Special Greetings

Fourth of July Homage - 2024
As the international horizon grows darker with the spectrum of a World War III drawing closer, coupled with a chaotic civil war; when our temporal institutions are sinking in an ocean of corruption, incompetence and tyranny, we can place little hope in natural means to resolve such problems.
This is why we turn to Thee, O Star of the Sea, asking that Thou dost come to our help! Save us, our families and our country so that the excellent vocation God gave to this great nation may be fulfilled and not be lost.
Do not permit, O Queen of the Angels, that our nation be annihilated as one of the many nations that will have this fate. Give us the grace to pass through the coming Chastisement and be living stones for the construction of Thy Reign.
These are the prayers we share with our readers, friends and benefactors on this Fourth July 2024.

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