What People are Commenting
Pioneers, Recognition & Vindication
You Were the Pioneers
Dr. Horvat,
Re: ‘There Are Two Sister Lucys’
Thank you again, Dr. Horvat, for your kind reference to us in your article.
You were the pioneers on this subject and we added a contribution to the endeavor. It does seem to be gaining momentum and perhaps the truth will be known soon.
May God bless you.
Fr. M.M., Servants of the Holy Family
PS - Again, our gratitude for TIA’s daily messages and especially on the Saints of the Day and Catholic customs. The authors are doing wonderful work in promoting our Catholic devotion and observance.
Re: ‘There Are Two Sister Lucys’
Thank you again, Dr. Horvat, for your kind reference to us in your article.
You were the pioneers on this subject and we added a contribution to the endeavor. It does seem to be gaining momentum and perhaps the truth will be known soon.
May God bless you.
Fr. M.M., Servants of the Holy Family
PS - Again, our gratitude for TIA’s daily messages and especially on the Saints of the Day and Catholic customs. The authors are doing wonderful work in promoting our Catholic devotion and observance.
What Is the Purpose of the Exchange of Lucys
Dear Dr. Horvat,
RE: ‘There Are Two Sister Lucys’
What was the purpose of replacing the original Sister Lucy with an imposter? What was the motive?
What do you think was the purpose behind the conspiracy?
Thank you
Dr. Horvat responds:
Dear P.F.,
It seems clear to me that the Vatican needed to stop the real Sister Lucia dos Santos, who had been given her mission from Our Lady to reveal the Secret by the year 1960. One of the last things her cousin Jacinta said to her was a grave command and warning: “When the time comes, speak.” It was as if she already foresaw the difficulties ahead for her cousin Lucia.
John XXIII was Pope in 1960 when the Third Secret should have been revealed. There is a famous statement attributed to him, in which he said that the message of Fatima was not for our times. This personal judgment would have been the reason the revelation of the Third Secret was not made. So, if there was a faithful Sister Lucy trying to speak to the world and spread a message from Our Lady that was different from his opinion, she would need to be silenced before 1960.
Further Sister Lucia knew quite well the requirements for the consecration of Russia, and I believe this very serious nun would have never said that the consecration of Russia had been made as Our Lady had requested on March 25, 1984, as the second Sister Lucy readily did (as reported in The Message of Fatima issued by the Vatican on June 26, 2000).
Finally, it was necessary that the Third Secret be put to rest definitively by releasing a false Third Secret, which is what Card. Ratzinger and Arch. Bertone did in 2002. The false Sister Lucy, who was still alive, gave her approval to this "Bishop-dressed-in-white" version released by the Vatican.
I do not believe the real Sister Lucia dos Santos would have followed Vatican instructions rather than the command of Our Lady, nor would she have lied for convenience sake. She understood her mission, she had been promised Heaven by Our Lady, but under the condition she was faithful to her mission.
As you can see, there were many reasons for the progressivist Vatican to silence the real Sister Lucia. Further, there could be no better way of assuring the acquiescence of the Catholic people to these lies, as well as to many changes of Vatican II (Communion in the hand, the Novus Ordo liturgy) than for the Vatican officials to show them the remaining and revered seer Sister Lucy complacently going along with all of these "reforms."
Therefore, a replacement would have been most advantageous to serve the progressivist agenda.
Dr. Marian Horvat
RE: ‘There Are Two Sister Lucys’
What was the purpose of replacing the original Sister Lucy with an imposter? What was the motive?
What do you think was the purpose behind the conspiracy?
Thank you
Dr. Horvat responds:
Dear P.F.,
It seems clear to me that the Vatican needed to stop the real Sister Lucia dos Santos, who had been given her mission from Our Lady to reveal the Secret by the year 1960. One of the last things her cousin Jacinta said to her was a grave command and warning: “When the time comes, speak.” It was as if she already foresaw the difficulties ahead for her cousin Lucia.
John XXIII was Pope in 1960 when the Third Secret should have been revealed. There is a famous statement attributed to him, in which he said that the message of Fatima was not for our times. This personal judgment would have been the reason the revelation of the Third Secret was not made. So, if there was a faithful Sister Lucy trying to speak to the world and spread a message from Our Lady that was different from his opinion, she would need to be silenced before 1960.
Further Sister Lucia knew quite well the requirements for the consecration of Russia, and I believe this very serious nun would have never said that the consecration of Russia had been made as Our Lady had requested on March 25, 1984, as the second Sister Lucy readily did (as reported in The Message of Fatima issued by the Vatican on June 26, 2000).
Finally, it was necessary that the Third Secret be put to rest definitively by releasing a false Third Secret, which is what Card. Ratzinger and Arch. Bertone did in 2002. The false Sister Lucy, who was still alive, gave her approval to this "Bishop-dressed-in-white" version released by the Vatican.
I do not believe the real Sister Lucia dos Santos would have followed Vatican instructions rather than the command of Our Lady, nor would she have lied for convenience sake. She understood her mission, she had been promised Heaven by Our Lady, but under the condition she was faithful to her mission.
As you can see, there were many reasons for the progressivist Vatican to silence the real Sister Lucia. Further, there could be no better way of assuring the acquiescence of the Catholic people to these lies, as well as to many changes of Vatican II (Communion in the hand, the Novus Ordo liturgy) than for the Vatican officials to show them the remaining and revered seer Sister Lucy complacently going along with all of these "reforms."
Therefore, a replacement would have been most advantageous to serve the progressivist agenda.
Dr. Marian Horvat
Recognition & Vindication
Dear TIA,
Here [screenshot below] is the recognition, vindication and a team work approach that is the best way to bring the needed attention to this travesty perpetrated by diabolical Conciliar popes and their minions.
Salve Maria!
Here [screenshot below] is the recognition, vindication and a team work approach that is the best way to bring the needed attention to this travesty perpetrated by diabolical Conciliar popes and their minions.
Salve Maria!

400 Year Old Church Emerges from the Water
Dear TIA,
Thought you might find this of interest. Due to an intense heat wave and drought that has spread in various parts of Mexico, a more than 400-year-old Catholic church has completely emerged from the waters in the state of Chiapas.
God bless,
400-year-old church emerges from the waters in Mexico
David Ramos & ACI Prensa Staff
Jun 21, 2023 – Due to an intense heat wave and drought that has spread in various parts of Mexico, a more than 400-year-old Catholic church has completely emerged from the waters in the state of Chiapas.
The church of the disappeared town of San Juan Quechula, dedicated to the apostle James the Greater and built by Dominican friars who evangelized the region headed by friar Bartolomé de las Casas in the 16th century, was flooded in 1966 with the construction of the Nezahualcóyotl hydroelectric dam, also known as the Malpaso Dam.
In recent years, the upper part of the church had remained visible and tourists could approach it using boats. This is one of at least seven churches that are “buried” under water or stone in different regions of Mexico.
According to the Tecpatán City Hall website, it is estimated that the church was built between 1564 and 1606, although “it was abandoned in 1776 due to a series of plagues that affected the surrounding communities.”
Read more here
Thought you might find this of interest. Due to an intense heat wave and drought that has spread in various parts of Mexico, a more than 400-year-old Catholic church has completely emerged from the waters in the state of Chiapas.
God bless,
David Ramos & ACI Prensa Staff

Jun 21, 2023 – Due to an intense heat wave and drought that has spread in various parts of Mexico, a more than 400-year-old Catholic church has completely emerged from the waters in the state of Chiapas.
The church of the disappeared town of San Juan Quechula, dedicated to the apostle James the Greater and built by Dominican friars who evangelized the region headed by friar Bartolomé de las Casas in the 16th century, was flooded in 1966 with the construction of the Nezahualcóyotl hydroelectric dam, also known as the Malpaso Dam.
In recent years, the upper part of the church had remained visible and tourists could approach it using boats. This is one of at least seven churches that are “buried” under water or stone in different regions of Mexico.
According to the Tecpatán City Hall website, it is estimated that the church was built between 1564 and 1606, although “it was abandoned in 1776 due to a series of plagues that affected the surrounding communities.”
Read more here
Posted June 27, 2023

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
I have noticed in reading many of your letters, that you mention a Reign of Mary.
Where do you get this from as there is nothing in Scripture, and I have never heard of it anywhere else?
God Bless you all at TIA,
in J+M+J
TIA responds:
Dear W.T.,
The Reign of Mary is the Reign of Christ through Mary. All the references in Scripture on the Reign of Jesus Christ are applied to Mary according to the doctrine of St. Louis Grignion de Montfort in his Treatise of the True Devotion to Mary. He was the one who coined the expression Reign of Mary that we at TIA adopt in our articles.
In Fatima Our Lady indirectly mentioned it when she said: “At the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”
We suggest you to read this series on the Judgment of Nations by Margaret Galitzin on the Latter Times, which points out some of the many places in Scriptures where a great chastisement and the restoration that will follow are mentioned. This restoration is what we call the Reign of Mary.
TIA correspondence desk