What People are Commenting
Sacred Heart Flag & Valid Sacraments
Francis Weak on Abortion
Re: Worse than the heretics
I prayed the Rosary outside abortion clinics. There were many Protestants I saw down there, protesting against abortion.
These were heretics, for sure, but they had a decency about them.
Six months after Francis won in the conclave, an interview came out. He said, we don't have to insist on abortion all the time. My blood ran cold. He was my enemy. And he's a traitor, a deceiver, and supporter of baby murder, by torture no less.
I started to look at past decades and understood why Vatican did not do simple, simple things in its power to combat abortion. A plea worldwide to pray the Rosary daily, wear the Brown Scapular, make the 5 First Saturdays and 9 First Fridays, the excommunication of thousands of politicians and celebrities who supported this... All in Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Every traditional Catholic knows what is to be done. But, traitors possess the Vatican, many chanceries. But Catholics will take it back, I understand from Quito, LaSallette, Fatima how quickly things can turnaround.
Re: Worse than the heretics
I prayed the Rosary outside abortion clinics. There were many Protestants I saw down there, protesting against abortion.
These were heretics, for sure, but they had a decency about them.
Six months after Francis won in the conclave, an interview came out. He said, we don't have to insist on abortion all the time. My blood ran cold. He was my enemy. And he's a traitor, a deceiver, and supporter of baby murder, by torture no less.
I started to look at past decades and understood why Vatican did not do simple, simple things in its power to combat abortion. A plea worldwide to pray the Rosary daily, wear the Brown Scapular, make the 5 First Saturdays and 9 First Fridays, the excommunication of thousands of politicians and celebrities who supported this... All in Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Every traditional Catholic knows what is to be done. But, traitors possess the Vatican, many chanceries. But Catholics will take it back, I understand from Quito, LaSallette, Fatima how quickly things can turnaround.
On St. Joan of Arc’s Path
Dear TIA,
When we are criticized for "disobeying" the Pope, we can respond with these words, which St. Joan of Arc said during her trial:
"I believe surely that our Lord the Pope of Rome, the Bishops, and other Clergy, are established to guard the Christian Faith and punish those who are found wanting therein: but as for me, for my doings I submit myself only to the Heavenly Church - that is to say, to God, to the Virgin Mary, and to the Saints in Paradise. I firmly believe I have not wavered in the Christian Faith, nor would I waver."
In Maria,
When we are criticized for "disobeying" the Pope, we can respond with these words, which St. Joan of Arc said during her trial:
"I believe surely that our Lord the Pope of Rome, the Bishops, and other Clergy, are established to guard the Christian Faith and punish those who are found wanting therein: but as for me, for my doings I submit myself only to the Heavenly Church - that is to say, to God, to the Virgin Mary, and to the Saints in Paradise. I firmly believe I have not wavered in the Christian Faith, nor would I waver."
In Maria,
When In Battle, Fly the Standard
My dear friends,
Guaranteed, you will love this! What an idea for the month of the Sacred Heart!
THESE are Catholics reclaiming the month of June for Christ!
Here is the info by TradFlag:
Thought you might like to see this. It took about a year of planning: here.
We just hoisted the largest Sacred Heart of Jesus flag in the world last night to combat the faggotry that will be on display this month. It is 30’ x 50’ and flies right off the interstate about 20 minutes south of Cincinnati, OH in Walton, KY.
For people interested in driving by it they can do so by going south from Cincinnati and then taking I-71 south at the I-71/I-75 split and it’s about a mile south of there. Going north on I-71 it is about a mile south of the joining of I-71/I-75.
We will also be flying every monthly Tradflag in 30’ x 50’ dimension.
Pax Christi!
Note in this brief video here: even a priest blessing the endeavor!
Blessings in Jesus & Mary,
E.Z., Ph.D.
Guaranteed, you will love this! What an idea for the month of the Sacred Heart!
THESE are Catholics reclaiming the month of June for Christ!
Here is the info by TradFlag:
Thought you might like to see this. It took about a year of planning: here.
We just hoisted the largest Sacred Heart of Jesus flag in the world last night to combat the faggotry that will be on display this month. It is 30’ x 50’ and flies right off the interstate about 20 minutes south of Cincinnati, OH in Walton, KY.
For people interested in driving by it they can do so by going south from Cincinnati and then taking I-71 south at the I-71/I-75 split and it’s about a mile south of there. Going north on I-71 it is about a mile south of the joining of I-71/I-75.
We will also be flying every monthly Tradflag in 30’ x 50’ dimension.
Pax Christi!
Note in this brief video here: even a priest blessing the endeavor!
Blessings in Jesus & Mary,
E.Z., Ph.D.
Malicious Scheming
I have seen in your esteemed website random posts on alleged sex scandals involving the SSPX. These seem to be ongoing. Why should this be otherwise if the fish seems to have rotted from the head?
In the not so distant past, a priest, in the grandly titled District of Asia, gave a sermon mentioning very favorably an article written previously by a confrere. What he failed to mention was that this confrere had left the priesthood and was married to a former parishioner, herself previously married. It later transpired that this priest wants to quell all discussion by the faithful about wayward priests, hence this booster sermon.
How can there be any transparency and accountability with such malicious scheming?
In Christo
I have seen in your esteemed website random posts on alleged sex scandals involving the SSPX. These seem to be ongoing. Why should this be otherwise if the fish seems to have rotted from the head?
In the not so distant past, a priest, in the grandly titled District of Asia, gave a sermon mentioning very favorably an article written previously by a confrere. What he failed to mention was that this confrere had left the priesthood and was married to a former parishioner, herself previously married. It later transpired that this priest wants to quell all discussion by the faithful about wayward priests, hence this booster sermon.
How can there be any transparency and accountability with such malicious scheming?
In Christo
Looking for Sacraments
II have just found your site, not that it was ever lost, and it has confirmed in me the long standing problems within CHRIST'S Church since the Second Vatican Council.
3 or 4 months ago I found another site, which opened my eyes completely to the terrible heresies in The Church and the complacency of all the anti Popes since and including John 23. The site is vaticanchurch.com and has many videos about the anti Popes and their hierarchies.
My question to you is about finding a Priest where I can get an authentic confession is these, our times. vaticanchurch.com has a lot to say about who you shouldn't go to for Confession, so the act will be valid in GOD'S Eye's. My own view, for what it's worth, is that CHRIST Himself is at Confession with you and the Priest. So regardless of the Priest's disbelief in the True Teachings of The Church, that is to say, his hierarchies, the confessor would still receive absolution from this Priest, as long as he uses the proper prayers of the Church when making the Absolution.
My apologies for the long question, this is something that I want to get right.
On the 12/12/2023 (The Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe), I consecrated myself to the Incarnate Wisdom through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, using the process developed by Saint Louis de Montfort.
I'm presently in Medellin, Colombia, and was considering moving to Quito, Ecuador, to be near Our Lady of Good Success. So if there is anything you need me to do for you please just ask.
Warmest regards,
TIA responds:
Confession is a necessary sacrament that restores sanctifying grace and increases actual grace. Fr. Paulo Alvarez Norton laid out the necessary factors for a valid confession here.
We do not accept the sede-vacantist position, see the articles on this page, rather we think that, normally speaking, the Novus Ordo ordinations are valid, see here.
We believe that your view is correct when you say “that CHRIST Himself is at Confession with you and the Priest. So regardless of the Priest's disbelief in the True Teachings of The Church, that is to say, his heresies, the confessor would still receive absolution from this Priest, as long as he uses the proper prayers of the Church when making the Absolution.”
The teaching of the Church has always been that Our Lord in His mercy supplies for what may be missing in the ministers of the sacraments if a person of good will seeks a priest and the form and matter of the sacrament are present.
You can go to a Novus Ordo priest for Confession, but you must be sure that he gives you Absolution, and you should choose to kneel beside him rather than sit next to him – the popular egalitarian Novus Ordo practice. If you do not hear the absolution, ask the priest to repeat it. The words that you should hear are: “I absolve thee from thy sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, (+) and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.” (or in Latin "Deinde ego te abslovo a peccatis tuis in nomine Patris, (+) et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen."). While the priest says this, he should bless you with the sign of the cross at the point where the (+) appears.
For a more thorough understanding of the traditional view of Confession versus the progressivist view, see here.
Regarding your possible move to Quito, Ecuador. Please let us know if this takes place. We can put you into contact with the TIA director there.
TIA correspondence desk
II have just found your site, not that it was ever lost, and it has confirmed in me the long standing problems within CHRIST'S Church since the Second Vatican Council.
3 or 4 months ago I found another site, which opened my eyes completely to the terrible heresies in The Church and the complacency of all the anti Popes since and including John 23. The site is vaticanchurch.com and has many videos about the anti Popes and their hierarchies.
My question to you is about finding a Priest where I can get an authentic confession is these, our times. vaticanchurch.com has a lot to say about who you shouldn't go to for Confession, so the act will be valid in GOD'S Eye's. My own view, for what it's worth, is that CHRIST Himself is at Confession with you and the Priest. So regardless of the Priest's disbelief in the True Teachings of The Church, that is to say, his hierarchies, the confessor would still receive absolution from this Priest, as long as he uses the proper prayers of the Church when making the Absolution.
My apologies for the long question, this is something that I want to get right.
On the 12/12/2023 (The Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe), I consecrated myself to the Incarnate Wisdom through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, using the process developed by Saint Louis de Montfort.
I'm presently in Medellin, Colombia, and was considering moving to Quito, Ecuador, to be near Our Lady of Good Success. So if there is anything you need me to do for you please just ask.
Warmest regards,
TIA responds:
Confession is a necessary sacrament that restores sanctifying grace and increases actual grace. Fr. Paulo Alvarez Norton laid out the necessary factors for a valid confession here.
We do not accept the sede-vacantist position, see the articles on this page, rather we think that, normally speaking, the Novus Ordo ordinations are valid, see here.
We believe that your view is correct when you say “that CHRIST Himself is at Confession with you and the Priest. So regardless of the Priest's disbelief in the True Teachings of The Church, that is to say, his heresies, the confessor would still receive absolution from this Priest, as long as he uses the proper prayers of the Church when making the Absolution.”
The teaching of the Church has always been that Our Lord in His mercy supplies for what may be missing in the ministers of the sacraments if a person of good will seeks a priest and the form and matter of the sacrament are present.
You can go to a Novus Ordo priest for Confession, but you must be sure that he gives you Absolution, and you should choose to kneel beside him rather than sit next to him – the popular egalitarian Novus Ordo practice. If you do not hear the absolution, ask the priest to repeat it. The words that you should hear are: “I absolve thee from thy sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, (+) and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.” (or in Latin "Deinde ego te abslovo a peccatis tuis in nomine Patris, (+) et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen."). While the priest says this, he should bless you with the sign of the cross at the point where the (+) appears.
For a more thorough understanding of the traditional view of Confession versus the progressivist view, see here.
Regarding your possible move to Quito, Ecuador. Please let us know if this takes place. We can put you into contact with the TIA director there.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted June 4, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: Meditating with Buddhists
Interesting how the Pope warmly welcomes the Buddhist monks and wants to work with them “for a better world,” and yet treats the Catholic traditionalists so coldly and wants to constantly restrict them.
It is stressed in the report from Vatican News:
Pope Francis on Monday reiterated the importance of a closer collaboration between the Church and Buddhists to address the pressing challenges facing our broken world today.
Welcoming a delegation of some 100 Buddhist monks from the Wat Phra Cetuphon temple of Bangkok, in Thailand, he expressed his deep gratitude and appreciation for their “enduring friendship” and willingness to work together “to bring a ray of hope” to our wounded humanity.