What People are Commenting
Universities, Bad Omens & Harmless Eclipse
Modernist High Schools
Re: Francis Upends Catholic Education
About education: I love the Catholic Church. I loved seeing Catholic ideas in print, usually history books.
After First Grade, I faced extreme boredom in CCD, and in high school with the modernists. Wicked lies. I saw better what they were doing after learning about Pascendi. But I had a weak sense of the Faith then. I trusted no one about Faith. Sad, but true.
I wish I had never stepped foot in any of those slaughter houses that were anything but Catholic. Now I read about Catholic faith hours on end - fascinating, compelling, comforting, and also making clear this: They had better repent.
Re: Francis Upends Catholic Education
About education: I love the Catholic Church. I loved seeing Catholic ideas in print, usually history books.
After First Grade, I faced extreme boredom in CCD, and in high school with the modernists. Wicked lies. I saw better what they were doing after learning about Pascendi. But I had a weak sense of the Faith then. I trusted no one about Faith. Sad, but true.
I wish I had never stepped foot in any of those slaughter houses that were anything but Catholic. Now I read about Catholic faith hours on end - fascinating, compelling, comforting, and also making clear this: They had better repent.
Lightning Bolt in Buenos Aires
Dear TIA,
Re: Bad Omens
You could add this one to the omens of Bergogglio (here and here):
On Sunday December 17, 2023, lightning struck and removed the key and halo of the statue of Saint Peter, located on the facade of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolas , north of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
What is striking, in fact, is that the event occurred on Jorge Mario Bergoglio's birthday, the day before the publication of the "Fiducia supplicans" declaration which opens up blessings for gay couples. It was in the diocese of which he was Bishop. ...
Thank you and regards,
Re: Bad Omens
You could add this one to the omens of Bergogglio (here and here):
On Sunday December 17, 2023, lightning struck and removed the key and halo of the statue of Saint Peter, located on the facade of the Sanctuary of Our Lady of the Rosary of San Nicolas , north of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
What is striking, in fact, is that the event occurred on Jorge Mario Bergoglio's birthday, the day before the publication of the "Fiducia supplicans" declaration which opens up blessings for gay couples. It was in the diocese of which he was Bishop. ...
Thank you and regards,
Jaw-Dropping Statement
Dear TIA,
This jaw-dropping statement below (TIA, Wednesday, April 10, 2024) should put the matter of authenticity of Akita apparitions to rest.
“Fr Yasuda wrote: The first pope and the last pope are to sell Jesus to the enemy. Therefore, the Era of the Antichrist Pope will soon come.”
St. Peter, our first pope, never sold Our Lord Jesus Christ to the enemy. Scriptures record Peter’s triple denial but never did he sell Our Lord to His enemies. That was the work of Judas. How can anyone endorse, promote or refrain from condemning these so-called apparitions?
The apparitions of Akita belong in the trash along with all the other false apparitions which multiplied like mushrooms in the dark recesses of the False Church. Beginning in the 1960’s and continuing up to today, we find Palmar de Troya, Necedah, the Little Pebble, Bayside, Garabandal, the Irish seer, Medjugorje, "Mary Speaks to Her Beloved Priests -Fr. Gobbi" and numerous others. There is a new crop of them every day on the Internet, and it’s a waste of time and an affront to Almighty God to look into them.
The False Catholic Church plays both sides and permits this confusion. The Diocesan Bishops, the Progressivist-Marxist kind who have no fondness for Our Lady, issue condemnations. This creates a ground swell of support amongst the People in the Pews who still have devotion to Our Lady.
Pitted against the cold, unfeeling Hierarchs are the Warm-Fuzzy types, Priests who will support these “Seers” and Apparitions because anything Marian has to be good. It tends to pay off in the end by keeping what the English say, "bums on the bus,” and these trusting Catholics, the People in the Pews, are snuggly tucked under the False Church's dark, leathery wings - a ready supply of souls and revenue$ for this Draculean monster.
Our Lady’s apparitions at Fatima, Portugal in 1917, which concluded with the tremendous Miracle of the Sun, are the definitive apparitions of our time. All our devotion and prayers should be directed to fulfilling Our Lady's requests: Pray the Rosary daily, do penance and amend our lives. There is no excuse to remain silent on these ‘apparitions’. To be silent is to consent.
In Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart,
This jaw-dropping statement below (TIA, Wednesday, April 10, 2024) should put the matter of authenticity of Akita apparitions to rest.
“Fr Yasuda wrote: The first pope and the last pope are to sell Jesus to the enemy. Therefore, the Era of the Antichrist Pope will soon come.”
St. Peter, our first pope, never sold Our Lord Jesus Christ to the enemy. Scriptures record Peter’s triple denial but never did he sell Our Lord to His enemies. That was the work of Judas. How can anyone endorse, promote or refrain from condemning these so-called apparitions?
The apparitions of Akita belong in the trash along with all the other false apparitions which multiplied like mushrooms in the dark recesses of the False Church. Beginning in the 1960’s and continuing up to today, we find Palmar de Troya, Necedah, the Little Pebble, Bayside, Garabandal, the Irish seer, Medjugorje, "Mary Speaks to Her Beloved Priests -Fr. Gobbi" and numerous others. There is a new crop of them every day on the Internet, and it’s a waste of time and an affront to Almighty God to look into them.
The False Catholic Church plays both sides and permits this confusion. The Diocesan Bishops, the Progressivist-Marxist kind who have no fondness for Our Lady, issue condemnations. This creates a ground swell of support amongst the People in the Pews who still have devotion to Our Lady.
Pitted against the cold, unfeeling Hierarchs are the Warm-Fuzzy types, Priests who will support these “Seers” and Apparitions because anything Marian has to be good. It tends to pay off in the end by keeping what the English say, "bums on the bus,” and these trusting Catholics, the People in the Pews, are snuggly tucked under the False Church's dark, leathery wings - a ready supply of souls and revenue$ for this Draculean monster.
Our Lady’s apparitions at Fatima, Portugal in 1917, which concluded with the tremendous Miracle of the Sun, are the definitive apparitions of our time. All our devotion and prayers should be directed to fulfilling Our Lady's requests: Pray the Rosary daily, do penance and amend our lives. There is no excuse to remain silent on these ‘apparitions’. To be silent is to consent.
In Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart,
My Eclipse Experience
Dear Dr. Marian,
Ave Maria!
I must say a few words about my eclipse experience!!
I was able to witness the totality of the April 8th eclipse from my front porch, wearing eclipse glasses as someone had sent a pair to me. Most amazing. It was the first time I had ever witnessed an eclipse.
What a phenomena in the sky, Dr. Marian! How slow but deliberate was the passage of these two, the moon actually inching along, deliberate and measured, approaching, obscuring, then receding as it crossed the sun! Inside the house, I was aware that it was becoming twilight-like and realized I had better put the glasses on and go outside!!
The worst was seeing vehicles rush past as if oblivious; my side street is often used as a shortcut to connecting roads. As we got closer to total eclipse, a crow repeatedly kept sounding an alarm of its approach but then went silent during totality, with other birds giving off their frightened cries as the sky turned an eerie orange red glow and it became very, very cold and still and in shadows, emphasizing how much we need the sun!
No other people appeared out in their front yards to watch! I heard someone shoot off a gun when it became dark (I wondered what the person could be thinking) followed by sounds of what resembled a prolonged sizzle of fireworks (likened to the sound of sparklers?) and from somewhere, some distance away, which must have been a group gathering, as screams/cheers went up when the sun was totally blacked out which I thought was most inappropriate. I would have wanted instead to hear cheering when the sun reappeared! Equally annoying was a neighbor intent upon using his noisy huge riding lawn mower, not caring less about what was taking place.
As for me, I kept silent, repeating the Holy Names of "Jesus" and "Mary" and "Jesus, I Trust in You". As I watched I was reminded of this humorous (see attachment) image which a friend in good jest sent me and of all things, I remembered and wished for an Oreo. Crazy, the power of suggestion! I otherwise never have a desire for that particular cookie!
We survived here without any disruption of electric power or earthquakes which some had predicted but we shall see what the 40 days and beyond bring us.
Were you able to experience any of the eclipse from where you are in California?
While we had good and mild weather for the eclipse, before and since it has been cold with copious amounts of rain and our share of wind. I definitely must go now but let me not forget to attach this fun spoof on the eclipse!
Goodnight! God bless you!
In Our Mother Maria,
Dr. E.Z.
Ave Maria!
I must say a few words about my eclipse experience!!
I was able to witness the totality of the April 8th eclipse from my front porch, wearing eclipse glasses as someone had sent a pair to me. Most amazing. It was the first time I had ever witnessed an eclipse.
What a phenomena in the sky, Dr. Marian! How slow but deliberate was the passage of these two, the moon actually inching along, deliberate and measured, approaching, obscuring, then receding as it crossed the sun! Inside the house, I was aware that it was becoming twilight-like and realized I had better put the glasses on and go outside!!
The worst was seeing vehicles rush past as if oblivious; my side street is often used as a shortcut to connecting roads. As we got closer to total eclipse, a crow repeatedly kept sounding an alarm of its approach but then went silent during totality, with other birds giving off their frightened cries as the sky turned an eerie orange red glow and it became very, very cold and still and in shadows, emphasizing how much we need the sun!
No other people appeared out in their front yards to watch! I heard someone shoot off a gun when it became dark (I wondered what the person could be thinking) followed by sounds of what resembled a prolonged sizzle of fireworks (likened to the sound of sparklers?) and from somewhere, some distance away, which must have been a group gathering, as screams/cheers went up when the sun was totally blacked out which I thought was most inappropriate. I would have wanted instead to hear cheering when the sun reappeared! Equally annoying was a neighbor intent upon using his noisy huge riding lawn mower, not caring less about what was taking place.
As for me, I kept silent, repeating the Holy Names of "Jesus" and "Mary" and "Jesus, I Trust in You". As I watched I was reminded of this humorous (see attachment) image which a friend in good jest sent me and of all things, I remembered and wished for an Oreo. Crazy, the power of suggestion! I otherwise never have a desire for that particular cookie!
We survived here without any disruption of electric power or earthquakes which some had predicted but we shall see what the 40 days and beyond bring us.
Were you able to experience any of the eclipse from where you are in California?
While we had good and mild weather for the eclipse, before and since it has been cold with copious amounts of rain and our share of wind. I definitely must go now but let me not forget to attach this fun spoof on the eclipse!
Goodnight! God bless you!
In Our Mother Maria,
Dr. E.Z.

Posted April 16, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
After reading today's entry, 'Francis Upends Catholic Education', I wanted to suggest to all to make themselves familiar with the 'Land O' Lakes Statement of 1967.
Wikipedia gives a fair description of this disaster and yet when I mention it to fellow Catholics, nobody knows anything about it. Basically, it drained the Catholic blood from our Catholic Universities.
Here is the Wikipedia entry.