What People are Commenting
Korean Priests, Heart Failures
& Cork’s Memories
The Pope’s Guru
Dear TIA,
This article about Catholics and Taoists uniting for a more harmonic relationship should NOT be surprising, considering the Taoist background of Pope Jorge Bergoglio.
Even before he was elected Pope, Bergoglio was seeking solutions to his health problems from a Taoist monk/guru. He used a Taoist manual I Ching to give classes in Buenos Aires.
As Atila G noted in his article, written shortly after Francis was elected, “When Francis affirmed that he believed in god, but not the Catholic God, was he not implicitly referring to Tao, the Chinese god allegedly immanent in all individuals, who identifies himself with the energy of the universe?”
The conference was jointly organized by the Vatican Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue, Hong Kong’s Catholic Diocese and Taoist Association.
Msgr. Indunil Janakaratne Kodithuwakku Kankanamalage, the under-secretary of the Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue, pronounced it a huge success. “Everyone was happy,” he said, which is, after all the most important thing.
This article about Catholics and Taoists uniting for a more harmonic relationship should NOT be surprising, considering the Taoist background of Pope Jorge Bergoglio.
Even before he was elected Pope, Bergoglio was seeking solutions to his health problems from a Taoist monk/guru. He used a Taoist manual I Ching to give classes in Buenos Aires.
As Atila G noted in his article, written shortly after Francis was elected, “When Francis affirmed that he believed in god, but not the Catholic God, was he not implicitly referring to Tao, the Chinese god allegedly immanent in all individuals, who identifies himself with the energy of the universe?”
The conference was jointly organized by the Vatican Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue, Hong Kong’s Catholic Diocese and Taoist Association.
Msgr. Indunil Janakaratne Kodithuwakku Kankanamalage, the under-secretary of the Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue, pronounced it a huge success. “Everyone was happy,” he said, which is, after all the most important thing.
Religious Indifferentism
I was reading your article, Religious Liberty as a monstrous right. So if religious liberty is a no no, does it mean in a Catholic state, all other religions are deemed illegal while Catholicism is the only legal religion?
TIA responds:
If you read the Syllabus of Errors by Pope Pius IX you will find the answer to your question.
In fact it condemns the following propositions as contrary to the Catholic doctrine:
The other religions should have only natural rights, that is, a follower of one of these false religions could profess his beliefs in private and with his close relatives or friends. This means that he could gather a small number of coreligionists, but not have a public place of worship.
The principle that all the religions have equal rights before the State – Religious Liberty – is a fruit of the Enlightenment put in practice by the American Revolution and the French Revolution. The Church qualifies this error as Religious Indifferentism.
TIA correspondence desk
I was reading your article, Religious Liberty as a monstrous right. So if religious liberty is a no no, does it mean in a Catholic state, all other religions are deemed illegal while Catholicism is the only legal religion?
TIA responds:
If you read the Syllabus of Errors by Pope Pius IX you will find the answer to your question.
In fact it condemns the following propositions as contrary to the Catholic doctrine:
77. In the present day it is no longer expedient that the Catholic religion should be held as the only religion of the State, to the exclusion of all other forms of worship. — Allocution “Nemo vestrum,” July 26, 1855.These propositions summarize well the previous Catholic doctrine, which taught that in a Catholic State only the Catholic Church should have liberty.
79. Moreover, it is false that the civil liberty of every form of worship, and the full power, given to all, of overtly and publicly manifesting any opinions whatsoever and thoughts, conduce more easily to corrupt the morals and minds of the people, and to propagate the pest of indifferentism. — Allocution “Nunquam fore,” Dec. 15, 1856.
The other religions should have only natural rights, that is, a follower of one of these false religions could profess his beliefs in private and with his close relatives or friends. This means that he could gather a small number of coreligionists, but not have a public place of worship.
The principle that all the religions have equal rights before the State – Religious Liberty – is a fruit of the Enlightenment put in practice by the American Revolution and the French Revolution. The Church qualifies this error as Religious Indifferentism.
TIA correspondence desk
973% Surge in Heart Failure
A new list of stats was released by the military. It reveals a number of diseases that increased among its ranks after the mandatory vaccination.
The most spectacular of these stats is the 973% Surge in Heart Failure in Navy Pilots.
Please, check here for the full results.
A new list of stats was released by the military. It reveals a number of diseases that increased among its ranks after the mandatory vaccination.
The most spectacular of these stats is the 973% Surge in Heart Failure in Navy Pilots.
Please, check here for the full results.
Yes, Tucho Is ‘Gay’
If anyone had doubts about Tucho Fernandez’ sexual orientation, here is an interview of a known nun in Argentina who says clearly in a TV interview that Card. Fernandez is “gay.”
She adds that Francis knew it perfectly and this orientation weighed favorably in his choice to make him Prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith.
If anyone had doubts about Tucho Fernandez’ sexual orientation, here is an interview of a known nun in Argentina who says clearly in a TV interview that Card. Fernandez is “gay.”
She adds that Francis knew it perfectly and this orientation weighed favorably in his choice to make him Prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith.
Cuba Loves Francis…
Dear TIA,
Par for the Course: Cuba congratulates Francis
So, a Communist nation who has always opposed the Catholic Church rushes to congratulate Pope Francis for his communist reign.
Havana, March 14 (RHC) -- The Cuban Foreign Ministry on Wednesday congratulated on behalf of the people and government, Pope Francis, the highest representative of the Catholic Church in the world, on the occasion of the 11th anniversary of his pontifical investiture.
"We reiterate our wishes for success in his functions as head of state and spiritual leader," the Foreign Ministry stressed in its congratulatory message, published here.
What an upside down world and Church! Only the Chastisement can provide the cure and cleansing that is so needed. There is no other solution when we reach this point, where a brutally communist government praises the Catholic Pontiff…
Par for the Course: Cuba congratulates Francis
So, a Communist nation who has always opposed the Catholic Church rushes to congratulate Pope Francis for his communist reign.
Havana, March 14 (RHC) -- The Cuban Foreign Ministry on Wednesday congratulated on behalf of the people and government, Pope Francis, the highest representative of the Catholic Church in the world, on the occasion of the 11th anniversary of his pontifical investiture.
"We reiterate our wishes for success in his functions as head of state and spiritual leader," the Foreign Ministry stressed in its congratulatory message, published here.
What an upside down world and Church! Only the Chastisement can provide the cure and cleansing that is so needed. There is no other solution when we reach this point, where a brutally communist government praises the Catholic Pontiff…
Fond Memories of Cork, Ireland
Dear Dr. Horvat
Ave Maria Purissima!
May I wish you and everyone at TIA a very happy and blessed Saint Patrick’s Day. Saint Patrick banished the snakes from Ireland but sadly, there are many “snakes” among us today, seeking to destroy our Catholic civilization or at least, what remains of it.
The photograph attached illustrates this. It is of the Good Shepherd Convent, Cork, a once fine building now in ruins. The houses at the back of the convent were not there when I was there. Instead we had magnificent grounds including a small farm, largely worked by the older girls. It was among those tree lined avenues and open fields we held our Sunday afternoon promenades, stopping on the way at the Lourdes Grotto, the statues of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Sacred Heart of Jesus, the graveyard of the Sisters and of course the grave of Little Nellie, surrounded by the anonymous graves of the other little Preservates who had died holy deaths in the care of the Sisters.
The Sunday promenade was a feature in all Good Shepherd Convents. We started out at 2.00 pm and the next classes at 20 minute intervals. Originally the walk was subject to fine weather but as I mentioned I think, we received a donation of rubber boots and raincoats for every girl and this allowed us to walk in all kinds of weather, even the most inclement.
My class was supervised by my Sister Superior, myself and a trusted girl from the oldest class. They walked two abreast in silence arms at their side and eyes on their feet. “Regardez les pieds” was the order, even in Ireland. The Sisters explained if they were allowed look all around them they would be tempted more to talk, so custody of the eyes was always imposed. There was also the question of schooling them in shame from an early age, so the head was always bowed slightly, unless commanded by a Sister or Mistress otherwise.
We prayed the Holy Rosary at the graves of the good Sisters who had been called to their reward. Our prayers were in thanksgiving for their lives. We prayed a decade of the Rosary at the grave of Little Nellie and I gave a short talk on her obedience, her love of suffering and her patience.
It was our goal to inculcate our little ones with not just a tolerance of suffering but a real love of suffering. In class we passed around the Crucifix very respectfully and explained to each child how her sins had made Jesus suffer. We showed them the very large nails similar to those used to nail Jesus to the Cross and the whips used the scourge Him.
Many of the dear little ones were moved to tears even the most wayward. Voluntary penance was never short of recruits. This is a great beauty of our Faith, the fact that our suffering never goes to waste. How I wish children today would be zealous to release the Souls from Purgatory or to console Our Lady of Sorrows or to ease the sufferings of Our Dear Saviour.
God bless you Dr. Horvat. United in prayer and sacrifice.
Yours sincerely
C.P., Ireland
Ave Maria Purissima!

May I wish you and everyone at TIA a very happy and blessed Saint Patrick’s Day. Saint Patrick banished the snakes from Ireland but sadly, there are many “snakes” among us today, seeking to destroy our Catholic civilization or at least, what remains of it.
The photograph attached illustrates this. It is of the Good Shepherd Convent, Cork, a once fine building now in ruins. The houses at the back of the convent were not there when I was there. Instead we had magnificent grounds including a small farm, largely worked by the older girls. It was among those tree lined avenues and open fields we held our Sunday afternoon promenades, stopping on the way at the Lourdes Grotto, the statues of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Sacred Heart of Jesus, the graveyard of the Sisters and of course the grave of Little Nellie, surrounded by the anonymous graves of the other little Preservates who had died holy deaths in the care of the Sisters.
The Sunday promenade was a feature in all Good Shepherd Convents. We started out at 2.00 pm and the next classes at 20 minute intervals. Originally the walk was subject to fine weather but as I mentioned I think, we received a donation of rubber boots and raincoats for every girl and this allowed us to walk in all kinds of weather, even the most inclement.
My class was supervised by my Sister Superior, myself and a trusted girl from the oldest class. They walked two abreast in silence arms at their side and eyes on their feet. “Regardez les pieds” was the order, even in Ireland. The Sisters explained if they were allowed look all around them they would be tempted more to talk, so custody of the eyes was always imposed. There was also the question of schooling them in shame from an early age, so the head was always bowed slightly, unless commanded by a Sister or Mistress otherwise.
We prayed the Holy Rosary at the graves of the good Sisters who had been called to their reward. Our prayers were in thanksgiving for their lives. We prayed a decade of the Rosary at the grave of Little Nellie and I gave a short talk on her obedience, her love of suffering and her patience.
It was our goal to inculcate our little ones with not just a tolerance of suffering but a real love of suffering. In class we passed around the Crucifix very respectfully and explained to each child how her sins had made Jesus suffer. We showed them the very large nails similar to those used to nail Jesus to the Cross and the whips used the scourge Him.
Many of the dear little ones were moved to tears even the most wayward. Voluntary penance was never short of recruits. This is a great beauty of our Faith, the fact that our suffering never goes to waste. How I wish children today would be zealous to release the Souls from Purgatory or to console Our Lady of Sorrows or to ease the sufferings of Our Dear Saviour.
God bless you Dr. Horvat. United in prayer and sacrifice.
Yours sincerely
C.P., Ireland
Posted March 19, 2024

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: Dancing Priest Ordinations in Korea
I will put six bullets in the cylinder of my revolver and will make these priests dance in the West fashion of Lucky Luke! Gang of Conciliar Nazis!
P.C., France