What People are Commenting
Smiles, Confession & Plea to St. Joseph
Great Perspective on Tech Devices
Re: Devilish Draw of Tech Devices by Sidney Secular
From my perspective this is a great perspective!
Re: Devilish Draw of Tech Devices by Sidney Secular
From my perspective this is a great perspective!
Holding the Stirrup on Youtube
I have been posting the audio-book version of Holding the Stirrup on to Youtube. Feel free to share this link to the first part: Holding The Stirrup by Baroness Elizabeth von Guttenberg, Audiobook, Part I.
Since I saw you have a favorable book review on your site, I thought your readers might appreciate hearing it read.
I have been posting the audio-book version of Holding the Stirrup on to Youtube. Feel free to share this link to the first part: Holding The Stirrup by Baroness Elizabeth von Guttenberg, Audiobook, Part I.
Since I saw you have a favorable book review on your site, I thought your readers might appreciate hearing it read.
Doubts on Confession
My name is F.G. and I reverted to Catholicism less than 2 years ago. I made my general confession to a Novus Ordo priest and started going to Novus Ordo Masses. Then, I eventually started going to the Traditional Latin Masses & to their confessions.
TIA responds:
Hello F.G.
Thank you for the consideration you show us by sending these questions. We will go on to respond them:
We hope these answer will help you to recover your peace of soul.
TIA correspondence desk
My name is F.G. and I reverted to Catholicism less than 2 years ago. I made my general confession to a Novus Ordo priest and started going to Novus Ordo Masses. Then, I eventually started going to the Traditional Latin Masses & to their confessions.
- I do not remember saying the number of times I committed my mortal sins to the Novus Ordo priest,
- It was a Novus Ordo priest. So I do not know if my general confession and other confessions were valid and I have been thinking about it.
TIA responds:
Hello F.G.
Thank you for the consideration you show us by sending these questions. We will go on to respond them:
- If you did not tell the number of your sins by an involuntary forgetfulness, they were absolved when the priest gave the absolution. The absolution habitually includes all the other forgotten sins. There is no reason to have scruples in this case.
However, if you deliberately omitted confessing the number of your sins because of shame, pride or other similar reasons, you should confess this fraud in your next confession. - Normally the Confessions heard and the absolutions given by Novus Ordo priests are valid. If there is no sound reason for you to believe the priest is invalid, your General Confession was valid. You do not need to make it again.
We hope these answer will help you to recover your peace of soul.
TIA correspondence desk
Plea to St. Joseph for Our Families
Dear TIA,
As the matriarch of the family and the only one still practicing the faith in it, I am most troubled and concerned about the salvation of my loved ones in these times when everything is out to destroy its very foundation.
Since March is the month of St Joseph, the head of the Holy Family and the Universal Church, I think it appropriate to call on him, and the special privileges bestowed upon him because of his holiness, to protect us and aid us in our problems.
The Mystical City of God by Ven. Mary of Agreda says that we should avail ourselves of this most powerful intercessor. Our Lady states:
""The whole human race has much undervalued the privileges and prerogatives conceded to my blessed spouse and they do not know what his intercession with God is able to do. He is one of the greatly favored personages in the divine presence and has the immense power to stay the arms of divine vengeance. That which my spouse asks the Lord in heaven is granted upon the earth and on his intercession depend many and extraordinary favors for men, if they do not make themselves unworthy of receiving them.
"All these privileges were to be a reward for the amiable perfection of this wonderful saint and for his great virtue: for divine clemency is favorably drawn forth by them and looks upon St Joseph with generous liberality, ready to shower down its marvelous mercies upon all those who avail themselves of his intercession." (Mary of Agreda, Transfixion)
In The Great St Joseph by Dr. Remi Amelunxen, he says, "St Teresa of Avila stands out among the many saints devoted to St Joseph. Her zeal in promoting his glory was accompanied by signal graces and miracles through his intercession. St Theresa says ‘It seems that God has granted to other saints to aid us only in certain necessities, but we will find by experience that St Jospeh can aid us in all our needs.’”
“St Joseph cured St Teresa of terminal diseases, saved her nuns from danger and helped her build many convents. In her autobiography, St Teresa states:
‘Would that I could persuade able men to be devoted to this glorious saint (St Joseph) for I know by long experience what blessings he can obtain for us from God. I have never known anyone who was truly devoted to him and honored him by particular services, who did not advance greatly in virtue: For he helps in a special way those souls who commend themselves to him. It is now many years since I began asking him for something from him on his feast (March 19) and I have always received it. If the petition was in any way amiss, he rectified it for my greater good.'"
She suggests "that those who do not believe her words make the trial for themselves. Then they will find out, by experience the great good that results from commending themselves to this Patriarch and in being devoted to him.”
In words to Ven. Mary of Agreda, Our Lady affirms her spouse’s power, "On the day of judgment, the condemned will weep bitterly for not having realized how powerful and efficacious means of salvation they might have had in the intercession of St Joseph, and for not having done their utmost to gain the friendship of the Eternal Judge."
It seems that in these most difficult times, there is a great resource and hope in our midst, ready and willing to aid us in our desires for the salvation of our families and other problems. It would be foolish not to take advantage of the intercession of the Great St. Joseph.
Let us benefit from the advice of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St Teresa of Avila, Ven Mary of Agreda, and many other saints and appeal to St Joseph for his aid in our needs.
This is his month and his feast day is March 19. There are many prayers and novenas for these intentions.
May the great St Joseph, head of the Holy Family, be the head of my family and others and bring us to salvation and celebration with him in Heaven.
In Maria,
As the matriarch of the family and the only one still practicing the faith in it, I am most troubled and concerned about the salvation of my loved ones in these times when everything is out to destroy its very foundation.
Since March is the month of St Joseph, the head of the Holy Family and the Universal Church, I think it appropriate to call on him, and the special privileges bestowed upon him because of his holiness, to protect us and aid us in our problems.
The Mystical City of God by Ven. Mary of Agreda says that we should avail ourselves of this most powerful intercessor. Our Lady states:
""The whole human race has much undervalued the privileges and prerogatives conceded to my blessed spouse and they do not know what his intercession with God is able to do. He is one of the greatly favored personages in the divine presence and has the immense power to stay the arms of divine vengeance. That which my spouse asks the Lord in heaven is granted upon the earth and on his intercession depend many and extraordinary favors for men, if they do not make themselves unworthy of receiving them.
"All these privileges were to be a reward for the amiable perfection of this wonderful saint and for his great virtue: for divine clemency is favorably drawn forth by them and looks upon St Joseph with generous liberality, ready to shower down its marvelous mercies upon all those who avail themselves of his intercession." (Mary of Agreda, Transfixion)
In The Great St Joseph by Dr. Remi Amelunxen, he says, "St Teresa of Avila stands out among the many saints devoted to St Joseph. Her zeal in promoting his glory was accompanied by signal graces and miracles through his intercession. St Theresa says ‘It seems that God has granted to other saints to aid us only in certain necessities, but we will find by experience that St Jospeh can aid us in all our needs.’”
“St Joseph cured St Teresa of terminal diseases, saved her nuns from danger and helped her build many convents. In her autobiography, St Teresa states:
‘Would that I could persuade able men to be devoted to this glorious saint (St Joseph) for I know by long experience what blessings he can obtain for us from God. I have never known anyone who was truly devoted to him and honored him by particular services, who did not advance greatly in virtue: For he helps in a special way those souls who commend themselves to him. It is now many years since I began asking him for something from him on his feast (March 19) and I have always received it. If the petition was in any way amiss, he rectified it for my greater good.'"
She suggests "that those who do not believe her words make the trial for themselves. Then they will find out, by experience the great good that results from commending themselves to this Patriarch and in being devoted to him.”
In words to Ven. Mary of Agreda, Our Lady affirms her spouse’s power, "On the day of judgment, the condemned will weep bitterly for not having realized how powerful and efficacious means of salvation they might have had in the intercession of St Joseph, and for not having done their utmost to gain the friendship of the Eternal Judge."
It seems that in these most difficult times, there is a great resource and hope in our midst, ready and willing to aid us in our desires for the salvation of our families and other problems. It would be foolish not to take advantage of the intercession of the Great St. Joseph.
Let us benefit from the advice of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St Teresa of Avila, Ven Mary of Agreda, and many other saints and appeal to St Joseph for his aid in our needs.
This is his month and his feast day is March 19. There are many prayers and novenas for these intentions.
May the great St Joseph, head of the Holy Family, be the head of my family and others and bring us to salvation and celebration with him in Heaven.
In Maria,

Posted March 15, 2022
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
Re: Saint Clement of Alexandria on laugher & smiles
Thank you for boldly printing the article about smiles, and the subsequent links on expression at the end of Saint Clement's thoughts.
A worthy read to someone seeking wisdom.