,
Carol Byrne