What People are Commenting
The Terror, Debauchery & Punishment
Evil Must Be Resisted
Re: Marie Antoinette article
As time goes by, I am more and more aligned with the mission of TIA. Mr. Guimarães' article about the Olympics was very insightful (as always).
The only answer to the world's ills is true Catholicism lived out. I personally boycotted the Olympics and wish more Catholics would have also.
Being a true Catholic is not easy or "fun" but evil must be resisted.
God Be Praised in ALL Things
Deacon D.L., D.O.
Re: Marie Antoinette article
As time goes by, I am more and more aligned with the mission of TIA. Mr. Guimarães' article about the Olympics was very insightful (as always).
The only answer to the world's ills is true Catholicism lived out. I personally boycotted the Olympics and wish more Catholics would have also.
Being a true Catholic is not easy or "fun" but evil must be resisted.
God Be Praised in ALL Things
Deacon D.L., D.O.
Insightful Article
Dear TIA,
Re: Making Terror Official
Time will tell; eventually, the truth always comes out.
Thank you for another insightful and edifying article!
E.M.S., Ph.D.
Re: Making Terror Official
Time will tell; eventually, the truth always comes out.
Thank you for another insightful and edifying article!
E.M.S., Ph.D.
Franciscan Apostasy
Re: New Franciscans in Brazil
You're not teaching innocent children the Catholic Catechism.
You're not instilling a devotion to Sacred Heart or a love for the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Your omissions are taking an eternal toll. You are affecting generations to come.
You have Betrayed Jesus Christ.
You're not teaching innocent children the Catholic Catechism.
You're not instilling a devotion to Sacred Heart or a love for the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Your omissions are taking an eternal toll. You are affecting generations to come.
You have Betrayed Jesus Christ.
Words Fail Me…
Dear TIA
Ave Maria Purissima !
Words fail me when I read the piece on Sister Jeanningros. How can any woman who calls herself a Nun, a Bride of Christ, behave in this way and associate with such people. Prostitution is as low as any women can go but men pretending they are women in this trade of the flesh, brings it even lower still.
Francis seems to be associated with almost every type of debauchery … I must say nothing in the post-conciliar church would surprise me now. Discipline has completely broken down and every type of perversion is permissible it seems.
God help us and please may we have the chastisement as soon as Thy Holy Will allows.
Yours faithfully
C.P., Ireland
Ave Maria Purissima !
Words fail me when I read the piece on Sister Jeanningros. How can any woman who calls herself a Nun, a Bride of Christ, behave in this way and associate with such people. Prostitution is as low as any women can go but men pretending they are women in this trade of the flesh, brings it even lower still.
Francis seems to be associated with almost every type of debauchery … I must say nothing in the post-conciliar church would surprise me now. Discipline has completely broken down and every type of perversion is permissible it seems.
God help us and please may we have the chastisement as soon as Thy Holy Will allows.
Yours faithfully
C.P., Ireland
Spain Wants to Destroy World's Largest Cross
Dear TIA,
First, it was France and its Opening Ceremony that aimed to mock and ridicule the Last Supper and Catholic Morals.
Now, look and see what Spain is up to. The government wants to turn the world’s longest Basilica into a “museum of the horrors of Franco” and remove the huge Cross that hovers over it.
The Basilica of the Holy Cross of the Valley of the Fallen (Vale de los Caídos), located 28 miles northwest of Madrid, includes a Basilica and an Abbey. It was built to honor the fallen of both sides during the Spanish Civil War. The bodies of more than 30,000 soldiers are buried there.
The Spanish House passed a law aimed at removing any Francoist symbols, and so the cross is slated to go. It still has to go through the Senate.
This is an ungodly world that wants to destroy every vestige of Him and Christian Civilization.
The Benedictine prior of the Abbey said that “the problem is "the people’s great indifference and ignorance."
I pray a resistance will rise and put an end to this nonsense.
First, it was France and its Opening Ceremony that aimed to mock and ridicule the Last Supper and Catholic Morals.
Now, look and see what Spain is up to. The government wants to turn the world’s longest Basilica into a “museum of the horrors of Franco” and remove the huge Cross that hovers over it.
The Basilica of the Holy Cross of the Valley of the Fallen (Vale de los Caídos), located 28 miles northwest of Madrid, includes a Basilica and an Abbey. It was built to honor the fallen of both sides during the Spanish Civil War. The bodies of more than 30,000 soldiers are buried there.
The Spanish House passed a law aimed at removing any Francoist symbols, and so the cross is slated to go. It still has to go through the Senate.
This is an ungodly world that wants to destroy every vestige of Him and Christian Civilization.
The Benedictine prior of the Abbey said that “the problem is "the people’s great indifference and ignorance."
I pray a resistance will rise and put an end to this nonsense.

Bringing Terrorists to the U.S.
Dear TIA,
This video of an interview with Dr. Keith Rose, expert in clandestine intelligence, is confusing. If he is correct, and it seems very much he is, the CIA is bringing terrorists from Afghanistan and China to promote a civil war in our country.
We cannot trust our own government… It is working to destroy the U.S. instead of destroying our enemies.
This video of an interview with Dr. Keith Rose, expert in clandestine intelligence, is confusing. If he is correct, and it seems very much he is, the CIA is bringing terrorists from Afghanistan and China to promote a civil war in our country.
We cannot trust our own government… It is working to destroy the U.S. instead of destroying our enemies.
The Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles
Dear TIA,
Fr. Francis Maple OFM (Cap), a ‘celebrity’ Novus Ordo priest here in the UK, asserts that ”by tradition,” the Blessed Virgin Mary was also anointed with the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room alongside the Apostles.
I find this assertion troubling for the following reasons:
In the previous 50 years I had never heard such a claim.
Our Lady was ‘full of grace’ and not in need of anointing in the Holy Spirit.
The assertion might be a ‘back door’ method of insinuating that Our Lord somehow inaugurated a potential female episcopate and therefore female clergy after all.
You heard it here first!
Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
N.S.M., U.K.
TIA responds:
Dear N.S.M.,
Let us take a look on the meaning of “anointed” used by the priest you mention.
If anointed for him means ordination as a priest or consecration as a bishop, he is clearly wrong. In this case, all your vigilant observations would apply.
The Apostles were made Bishops at the Last Supper, not in the Cenacle. That Ceremony on Maundy Thursday is also considered by extension the institution of the Priesthood.
If, however, anointed simply means that Our Lady was the first to receive the Holy Spirit in the Cenacle along with the Apostles, without any implication regarding the power of Orders, then it means that she was the mediatrx of the graces they received. This accords with the traditional legacy we have about the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles. It is confirmation that she is the Universal Mediatrix of all Graces.
TIA correspondence desk
Fr. Francis Maple OFM (Cap), a ‘celebrity’ Novus Ordo priest here in the UK, asserts that ”by tradition,” the Blessed Virgin Mary was also anointed with the Holy Spirit in the Upper Room alongside the Apostles.
I find this assertion troubling for the following reasons:
In the previous 50 years I had never heard such a claim.
Our Lady was ‘full of grace’ and not in need of anointing in the Holy Spirit.
The assertion might be a ‘back door’ method of insinuating that Our Lord somehow inaugurated a potential female episcopate and therefore female clergy after all.
You heard it here first!
Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
N.S.M., U.K.
TIA responds:
Dear N.S.M.,
Let us take a look on the meaning of “anointed” used by the priest you mention.
If anointed for him means ordination as a priest or consecration as a bishop, he is clearly wrong. In this case, all your vigilant observations would apply.
The Apostles were made Bishops at the Last Supper, not in the Cenacle. That Ceremony on Maundy Thursday is also considered by extension the institution of the Priesthood.
If, however, anointed simply means that Our Lady was the first to receive the Holy Spirit in the Cenacle along with the Apostles, without any implication regarding the power of Orders, then it means that she was the mediatrx of the graces they received. This accords with the traditional legacy we have about the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles. It is confirmation that she is the Universal Mediatrix of all Graces.
TIA correspondence desk

Revolutionary Suicide
Dearest Promoters of Truth and Catholic Faith,
Attached is a short article which you may or may not wish to publish.
Author-ize me as Paulus Jay.
You are one of the very few websites that I continue to read daily, especially Prof. Plinio's commentaries on the Saints.
Please, keep up the good work. I don't think we have too much longer to wait!
Blessings today of St Claire, to whom we entrust this little article, asking her particularly to protect it from (the Author's) presumption and errors.
In Christ our Eucharistic Lord, may He come to be adored as He ought!
Revolutionary Suicide
Paulus Jay
The 2024 Paris Olympics
La Salette 1846
"At the first stroke of his lightning sword, the mountains and the whole of nature will tremble with terror, because the disorders and crimes of men have pierced the vault of the heavens. Paris will be burned and Marseilles engulfed; several great cities will be shaken and engulfed by earthquakes: it will be believed that all is lost: only homicides will be seen, only the noise of weapons and blasphemies will be heard.
The just will suffer much; their prayers, their penances and their tears will climb even up to Heaven and all the people of God will ask for forgiveness and mercy, and will ask for my help and intercession. Then Jesus Christ, by an act of His justice and of His great mercy for the just, will command to His angels that all His enemies be put to death."
Our Lady to Melanie Calvat (19 Sept 1846)
Real Church Approval of La Salette
La Salette was approved by the local ordinary in 1851. The published message, Melanie's Secret (quoted above) was implicitly approved by Real Pope Bl. Pius IX (that's 9th NOT 11th !) because after personally interviewing Melanie, and being fully aware of the published message, he remained silent, indicating positively that nothing in it offended the truth that he knew.
Venues of 2024 Summer Olympics (Cf. Gen.19:24)
Paris and Marseilles (plus Lyon and some others). The punishment may have become due in 1924 (summer games also in Paris and year of first winter games at Chamonix). The 100 years of mercy is that of the Sacred Heart (1689-1789) and, apparently, of the Immaculate Heart as well (1929-2029?).
Unprecedented International Blasphemy
"And the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven. And destroyed these cities and all the country about, all the inhabitants of the cities, and all things that spring from the earth." (Gen.19:24 Douay Rheims Bible)
It is coming! You, blasphemers (or your demon overlords), have demanded it, so do not whine when it comes! We shall suffer and offer it up to our beloved Lord of the most Holy Eucharist, and to His sweetest Mother, who is ours too. The Spirit says: The Paris fire will be transmitted invisibly. Marseille will be underground and will melt the very rock on which that city stands/stood beside the sea.
Attached is a short article which you may or may not wish to publish.
Author-ize me as Paulus Jay.
You are one of the very few websites that I continue to read daily, especially Prof. Plinio's commentaries on the Saints.
Please, keep up the good work. I don't think we have too much longer to wait!
Blessings today of St Claire, to whom we entrust this little article, asking her particularly to protect it from (the Author's) presumption and errors.
In Christ our Eucharistic Lord, may He come to be adored as He ought!
Paulus Jay
The 2024 Paris Olympics
La Salette 1846
"At the first stroke of his lightning sword, the mountains and the whole of nature will tremble with terror, because the disorders and crimes of men have pierced the vault of the heavens. Paris will be burned and Marseilles engulfed; several great cities will be shaken and engulfed by earthquakes: it will be believed that all is lost: only homicides will be seen, only the noise of weapons and blasphemies will be heard.

Our Lady to Melanie Calvat (19 Sept 1846)
Real Church Approval of La Salette
La Salette was approved by the local ordinary in 1851. The published message, Melanie's Secret (quoted above) was implicitly approved by Real Pope Bl. Pius IX (that's 9th NOT 11th !) because after personally interviewing Melanie, and being fully aware of the published message, he remained silent, indicating positively that nothing in it offended the truth that he knew.
Venues of 2024 Summer Olympics (Cf. Gen.19:24)
Paris and Marseilles (plus Lyon and some others). The punishment may have become due in 1924 (summer games also in Paris and year of first winter games at Chamonix). The 100 years of mercy is that of the Sacred Heart (1689-1789) and, apparently, of the Immaculate Heart as well (1929-2029?).
Unprecedented International Blasphemy

"And the Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven. And destroyed these cities and all the country about, all the inhabitants of the cities, and all things that spring from the earth." (Gen.19:24 Douay Rheims Bible)
It is coming! You, blasphemers (or your demon overlords), have demanded it, so do not whine when it comes! We shall suffer and offer it up to our beloved Lord of the most Holy Eucharist, and to His sweetest Mother, who is ours too. The Spirit says: The Paris fire will be transmitted invisibly. Marseille will be underground and will melt the very rock on which that city stands/stood beside the sea.
Posted August 13, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: Making the Terror of the French Revolution Official
Thank you for pulling together the diabolical events of the Olympic opening ceremony and their most probable meanings given France's revolutionary history.
It is time for great and continual reparation using all Catholic resources available, including Rosaries, sacrifice and exorcisms to combat the evil, diabolical and blasphemous intentions of the entire Olympic games.
Viva Cristo Rey!