What People are Commenting
Dying Progressivism & a Red-Green China
Question of Communism & Socialism
Greetings and Salutations,
I have a conundrum that has plagued me for the longest time, and I believe you would have the best remedy.
In my travels I have met many who espouse Communism and Socialism, and in doing my best to pray and reason with them, have had little effect. I do know that these things take time and prayer such that the hearts of these individuals may be opened, but on its face I run into the problem that I am not able to find a simple analysis and refutation of the aforementioned errors without referral to some large corpus of writing that is too long to be read by one who is entrenched in their ways, who otherwise would have given a chance to something the length of an article.
Being for my own edification as well, are there any such resources that you could point me to?
I greatly appreciate your time and attention, and I assure you of my prayers for your good work,
TIA responds:
Thank you for your prayers and thoughtfulness.
We suggest you to read this series of articles by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira that deals with the difference between the modern systems and the Catholic order of the past. In it he explains the flaws of Socialism and Communism, as well as of Capitalism.
This series can be of assistance for your intellectual needs. If, after reading it, you still need more help, we will be glad to give it.
TIA correspondence desk
I have a conundrum that has plagued me for the longest time, and I believe you would have the best remedy.
In my travels I have met many who espouse Communism and Socialism, and in doing my best to pray and reason with them, have had little effect. I do know that these things take time and prayer such that the hearts of these individuals may be opened, but on its face I run into the problem that I am not able to find a simple analysis and refutation of the aforementioned errors without referral to some large corpus of writing that is too long to be read by one who is entrenched in their ways, who otherwise would have given a chance to something the length of an article.
Being for my own edification as well, are there any such resources that you could point me to?
I greatly appreciate your time and attention, and I assure you of my prayers for your good work,
TIA responds:
Thank you for your prayers and thoughtfulness.
We suggest you to read this series of articles by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira that deals with the difference between the modern systems and the Catholic order of the past. In it he explains the flaws of Socialism and Communism, as well as of Capitalism.
This series can be of assistance for your intellectual needs. If, after reading it, you still need more help, we will be glad to give it.
TIA correspondence desk
When Dining With a Priest...
To Whom It May Concern:
I will be having a priest over soon for dinner. Should I sit at the head of the table (as head of the household) with the priest on my right or should he sit at the head of the table? Which is correct?
Thank you.
In Jesus, Mary and St Joseph,
TIA responds:
We thank you for your consideration in asking us this question.
According to the good Catholic etiquette rules of the past, you should retain your place at the head of the table, and seat the priest in the place of honor at your right hand side.
That is to say, even a most honored guest does not unseat a man from his place as King of his home and host of his table.
May Our Lady bless your home and help you to restore the spirit of hierarchy and ceremony that reigned in Catholic society in those happy days of past.
TIA correspondence desk
I will be having a priest over soon for dinner. Should I sit at the head of the table (as head of the household) with the priest on my right or should he sit at the head of the table? Which is correct?
Thank you.
In Jesus, Mary and St Joseph,
TIA responds:
We thank you for your consideration in asking us this question.
According to the good Catholic etiquette rules of the past, you should retain your place at the head of the table, and seat the priest in the place of honor at your right hand side.
That is to say, even a most honored guest does not unseat a man from his place as King of his home and host of his table.
May Our Lady bless your home and help you to restore the spirit of hierarchy and ceremony that reigned in Catholic society in those happy days of past.
TIA correspondence desk
A Dying Progressivist Revolution
Dear TIA,
I have no intention to offend; but I need to make just one more remark about the universal godless society.
Extremely accurate sex robots in Japan are now $15,000.00. The demand is staggering. Men and women no longer need each other. Countries are dying as there are not enough live births.
How poignant, that this insensitive and ailing Marxist Francis dreads the rebirth of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and is enraged because his revolution is dying.
It is so aggravating when the Modernists say “reforms,” when the reality is “replacement” of the Church.
Go to a Novus Ordo Missae, and there are no children there. It is dying, and Francis knows it. It enrages him.
Go to any Roman Catholic Mass, and it is difficult to avoid tripping over all of the children.
Francis says and does whatever necessary to crush the Church, but the True Church continues to grow. Deo Gratias!
J.S., Ph.D.
I have no intention to offend; but I need to make just one more remark about the universal godless society.
Extremely accurate sex robots in Japan are now $15,000.00. The demand is staggering. Men and women no longer need each other. Countries are dying as there are not enough live births.
How poignant, that this insensitive and ailing Marxist Francis dreads the rebirth of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and is enraged because his revolution is dying.
It is so aggravating when the Modernists say “reforms,” when the reality is “replacement” of the Church.
Go to a Novus Ordo Missae, and there are no children there. It is dying, and Francis knows it. It enrages him.
Go to any Roman Catholic Mass, and it is difficult to avoid tripping over all of the children.
Francis says and does whatever necessary to crush the Church, but the True Church continues to grow. Deo Gratias!
J.S., Ph.D.
Transgender Mocks Our Lady
Please, make an act of reparation for this blasphemy. It is a Brazilian homosexual transgender who mocks Our Lady Aparecida, the Patroness of Brazil.
A trans “woman” appears dressed as Our Lady Aparecida to compete in the "Miss International Queen 2022," which is a beauty pageant in Thailand for degenerate people.
It is shocking to see that the Brazilian Bishops did not speak about this blasphemy and call Catholics to make public reparation for such an outrage. They did not even said a word of protest, as far as I know.

Please, make an act of reparation for this blasphemy. It is a Brazilian homosexual transgender who mocks Our Lady Aparecida, the Patroness of Brazil.
A trans “woman” appears dressed as Our Lady Aparecida to compete in the "Miss International Queen 2022," which is a beauty pageant in Thailand for degenerate people.
It is shocking to see that the Brazilian Bishops did not speak about this blasphemy and call Catholics to make public reparation for such an outrage. They did not even said a word of protest, as far as I know.

Companies Offering to Pay Employee Travel to Kill A Child
Here is the response of some America’s largest companies - including the once esteemed Disney - to the overturning of Roe vs Wade ruling:
A growing number of companies, including JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N), Amazon.com Inc (AMZN.O), Tesla Inc (TSLA.O) and Walt Disney Co (DIS.N) are updating or changing their health insurance policies to offer travel benefits to U.S. employees who may need to access out of state abortion services.
Maybe it is time to stop shopping on Amazon and stop visiting Disneyworld or buying their products for your children.
Here is the response of some America’s largest companies - including the once esteemed Disney - to the overturning of Roe vs Wade ruling:
A growing number of companies, including JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N), Amazon.com Inc (AMZN.O), Tesla Inc (TSLA.O) and Walt Disney Co (DIS.N) are updating or changing their health insurance policies to offer travel benefits to U.S. employees who may need to access out of state abortion services.
Maybe it is time to stop shopping on Amazon and stop visiting Disneyworld or buying their products for your children.
Catholic 'Priorities' in China
An update on how the Communist Government of China is treating the religions. Let us not forget that Francis – following Benedict XVI's policy – made an agreement with China and obliged underground Catholics to join the controlled communist-fake-hierarchy.
Further Sinicization of Registered Churches in China
advances ecological program
June 23, 2022 – On June 8, the release of a report entitled “Joint Initiative on Advocating Frugality and Abstaining from Extravagance” signaled heightened control of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) over state-sanctioned churches.
The news outlet, China Christian Daily, reports that registered Christian organizations such as the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association and Chinese Catholic Bishops’ Conference issued a joint statement discouraging extravagance among Christian leaders. Instead, frugality should be practiced to avoid “damaging the social image of religion and hindering the further advancement of the Sinicization of Christianity in China.” The report quotes John 6:12 in an attempt to further justify and convince Christians that living a simple life is Biblical. Anyone who disobeys the stated regulations risks possible punishment.
The report also advises that believers practice a green, low-carbon lifestyle, and worship in eco-friendly spaces. These instructions align with the government’s most recent initiative to provide a carbon-neutral environment.
The CCP relies on its state-vetted churches to further its Sinicization mission by pressuring believers to conform to the party’s standards. Since registered churches are under the direct influence of the Chinese government, unregistered churches and believers are under constant scrutiny as they continue to practice their faith.
An update on how the Communist Government of China is treating the religions. Let us not forget that Francis – following Benedict XVI's policy – made an agreement with China and obliged underground Catholics to join the controlled communist-fake-hierarchy.
advances ecological program
June 23, 2022 – On June 8, the release of a report entitled “Joint Initiative on Advocating Frugality and Abstaining from Extravagance” signaled heightened control of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) over state-sanctioned churches.
The news outlet, China Christian Daily, reports that registered Christian organizations such as the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association and Chinese Catholic Bishops’ Conference issued a joint statement discouraging extravagance among Christian leaders. Instead, frugality should be practiced to avoid “damaging the social image of religion and hindering the further advancement of the Sinicization of Christianity in China.” The report quotes John 6:12 in an attempt to further justify and convince Christians that living a simple life is Biblical. Anyone who disobeys the stated regulations risks possible punishment.
The report also advises that believers practice a green, low-carbon lifestyle, and worship in eco-friendly spaces. These instructions align with the government’s most recent initiative to provide a carbon-neutral environment.
The CCP relies on its state-vetted churches to further its Sinicization mission by pressuring believers to conform to the party’s standards. Since registered churches are under the direct influence of the Chinese government, unregistered churches and believers are under constant scrutiny as they continue to practice their faith.

Posted June 30, 2022
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
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This site is wonderful.