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Church Revolution in Pictures

Photo of the Week

James Martin - Imago Dei

Mary holding a LGBT flag

Above you see Fr. James Martin speaking in a church. The podium is draped with a banner portraying a woman wearing a Palestine hijab, a white-black head cover with a mantle of Arab inspiration, and holding a rainbow flag. It is a blasphemous representation of Mary, coupling the present-day oppression of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip with the supposedly repression of homosexuals.

Martin was speaking at the Imago Dei Conference (June 27-30, 2024) organized by the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative at the Bergamo Center in Dayton, Ohio.

The conference was to commemorate another conference held in 1967 at that same site 50 years ago that was one of the first Catholic meetings to support homosexuals.

It is a expressive testimony that support for homosexuals in the Church started soon after Vatican II, which has brought to fruition its tolerance toward all the vices of the modern world.

The list of the sponsors of this initiative, fifth row below, is also a proof of how Catholic groups have become so morally corrupt that they are eager to promote this sin against nature: homosexuality.

This promotion is one of the main platforms of the Marianist Social Justice Collaborative, which has taken such open stands on the 'LGBTQ+ Initiative' that several of its members are wearing clothing with the rainbow colors, third row. Particularly offensive is the individual at right in that photo – reproduced in the fourth row – who wears a t-shirt that depicts Our Lady in the rainbow colors as well.

James Martin Imago Dei
Photos from the internet

Posted July 14, 2024


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