What People are Commenting
Milley, Apokatastasis & Margaret Sanger
Suspended Pains of Hell?
Dear TIA,
This book The Restoration of Christian Culture says:
According to St. Odilo of Cluny, her mercy and her nature were so united that when the Blessed Virgin was assumed into Heaven a physical shock went through the universe and the pains of Hell were momentarily suspended; and he thinks that in commemoration there is some degree of respite for the damned each year on the Feast of the Assumption.
Is that right???
TIA responds:
Dear D.T.,
In the beginning of the Church there was a theory that the souls of those condemned to Hell after the Final Judgment would be all forgiven and brought to Heaven. It was defended by some Greek Fathers, principally by Origen. It was called Apokatastasis (final reconciliation). Later, the Catholic Church condemned it as a heresy in the Fifth Council of Constantinople.
The reason is that God’s justice is immutable. Once He condemns a person to Hell, the condemnation cannot be discharged or softened by any motif.
So, the thesis you mentioned seems to go in the opposite direction than the mind of the Church. Instead, it seems that it is tainted with some sort of Apokatastasis.
We would rather say that in acknowledging the Assumption of the Most Holy Virgin to Heaven the souls in Hell would better comprehend her glory and, realizing that they were excluded from any share in that bliss, their despair would be augmented.
TIA correspondence desk
This book The Restoration of Christian Culture says:
According to St. Odilo of Cluny, her mercy and her nature were so united that when the Blessed Virgin was assumed into Heaven a physical shock went through the universe and the pains of Hell were momentarily suspended; and he thinks that in commemoration there is some degree of respite for the damned each year on the Feast of the Assumption.
Is that right???
TIA responds:
Dear D.T.,
In the beginning of the Church there was a theory that the souls of those condemned to Hell after the Final Judgment would be all forgiven and brought to Heaven. It was defended by some Greek Fathers, principally by Origen. It was called Apokatastasis (final reconciliation). Later, the Catholic Church condemned it as a heresy in the Fifth Council of Constantinople.
The reason is that God’s justice is immutable. Once He condemns a person to Hell, the condemnation cannot be discharged or softened by any motif.
So, the thesis you mentioned seems to go in the opposite direction than the mind of the Church. Instead, it seems that it is tainted with some sort of Apokatastasis.
We would rather say that in acknowledging the Assumption of the Most Holy Virgin to Heaven the souls in Hell would better comprehend her glory and, realizing that they were excluded from any share in that bliss, their despair would be augmented.
TIA correspondence desk
St. Philomena & Margaret Sanger
Have a rich Feast of St. Philomena Aug10/11! We will! The statue on site (below) was liberated in 2014 from horrific NO abuse and neglect by us. It is in the film on Margaret Sanger (who was our neighbor in Corning, NY) to be produced.
Delicious irony... Margaret Sanger's socialist/communist, free thinker, hater of Catholics 'father' was a sculptor of Victorian cemetery and church statues! No kidding. Creative license: He made this one for St. Philomena in Cleveland, Euclid Ave. It is scary beautiful...
Margaret Louise was secretly baptized alone at age 13 while he was delivering the statue via train... At age 14, a year after her bap[tism, she was confirmed.
A photo ofMiss Higgins at age 14 wearing an ek SOUL is at top of White Martyr Fr. Peter Carota's Memorial page. It is a photo of a stunning beauty - and a devout Traditional Catholic young lady and actress wanna be... who did not become Margaret Sanger until she was 19... She was someone very different before that... very different ...
Have a rich Feast of St. Philomena Aug10/11! We will! The statue on site (below) was liberated in 2014 from horrific NO abuse and neglect by us. It is in the film on Margaret Sanger (who was our neighbor in Corning, NY) to be produced.
Delicious irony... Margaret Sanger's socialist/communist, free thinker, hater of Catholics 'father' was a sculptor of Victorian cemetery and church statues! No kidding. Creative license: He made this one for St. Philomena in Cleveland, Euclid Ave. It is scary beautiful...
Margaret Louise was secretly baptized alone at age 13 while he was delivering the statue via train... At age 14, a year after her bap[tism, she was confirmed.
A photo ofMiss Higgins at age 14 wearing an ek SOUL is at top of White Martyr Fr. Peter Carota's Memorial page. It is a photo of a stunning beauty - and a devout Traditional Catholic young lady and actress wanna be... who did not become Margaret Sanger until she was 19... She was someone very different before that... very different ...

Back in a Novus Ordo Church
Dear TIA,
I went in the late afternoon to the Novus Ordo St. Paul's in N.C., Ohio, to make my visit to see and pray in the company of the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue. The Blessed Sacrament was also exposed in the monstrance but the milieu was such an outrage that I truly hoped the priest did not have the intent or the validity of ordination to consecrate and that it was really only bread.
I cannot begin to describe not only the physical deformation of the dismantled church setting and what horrors had been erected (which was just fine with everybody apparently) with a few remaining remnants of tradition sidelined as museum pieces in a most shameful manner. Not only was the nonchalance of the people difficult to view but the whole of their behaviors in that space was grating and the abysmal outfits of the horde present was fit for an amusement park!!! -- not to present oneself before the Mother of God and Her Divine Jesus.
No freestanding kneeler was provided. I did not want to stand in the long line only to eventually come before the statue and remain standing so I sat in the first pew and mourned.
Never can I remember such an assault to my eyes and senses as this visit provided. I never want to go near a Novus Ordo Space again!!! Our poor Queen Mother, like a prisoner of love, taken here, there and everywhere.
The presentation given by the Blue Army member in charge of the statue was equally awful and lacking and when he finally ended his rambling talk in which he left out SO MUCH and PUT IN unrelated jabber - he ended it with a joke. I kept apologizing to Mary for my constant distractions and constant upset. I left after an hour; I could not endure more. I could only imagine Her agony. I came home with a headache.
I knew not what was in store for me at this "church", but from the parking lot as I pulled in there was a huge multi-level building with large lettering indicating the structure as Saint Paul's Life Center & Gymnasium!! Hmm. When entering where the signage said "church" you enter a space akin to a Downtown Event Center with walls of glass and you are greeted the same way, like in a social club, with an option of climbing a phalanx of rising stairs, again patterned after an Event Center or using an elevator that takes you directly into the space which they call a "church".
The crucifix was an equal outrage for never had I ever seen a more despairing and disrespectful representation of a crucifix: dark cross with w white figure hanging by out of proportion arms like a piece of overstretched silly putty. The figure was thus stretched down and the legs not nailed together but separated, apart, each fastened by a "nail" with one leg longer than the other. I could go on and on but I will spare you as the butcher block for the "altar" defies description by its ugliness and secular design.
One more thing though I must say... I chose that hour to go because in addition to the scheduled presentation I thought there was supposed to be a Rosary and a Consecration was also listed. So I thought, let me go and renew my Consecration to Mary. No Rosary (maybe I got the times mixed up) but the Consecration, what was it? A woman reading a rambling "Consecration Statement" by "St. John Paul II" in which several points of his also upset me. When she came to the part of his statement where JPII PRAISED THE SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL AS A WORK OF THE SPIRIT then I shut down and stared at the floral design of my dress, trying to curtail the torture. …
At present I make the long drive up to Saint Peregrine's, the new SSPX church, beautiful and traditional, BUT there are indications of compromise on the official statements of the SSPX, making one wonder if they are not trying to be the favored ones in the eyes of the present occupiers of the Vatican, imagining themselves that they will one day be the 'last man standing'?
Anyhow, even Our Lady at La Salette foresaw home altars!!!
Thank you for reading... sorry to unload on you, truly!!
God bless you, AVE MARIA! OH, Our Most Sorrowful Mother!
E.Z., Ph.D.
I went in the late afternoon to the Novus Ordo St. Paul's in N.C., Ohio, to make my visit to see and pray in the company of the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue. The Blessed Sacrament was also exposed in the monstrance but the milieu was such an outrage that I truly hoped the priest did not have the intent or the validity of ordination to consecrate and that it was really only bread.
I cannot begin to describe not only the physical deformation of the dismantled church setting and what horrors had been erected (which was just fine with everybody apparently) with a few remaining remnants of tradition sidelined as museum pieces in a most shameful manner. Not only was the nonchalance of the people difficult to view but the whole of their behaviors in that space was grating and the abysmal outfits of the horde present was fit for an amusement park!!! -- not to present oneself before the Mother of God and Her Divine Jesus.
No freestanding kneeler was provided. I did not want to stand in the long line only to eventually come before the statue and remain standing so I sat in the first pew and mourned.
Never can I remember such an assault to my eyes and senses as this visit provided. I never want to go near a Novus Ordo Space again!!! Our poor Queen Mother, like a prisoner of love, taken here, there and everywhere.
The presentation given by the Blue Army member in charge of the statue was equally awful and lacking and when he finally ended his rambling talk in which he left out SO MUCH and PUT IN unrelated jabber - he ended it with a joke. I kept apologizing to Mary for my constant distractions and constant upset. I left after an hour; I could not endure more. I could only imagine Her agony. I came home with a headache.
I knew not what was in store for me at this "church", but from the parking lot as I pulled in there was a huge multi-level building with large lettering indicating the structure as Saint Paul's Life Center & Gymnasium!! Hmm. When entering where the signage said "church" you enter a space akin to a Downtown Event Center with walls of glass and you are greeted the same way, like in a social club, with an option of climbing a phalanx of rising stairs, again patterned after an Event Center or using an elevator that takes you directly into the space which they call a "church".
The crucifix was an equal outrage for never had I ever seen a more despairing and disrespectful representation of a crucifix: dark cross with w white figure hanging by out of proportion arms like a piece of overstretched silly putty. The figure was thus stretched down and the legs not nailed together but separated, apart, each fastened by a "nail" with one leg longer than the other. I could go on and on but I will spare you as the butcher block for the "altar" defies description by its ugliness and secular design.
One more thing though I must say... I chose that hour to go because in addition to the scheduled presentation I thought there was supposed to be a Rosary and a Consecration was also listed. So I thought, let me go and renew my Consecration to Mary. No Rosary (maybe I got the times mixed up) but the Consecration, what was it? A woman reading a rambling "Consecration Statement" by "St. John Paul II" in which several points of his also upset me. When she came to the part of his statement where JPII PRAISED THE SECOND VATICAN COUNCIL AS A WORK OF THE SPIRIT then I shut down and stared at the floral design of my dress, trying to curtail the torture. …
At present I make the long drive up to Saint Peregrine's, the new SSPX church, beautiful and traditional, BUT there are indications of compromise on the official statements of the SSPX, making one wonder if they are not trying to be the favored ones in the eyes of the present occupiers of the Vatican, imagining themselves that they will one day be the 'last man standing'?
Anyhow, even Our Lady at La Salette foresaw home altars!!!
Thank you for reading... sorry to unload on you, truly!!
God bless you, AVE MARIA! OH, Our Most Sorrowful Mother!
E.Z., Ph.D.
Posted August 15, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: Milley: U.S. Military Will Become Robotic
Let's finish Milley's thoughts:
It will become a robotic, transgender, treasonous force.
And Americans in the Heartland will destroy anything that you throw at it, Milley you disgusting excuse of a General. Expect the Catholic Remnant to be in the thick of it.
YOU are the reason for Americans to keep their guns, Milley.