What People are Commenting
Fourth of July, New Heaven & Perpetrator
Magnificent Prayer on the 4th of July
My Dear Friends,
I was so touched by this, I had to send it around to all!
Sharing this from Tradition in Action (TIA), a magnificent prayer!
May it be so!!
I was so touched by this, I had to send it around to all!
Sharing this from Tradition in Action (TIA), a magnificent prayer!
May it be so!!
'Heaven Is for Everyone'
Here is another new doctrine of Francis.
You should not cultivate virtue to get to heaven because it is already open to everyone. That’s an easy take from his Angelus on June 29. Some excerpts from this report follow:
Heaven is not a secure vault protected from outsiders but a “hidden treasure” that is reached by cultivating virtues, Pope Francis said. ...
“The mission that Jesus entrusts to Peter is not that of barring the doors to the house, permitting entry only to a few select guests, but of helping everyone to find the way to enter, in faithfulness to the Gospel of Jesus,” Pope Francis said after celebrating Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica.
Heaven, he added, is “for everyone. Everyone, everyone, everyone can enter.”
It is very good news for everyone, but certainly not true, as it conflicts with Church doctrine (Council of Trent). It conflicts with Scripture (Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. MT 7:13-14).
It conflicts with what Our Lady of Fatima told the three shepherd children that “many souls go to Hell”, it conflicts with the teachings of many saints (e.g. here and here).
So very sad, this “new” teaching of the bad pope! When will it end?
Here is another new doctrine of Francis.
You should not cultivate virtue to get to heaven because it is already open to everyone. That’s an easy take from his Angelus on June 29. Some excerpts from this report follow:
Heaven is not a secure vault protected from outsiders but a “hidden treasure” that is reached by cultivating virtues, Pope Francis said. ...
“The mission that Jesus entrusts to Peter is not that of barring the doors to the house, permitting entry only to a few select guests, but of helping everyone to find the way to enter, in faithfulness to the Gospel of Jesus,” Pope Francis said after celebrating Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica.
Heaven, he added, is “for everyone. Everyone, everyone, everyone can enter.”
It is very good news for everyone, but certainly not true, as it conflicts with Church doctrine (Council of Trent). It conflicts with Scripture (Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. MT 7:13-14).
It conflicts with what Our Lady of Fatima told the three shepherd children that “many souls go to Hell”, it conflicts with the teachings of many saints (e.g. here and here).
So very sad, this “new” teaching of the bad pope! When will it end?
Perpetrator of Beheading the Blasphemous Image Writes
Dear TIA,
Re: Linz Cathedral displays porno statue of Mary
The website Report 24 in Austria, which gave first-hand news regarding the pornographic statue of Mary exposed at Linz’ Cathedral, was accused by some progressivists of inciting violence by reporting in a critical way that exposition; it lead someone to behead that statue.
The website defended itself and in this effort posted a letter by the perpetrator of that action.
In it he explains that he tried several times to enter into contact with the religious authorities asking them to stop that blasphemy. Those authorities denied him any dialogue. So, he took the position he took to be at peace with his Catholic conscience.
You may read the reasoning of Report 24 and those of the perpetrator which I am sending to you below. Since I don’t know German, I am using an automatic translation.
It is an interesting document to keep in your archives.
A "feminist" statue in the Mariendom Linz, which allegedly showed a Mary with exposed genitals giving birth to Jesus, aroused minds - but only briefly. A Catholic, who thought his faith was mocked, stepped into action and sawed off the statue's head and halo. The desire for the statue to be destroyed was previously made by visitors in writing on a notepad in front of the exhibition space. Currently, the area is blocked.
While an obviously severely mentally ill and documentedly violent Steyr Antifa activist (name and charging address are known to the editors) accused Report24, among other things, of having encouraged the act, the truth - as always - is different. Numerous regular media such as OÖN, Heute and ORF had already reported on the offensive Mary statue. The ORF also showed without any warning label the exposed genitals of the "woman" with the emphatically male legs (see photos end of this article).
As can also be seen in a photo on this page, devout Catholics had already peacefully expressed their protest at the site on the weekend. For example, small statues were placed next to the work which was considered blasphemous, a sheet of paper was attached to its base (which read "The truth about the birth of our Lord and God Jesus Christ"), and various messages were left in the visitor's book. One of them called for the statue to be destroyed.
This message and other comments were filmed, photographed and reported by Report24 (Critics call "Feministic Art" in the Mariendom Linz "abhorrent" and "degrading"). At no time have we encouraged violence or damage to property - on the contrary, our medium has always rejected violence and war and has always taken this line in what we publish.
Perpetrator writes that he has ended the blasphemy
On Monday morning, the statue was finally beheaded by an angry Catholic. The alleged perpetrator left a kind of letter of confession on many Internet forums. In it the perpetrator explains that he had previously sought dialogue with the diocese several times, but was rejected. However, this willingness to dialogue is now - in retrospect - being asserted by the diocese via the media. [The words of the perpetrator follow]:
Hate or love, what were my reasons for today's action?
Well, as a simple Catholic and sinner, it is of course not up to me to prevent the actions of our bishops. But it is very much my and our task to prevent any insult to God and his Most Holy Mother.
Just as the Virgin Mary protects us every day and is there for us, so we must also be there for the Mother of God when she is in distress, because that is what makes us a Church.
But, why [the diocese was] so martial, why no dialogue? Unfortunately, emails to the diocese of Linz were ignored, telephone calls were abruptly terminated in case of criticism, and a valve for criticism or even intervention was not given.
Therefore, in view of this heinous and blasphemous caricature, a most hasty and decisive action was required!
But why the head of this caricature, for people to believe in it, is also easily explained, because it was necessary that the action be fast and effective. Although I initially sawed on the hull, in view of the noise level and the limited time, it was not possible for me to carry out this initial plan, so that only the head was sawn off. But without a head and halo, there could no longer be any talk of a caricature of our Virgin Mary.
With this, the sculpture became only an immoral, from the outset tasteless statue without a head, which is why the blasphemy and insult made to our Mother of God was effectively ended.
Just as the Mother of God in love does everything for us, so we must do everything for her without hesitation. This starts with prayers and ends, if necessary, with our lives.
Re: Linz Cathedral displays porno statue of Mary
The website Report 24 in Austria, which gave first-hand news regarding the pornographic statue of Mary exposed at Linz’ Cathedral, was accused by some progressivists of inciting violence by reporting in a critical way that exposition; it lead someone to behead that statue.
The website defended itself and in this effort posted a letter by the perpetrator of that action.
In it he explains that he tried several times to enter into contact with the religious authorities asking them to stop that blasphemy. Those authorities denied him any dialogue. So, he took the position he took to be at peace with his Catholic conscience.
You may read the reasoning of Report 24 and those of the perpetrator which I am sending to you below. Since I don’t know German, I am using an automatic translation.
It is an interesting document to keep in your archives.
A "feminist" statue in the Mariendom Linz, which allegedly showed a Mary with exposed genitals giving birth to Jesus, aroused minds - but only briefly. A Catholic, who thought his faith was mocked, stepped into action and sawed off the statue's head and halo. The desire for the statue to be destroyed was previously made by visitors in writing on a notepad in front of the exhibition space. Currently, the area is blocked.
While an obviously severely mentally ill and documentedly violent Steyr Antifa activist (name and charging address are known to the editors) accused Report24, among other things, of having encouraged the act, the truth - as always - is different. Numerous regular media such as OÖN, Heute and ORF had already reported on the offensive Mary statue. The ORF also showed without any warning label the exposed genitals of the "woman" with the emphatically male legs (see photos end of this article).
As can also be seen in a photo on this page, devout Catholics had already peacefully expressed their protest at the site on the weekend. For example, small statues were placed next to the work which was considered blasphemous, a sheet of paper was attached to its base (which read "The truth about the birth of our Lord and God Jesus Christ"), and various messages were left in the visitor's book. One of them called for the statue to be destroyed.
This message and other comments were filmed, photographed and reported by Report24 (Critics call "Feministic Art" in the Mariendom Linz "abhorrent" and "degrading"). At no time have we encouraged violence or damage to property - on the contrary, our medium has always rejected violence and war and has always taken this line in what we publish.
Perpetrator writes that he has ended the blasphemy
On Monday morning, the statue was finally beheaded by an angry Catholic. The alleged perpetrator left a kind of letter of confession on many Internet forums. In it the perpetrator explains that he had previously sought dialogue with the diocese several times, but was rejected. However, this willingness to dialogue is now - in retrospect - being asserted by the diocese via the media. [The words of the perpetrator follow]:
Hate or love, what were my reasons for today's action?
Well, as a simple Catholic and sinner, it is of course not up to me to prevent the actions of our bishops. But it is very much my and our task to prevent any insult to God and his Most Holy Mother.
Just as the Virgin Mary protects us every day and is there for us, so we must also be there for the Mother of God when she is in distress, because that is what makes us a Church.
But, why [the diocese was] so martial, why no dialogue? Unfortunately, emails to the diocese of Linz were ignored, telephone calls were abruptly terminated in case of criticism, and a valve for criticism or even intervention was not given.
Therefore, in view of this heinous and blasphemous caricature, a most hasty and decisive action was required!
But why the head of this caricature, for people to believe in it, is also easily explained, because it was necessary that the action be fast and effective. Although I initially sawed on the hull, in view of the noise level and the limited time, it was not possible for me to carry out this initial plan, so that only the head was sawn off. But without a head and halo, there could no longer be any talk of a caricature of our Virgin Mary.
With this, the sculpture became only an immoral, from the outset tasteless statue without a head, which is why the blasphemy and insult made to our Mother of God was effectively ended.
Just as the Mother of God in love does everything for us, so we must do everything for her without hesitation. This starts with prayers and ends, if necessary, with our lives.
Posted July 11, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Ave Maria Purissima !
May I wish you and everyone at TIA a very happy and blessed day today [Fourth of July]. There is much to admire about the United States and in particular, the traditional Catholics in your country who have stood up for traditional values in the face of a very strong enemy.
The message of Fatima was kept alive in the United States, where we in Ireland rarely hear about it. If we in Ireland wish to buy church veils, we look to suppliers in the U.S.
I very much admire the spirit of Mid-Western America, the optimism, the can-do attitude, the self-reliance. People who rebuild their homes after hurricanes, people who home school to protect their children, people who dress their daughters modestly.
You are a great example for many of us and we hold you all dear in our hearts.
Yours sincerely
C.P., Ireland