What People are Commenting
Dressing Well, America & McElroy
Cognac in Snifters
Thought you would find this interesting. A blog I follow that complimented well-dressed men.
Maybe those men read your site!
Keep up your good work
Letter from Laura Calder #22 | June 2022
We were in a restaurant a few weeks ago, and at the table next to us were two head-turning young men (in their early 20s, I’d guess) who were so well dressed and had such impeccable table manners, we couldn’t keep our eyes off them.
You’d think they’d walked right out of an Evelyn Waugh novel, and it was all I could do not to get out of my seat, go over, and cross-examine them about their education. Since it was such an unusual thing to witness, I wondered if it could be a sign of a coming turn of the tide, just as when suddenly you spot birds and floating sticks on the open sea it means that land can’t be far off. One can hope. I mean, they even ordered Cognacs in snifters at the end!
Thought you would find this interesting. A blog I follow that complimented well-dressed men.
Maybe those men read your site!
Keep up your good work
We were in a restaurant a few weeks ago, and at the table next to us were two head-turning young men (in their early 20s, I’d guess) who were so well dressed and had such impeccable table manners, we couldn’t keep our eyes off them.
You’d think they’d walked right out of an Evelyn Waugh novel, and it was all I could do not to get out of my seat, go over, and cross-examine them about their education. Since it was such an unusual thing to witness, I wondered if it could be a sign of a coming turn of the tide, just as when suddenly you spot birds and floating sticks on the open sea it means that land can’t be far off. One can hope. I mean, they even ordered Cognacs in snifters at the end!

An Article on Noise, Please
Dear sir/madam
Greetings in Christ,
Thanks for all your fascinating articles over many years.
Might I ask you to consider an article on a subject that gets little or no attention: Noise.
Noise is everywhere and incessant. Up until the Industrial Revolution I imagine the world a fairly quiet place in relative terms, save for the odd war, a tree being felled, a stonemason chipping away at a block of granite.
Kindest regards in the Lord,
TIA responds:
Dear C.G.,
Thank you for your encouraging words.
We are passing your suggestion to our editor.
While we wait for an article on silence, you may benefit from reading some considerations on solitude by St. Alphonsus de Ligori and a sound comment by a reader on silence.
TIA correspondence desk
Greetings in Christ,
Thanks for all your fascinating articles over many years.
Might I ask you to consider an article on a subject that gets little or no attention: Noise.
Noise is everywhere and incessant. Up until the Industrial Revolution I imagine the world a fairly quiet place in relative terms, save for the odd war, a tree being felled, a stonemason chipping away at a block of granite.
Kindest regards in the Lord,
TIA responds:
Dear C.G.,
Thank you for your encouraging words.
We are passing your suggestion to our editor.
While we wait for an article on silence, you may benefit from reading some considerations on solitude by St. Alphonsus de Ligori and a sound comment by a reader on silence.
TIA correspondence desk
B'nai Brith & Francis
The photo of the week showing Francis receiving the Jewish Masonic B'nai Brith men, who are Satanist, epitomizes the centuries long struggle between Christ and Anti-Christ.
Moses Hess, Marx's rabbi, wrote a book in the 1860's Rome or Jerusalem. One of the main points was that as long as the Pope in Rome is not neutralized, the Jews cannot realize their Messianic dreams in this world and their world domination.
While many people will look at photo of Francis getting a chalice from Christ's crucifiers, sadly, no pun intended, some will not get the picture. A classic case of much interest in the display put on but little discernment.
Cardinal Ciappi who read the Third Secret of Fatima said: the secret mentions that the apostasy in the Church begins at the top. The top...
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
The photo of the week showing Francis receiving the Jewish Masonic B'nai Brith men, who are Satanist, epitomizes the centuries long struggle between Christ and Anti-Christ.
Moses Hess, Marx's rabbi, wrote a book in the 1860's Rome or Jerusalem. One of the main points was that as long as the Pope in Rome is not neutralized, the Jews cannot realize their Messianic dreams in this world and their world domination.
While many people will look at photo of Francis getting a chalice from Christ's crucifiers, sadly, no pun intended, some will not get the picture. A classic case of much interest in the display put on but little discernment.
Cardinal Ciappi who read the Third Secret of Fatima said: the secret mentions that the apostasy in the Church begins at the top. The top...
Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us.
Jesuit Magazine: 'The Church Needs LGBT Saints'
Look at this horrendous post by the Jesuit Review on Instagram.
As they say, the corruption of the best (the Jesuits of old) becomes the worst (modern Jesuits).
God bless,
Look at this horrendous post by the Jesuit Review on Instagram.
As they say, the corruption of the best (the Jesuits of old) becomes the worst (modern Jesuits).
God bless,

McElroy, the Worst Choice
Dear TIA,
With the announcement of Pope Francis' choice of 27 new cardinals, I am shocked to see that Bishop McElroy of San Diego - the most favorable possible to homosexuality - will be elevated to this honor in the Church. (Read below)
I see that Francis will not rest until he completely inverts the entire moral doctrine of the Church.
Pope Francis’ new cardinal pick has a horrifying record
on homosexuality and abortion
Raymond Wolfe
June 3, 2022 - An in-depth look at the shocking background of ultra-liberal San Diego Bishop Robert McElroy, Francis’ latest US cardinal pick – and his most egregious one yet.
Pope Francis shocked the Church on Sunday with his announcement of 21 new cardinals, including 16 cardinal electors, to be installed at a consistory on August 27.
The appointments unsurprisingly include several overt liberals, like pro-LGBT Brazilian Archbishop Leonardo Ulrich Steiner and anti-Latin Mass Vatican liturgy chief Archbishop Arthur Roche.
But the Pope’s most radical pick is Bishop Robert McElroy of San Diego, known to faithful Catholics as arguably the most pro-homosexual, left-wing prelate in the United States.
In recent years, McElroy has sparked outrage for celebrating “LGBT Masses,” rebuking the Church’s position on homosexual acts, urging Catholic funeral rites for active homosexuals, and throwing his support behind dissident Jesuit Fr. James Martin while blasting conservatives’ “destructive” attitudes on sexuality.
His record on life issues isn’t much better. No bishop has defended giving Communion to pro-abortion politicians as vigorously as McElroy, who equates abortion with “climate change” and rejects the idea that abortion is the singular, “pre-eminent” moral issue facing the U.S. Church.
After Pope Francis released new restrictions on the Latin Mass last year, McElroy quickly eliminated two of the diocese’s three traditional Mass churches. During the COVID jab rollout, he pushed vaccination as the “only pathway” back to normalcy. And on clerical sex abuse, even liberal activists are raising the alarm about his history.
McElroy has long been a favorite of Pope Francis, who appointed him to the Diocese of San Diego in 2015, named him a synod father of the 2019 Pan-Amazon Synod, and last year tapped him to join the Vatican’s Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. The San Diego bishop is also a close ally of the Pope’s other leftist, pro-LGBT U.S. cardinals, including Cardinal Joseph Tobin and Cardinal Blase Cupich.
Bishop McElroy’s ultra-liberal stances and fast rise are all the more significant given his revolutionary vision for the Catholic Church. In a lengthy feature for America Magazine two days after his appointment to the cardinalate, McElroy detailed his goal of a “transformation” of the Church through the Synod on Synodality and further “sustained synodality.”
Read more here
With the announcement of Pope Francis' choice of 27 new cardinals, I am shocked to see that Bishop McElroy of San Diego - the most favorable possible to homosexuality - will be elevated to this honor in the Church. (Read below)
I see that Francis will not rest until he completely inverts the entire moral doctrine of the Church.
on homosexuality and abortion
Raymond Wolfe
June 3, 2022 - An in-depth look at the shocking background of ultra-liberal San Diego Bishop Robert McElroy, Francis’ latest US cardinal pick – and his most egregious one yet.
Pope Francis shocked the Church on Sunday with his announcement of 21 new cardinals, including 16 cardinal electors, to be installed at a consistory on August 27.
The appointments unsurprisingly include several overt liberals, like pro-LGBT Brazilian Archbishop Leonardo Ulrich Steiner and anti-Latin Mass Vatican liturgy chief Archbishop Arthur Roche.
But the Pope’s most radical pick is Bishop Robert McElroy of San Diego, known to faithful Catholics as arguably the most pro-homosexual, left-wing prelate in the United States.
In recent years, McElroy has sparked outrage for celebrating “LGBT Masses,” rebuking the Church’s position on homosexual acts, urging Catholic funeral rites for active homosexuals, and throwing his support behind dissident Jesuit Fr. James Martin while blasting conservatives’ “destructive” attitudes on sexuality.
His record on life issues isn’t much better. No bishop has defended giving Communion to pro-abortion politicians as vigorously as McElroy, who equates abortion with “climate change” and rejects the idea that abortion is the singular, “pre-eminent” moral issue facing the U.S. Church.
After Pope Francis released new restrictions on the Latin Mass last year, McElroy quickly eliminated two of the diocese’s three traditional Mass churches. During the COVID jab rollout, he pushed vaccination as the “only pathway” back to normalcy. And on clerical sex abuse, even liberal activists are raising the alarm about his history.
McElroy has long been a favorite of Pope Francis, who appointed him to the Diocese of San Diego in 2015, named him a synod father of the 2019 Pan-Amazon Synod, and last year tapped him to join the Vatican’s Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. The San Diego bishop is also a close ally of the Pope’s other leftist, pro-LGBT U.S. cardinals, including Cardinal Joseph Tobin and Cardinal Blase Cupich.
Bishop McElroy’s ultra-liberal stances and fast rise are all the more significant given his revolutionary vision for the Catholic Church. In a lengthy feature for America Magazine two days after his appointment to the cardinalate, McElroy detailed his goal of a “transformation” of the Church through the Synod on Synodality and further “sustained synodality.”
Read more here

Posted June 9, 2022
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Thank you very much for the excellent article on modesty.
There were so many points that I hadn’t thought of.
I wish I could think of a way of telling the young women I meet or even those I see in my Church that their dress is immodest, and as such is a sin to themselves, and a source of sin to others.
Laudate Dominum
In Christo,