What People are Commenting
Papal Doll, Summer Dresses & Indefectibility
Blessing a Plush Doll
Dear TIA,
I am not sure whether this video was Photoshopped or not, but here is Pope Francis blessing a clownish plush doll in his likeness. If it is true, as it looks like, the question comes to mind: Is this not narcissism?
In Jesu et Maria,
I am not sure whether this video was Photoshopped or not, but here is Pope Francis blessing a clownish plush doll in his likeness. If it is true, as it looks like, the question comes to mind: Is this not narcissism?
In Jesu et Maria,

Summer Dresses
Thank you for the alert on modesty in dress and the need to practice custody of the eyes, no matter what.
Thank you Our Lady of Fatima for warning us. Many women especially young ones now days wear pants - and pants so tight that if they sneeze they will split ...
My daily prayer is that there may be an increased interest in, knowledge and understanding of and devotion to dressing modestly.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
Thank you for the alert on modesty in dress and the need to practice custody of the eyes, no matter what.
Thank you Our Lady of Fatima for warning us. Many women especially young ones now days wear pants - and pants so tight that if they sneeze they will split ...
My daily prayer is that there may be an increased interest in, knowledge and understanding of and devotion to dressing modestly.
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
Your Take on The Pope’s Exorcist Is Confirmed
Thank you for your warning not to see the Russell Crowe movie The Pope’s Exorcist, which is billed as being based on the life of famous Rome exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth and his own memoirs and writings.
I thought you would like to know that the International Association of Exorcists (IAE – founded in 1990 by Father Gabriel Amorth) agrees that the movie is not to be seen. It writes “Besides being contrary to historical reality, distorts and falsifies what is really lived and experienced during the exorcism of truly possessed people that we, Catholic exorcists, celebrate according to the directives given by the Church.”
IAE accused the film of being a danger to viewers. The film’s depiction of exorcisms is “a spectacle aimed at arousing strong and unhealthy emotions, thanks to a gloomy set design, with sound effects such as to arouse only anxiety, disquiet and fear in the viewer,” they wrote.
The end result is to instill the belief that exorcism is an abnormal, monstrous, and frightening phenomenon, whose only protagonist is the devil, whose violent reactions can be confronted with great difficulty — which is the exact opposite of what occurs in the context of exorcism celebrated in the Catholic Church, in obedience to the directives it issues.
So, don’t let your curiosity get the better of you. You might find yourselves with nightmares, or even some type of infestation after watching this dark and falsified film supposedly about Fr. Amorth.
READ: Exorcist group denounces Russell Crowe’s new film ‘The Pope’s Exorcist’ about its founder
Keep up your good work, TIA
Thank you for your warning not to see the Russell Crowe movie The Pope’s Exorcist, which is billed as being based on the life of famous Rome exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth and his own memoirs and writings.
I thought you would like to know that the International Association of Exorcists (IAE – founded in 1990 by Father Gabriel Amorth) agrees that the movie is not to be seen. It writes “Besides being contrary to historical reality, distorts and falsifies what is really lived and experienced during the exorcism of truly possessed people that we, Catholic exorcists, celebrate according to the directives given by the Church.”
IAE accused the film of being a danger to viewers. The film’s depiction of exorcisms is “a spectacle aimed at arousing strong and unhealthy emotions, thanks to a gloomy set design, with sound effects such as to arouse only anxiety, disquiet and fear in the viewer,” they wrote.
The end result is to instill the belief that exorcism is an abnormal, monstrous, and frightening phenomenon, whose only protagonist is the devil, whose violent reactions can be confronted with great difficulty — which is the exact opposite of what occurs in the context of exorcism celebrated in the Catholic Church, in obedience to the directives it issues.
So, don’t let your curiosity get the better of you. You might find yourselves with nightmares, or even some type of infestation after watching this dark and falsified film supposedly about Fr. Amorth.
READ: Exorcist group denounces Russell Crowe’s new film ‘The Pope’s Exorcist’ about its founder
Keep up your good work, TIA
Love for Truth & Indefectibility
Dear TIA,
Kindly let me mention four things in writing to you.
First, that your work is a balm to my soul, and I thank you sincerely for seeking and declaring boldly the truth, whatsoever it may be. The quality and breadth of your work are unparalleled in contemporary writing, as far as I have seen.
May God reward you forever.
I would like to relate that just yesterday I listened to a wonderful sermon from a faithful priest, declaring, not on his own authority or opinion but with the weight of the Catholic tradition, that to seek the truth is truly identical with seeking God, Who is Truth. To love the truth is to love God.
I am a sinner who is far from living in total accordance with the truth; but, I love the truth and try never to hide from it, never to blind myself to it. I am at pains to find others who love the truth as I do; but I consider those at TIA my friends, for they are friends of the truth.
Second, and here is my initial impetus for writing to you, that I was reading through your article entitled "Was Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre a Freemason? - VII," subtitled with a reader's response, "‘I Am Convinced Msgr. Lefebvre Was Not a Mason’, and noticed that the majority of the hyperlinks made by TIA do not work. The pages return as "404, not found." Were these (1) TIA pages removed intentionally (and if so, why?), or (2) external pages whose links changed? (and if so, would it be possible to update them?) The links are helpful, if tangential, for me to see the context of this argument, which I knew nothing of before today.
Third, that I would much appreciate the continuation of the response you made to the question, "If the Church Is Indefectible, Why Do You Not Accept the New Mass & the New Saints?" The questions of the Novus Ordo and the indefectibility of the Church are of serious importance to me, as it should be to all Catholics, and my own investigations are still unsatisfying. I agree with everything TIA has said in that article and I "have the courage to face the facts."
Please, if time permits, send me a personal message or a website article explaining TIA's full understanding of this issue.
Fourth, that I would like to inquire whether there are open positions with TIA? I am happy to discuss qualifications, etc., although I believe that my primary qualification is a love (of TIA's kind) for the truth, found first of all in our Holy Faith, and a firm desire to defend it in the position of Counter Resistance that you take.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
TIA responds:
Dear P.L.,
We thank you very much for your letter and high consideration for our work. It is very rare to find someone like yourself who agrees with us to such an extent.
We go on to answer your questions/observations in the same order you presented them.
TIA correspondence desk
Kindly let me mention four things in writing to you.
First, that your work is a balm to my soul, and I thank you sincerely for seeking and declaring boldly the truth, whatsoever it may be. The quality and breadth of your work are unparalleled in contemporary writing, as far as I have seen.
May God reward you forever.
I would like to relate that just yesterday I listened to a wonderful sermon from a faithful priest, declaring, not on his own authority or opinion but with the weight of the Catholic tradition, that to seek the truth is truly identical with seeking God, Who is Truth. To love the truth is to love God.
I am a sinner who is far from living in total accordance with the truth; but, I love the truth and try never to hide from it, never to blind myself to it. I am at pains to find others who love the truth as I do; but I consider those at TIA my friends, for they are friends of the truth.
Second, and here is my initial impetus for writing to you, that I was reading through your article entitled "Was Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre a Freemason? - VII," subtitled with a reader's response, "‘I Am Convinced Msgr. Lefebvre Was Not a Mason’, and noticed that the majority of the hyperlinks made by TIA do not work. The pages return as "404, not found." Were these (1) TIA pages removed intentionally (and if so, why?), or (2) external pages whose links changed? (and if so, would it be possible to update them?) The links are helpful, if tangential, for me to see the context of this argument, which I knew nothing of before today.
Third, that I would much appreciate the continuation of the response you made to the question, "If the Church Is Indefectible, Why Do You Not Accept the New Mass & the New Saints?" The questions of the Novus Ordo and the indefectibility of the Church are of serious importance to me, as it should be to all Catholics, and my own investigations are still unsatisfying. I agree with everything TIA has said in that article and I "have the courage to face the facts."
Please, if time permits, send me a personal message or a website article explaining TIA's full understanding of this issue.
Fourth, that I would like to inquire whether there are open positions with TIA? I am happy to discuss qualifications, etc., although I believe that my primary qualification is a love (of TIA's kind) for the truth, found first of all in our Holy Faith, and a firm desire to defend it in the position of Counter Resistance that you take.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
TIA responds:
Dear P.L.,
We thank you very much for your letter and high consideration for our work. It is very rare to find someone like yourself who agrees with us to such an extent.
We go on to answer your questions/observations in the same order you presented them.
- You – and the good priest you mentioned – are absolutely correct when you say that to love God and to love the truth is the same. Indeed, since Our Lord Jesus Christ is Wisdom Incarnate, as much as we love wisdom we love Him.
- We apologize for those links you pointed out not working properly. We fixed them. If by chance you
should find other such errors, we would appreciate being informed in order to correct them.
- There are several articles we have posted that deal closely or remotely with the Indefectibility of the Church. They include:
- The Immaculate Character of the Catholic Church;
- Infallibility: First Requisite to Accomplish Christ’s Mandate;
- What Is Papal Infallibility? When Is It Exercised?;
- Can a Pope Err in Doctrinal, Canonic & Liturgical Matters?;
- Papal Infallibility: Historic Context;
- Status Quaestionis: Types of Magisterium;
- What Is an Ex Cathedra Papal Pronouncement?;
- Infallibility & Continuity of the Magisterium;
- Other Types of Infallibility of the Ordinary Magisterium;
- Are the Documents of Vatican II Infallible?;
- No One Can Go against the Traditional Teaching of the Catholic Church.
- We would indeed like to establish a closer contact with you to see how we can work together. We are sure that there are many areas and ways that this might be accomplished.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted May 11, 2023

The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
The Scottish Archbishop of Glasgow William Nolan canceled the thriving Latin Mass community in Glasgow without giving any reason, but he did not shut down the Novus Ordo...
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