What People Are Commenting
Resist the Communist Insurgency
I just sent the following to my District PA Congressman Keller.
We must resist the Communist Insurgency that stole an election resulting in their installation of an illegitimate president – a coup by traitorous seditionists ongoing since President Trump’s election in 2016.
That cancer can only be cured by doing everything possible on the State and Federal Level to RIGHT that horrible wrong and punish the coup plotters, giving them the JUSTICE that they've so long deserved.
As the father of a Naval Flight Officer in Harm’s Way, the following words have great meaning for me: NEVER forget them!
“Nothing is more dangerous than stronger powers, even inadvertently, sending signals that are interpreted as weakness by weaker powers.”
Biden is stumbling into another War. You must stop that, Congressman!
Read: Is the Biden Regime Stumbling Into War?
Gary Morella
I just sent the following to my District PA Congressman Keller.
We must resist the Communist Insurgency that stole an election resulting in their installation of an illegitimate president – a coup by traitorous seditionists ongoing since President Trump’s election in 2016.
That cancer can only be cured by doing everything possible on the State and Federal Level to RIGHT that horrible wrong and punish the coup plotters, giving them the JUSTICE that they've so long deserved.
As the father of a Naval Flight Officer in Harm’s Way, the following words have great meaning for me: NEVER forget them!
“Nothing is more dangerous than stronger powers, even inadvertently, sending signals that are interpreted as weakness by weaker powers.”
Biden is stumbling into another War. You must stop that, Congressman!
Read: Is the Biden Regime Stumbling Into War?
Gary Morella
Vatican II & the Extraordinary Magisterium
Dear TIA,
I am a concerned Catholic who recognizes but resists Pope Francis. But this statement is perplexing and appears to meet the criteria of the extraordinary magisterium which is met when the Pope requires all the faithful to submit to him on a matter of faith and morals.
Some would argue that Vatican II was previously not infallible, as stated by Pope Paul VI, but Pope Francis elevated Vatican II to the rank of extraordinary magisterium as stated in the web link I gave you. He basically said you cannot be Catholic and reject Vatican II.
How would you argue with a sedevacantist that Pope Francis is not in fact the pope, or with a conservative who said that Vatican II is just as infallible as The Immaculate Conception?
Pope Paul VI made comments similar to Pope Francis regarding the Novus Ordo and Vatican II in response to traditionalists, but I am having trouble tracking those down, I know Mr. Diamond quoted them. Do those not meet the requirements of the Extraordinary Magisterium as well?
In Our Lady of Good Success,
TIA responds:
Dear M.R.,
You seem to consider that an entire council is or is not infallible simply because in an Angelus address Francis said it is. It is not so simple.
Vatican II cannot be infallible by the fact that it was contradictory and ambiguous. For example, at times it says that salvation can be attained only in the Catholic Church (Lumen gentium 14a); at other times it says that other religions can attain eternal salvation. (Lumen gentium 8b; Unitatis redintegratio 3c) It is impossible for infallibility to be applied to contradictory statements. The same can be said of its many ambiguous statements.
The Magisterium of the Church is formed by clear statements. If there are contradictions and ambiguities in the teachings of a council or religious authority, they cannot be part of the Extraordinary Magisterium.
So, since it is impossible to have infallibility in contradictory statements, Francis can say whatever he wants, but it does not change the nature of Vatican II. It only reveals that he wants to impose an unreasonable thing, as he has already done in other instances.
Regarding your question on sede-vacantists, you did not specify what argument you want us to answer. For such a general affirmation, we would give a general answer: We believe Francis is a valid Pope.
For more on these topics, you may benefit from reading the questions and answers in the sections Sede-Vacantism and Resistance.
TIA correspondence desk
I am a concerned Catholic who recognizes but resists Pope Francis. But this statement is perplexing and appears to meet the criteria of the extraordinary magisterium which is met when the Pope requires all the faithful to submit to him on a matter of faith and morals.
Some would argue that Vatican II was previously not infallible, as stated by Pope Paul VI, but Pope Francis elevated Vatican II to the rank of extraordinary magisterium as stated in the web link I gave you. He basically said you cannot be Catholic and reject Vatican II.
How would you argue with a sedevacantist that Pope Francis is not in fact the pope, or with a conservative who said that Vatican II is just as infallible as The Immaculate Conception?
Pope Paul VI made comments similar to Pope Francis regarding the Novus Ordo and Vatican II in response to traditionalists, but I am having trouble tracking those down, I know Mr. Diamond quoted them. Do those not meet the requirements of the Extraordinary Magisterium as well?
In Our Lady of Good Success,
TIA responds:
Dear M.R.,
You seem to consider that an entire council is or is not infallible simply because in an Angelus address Francis said it is. It is not so simple.
Vatican II cannot be infallible by the fact that it was contradictory and ambiguous. For example, at times it says that salvation can be attained only in the Catholic Church (Lumen gentium 14a); at other times it says that other religions can attain eternal salvation. (Lumen gentium 8b; Unitatis redintegratio 3c) It is impossible for infallibility to be applied to contradictory statements. The same can be said of its many ambiguous statements.
The Magisterium of the Church is formed by clear statements. If there are contradictions and ambiguities in the teachings of a council or religious authority, they cannot be part of the Extraordinary Magisterium.
So, since it is impossible to have infallibility in contradictory statements, Francis can say whatever he wants, but it does not change the nature of Vatican II. It only reveals that he wants to impose an unreasonable thing, as he has already done in other instances.
Regarding your question on sede-vacantists, you did not specify what argument you want us to answer. For such a general affirmation, we would give a general answer: We believe Francis is a valid Pope.
For more on these topics, you may benefit from reading the questions and answers in the sections Sede-Vacantism and Resistance.
TIA correspondence desk
Questions From a Confused 18-Year-Old
It is very difficult for Catholics to navigate the heresies that abound today. This storm is without doubt fomented by Satan, for he rules in disorder. It is onerous even more so for those wishing to convert or return to the faith while retaining those moral principles consistent with pre-VII doctrine. I am one of those unfortunates.
Months ago, when I decided to “return” to the Church (I have practically only been baptized – I received neither an education in the faith nor communion) my attention turned to my local church. As it was a Novus Ordo church, my want of attending wavered and I began researching alternatives online. I found an SSPX Resistance church approximately 30 minutes away in Garden Grove, CA. I cannot drive yet, so I opted to procure transportation from my family.
Again, I was met with misfortune. I watched portions of live Mass online, but my suspicious nature disallowed me from fully embracing the SSPX Resistance stance. Approximately one week ago, I stumbled across a group claiming a unique (perhaps heretical) stance – that all Popes after Pius XII are in fact anti-Popes, having usurped the See first from Cardinal Siri (who they claim was elected Pope Gregorius XVII) and then his successor, Gregorius XVIII – whose identity is shrouded in secrecy (for security, they claim).
Being quite the layman, I know not much of Catholic exhortations or Church dogma; to an extent, I find many of their arguments convincing. But I find it hard to reconcile their claims of legitimacy with the many miracles (as well as/including stigmata, apparitions of Mary, successful healing and conversion through the green scapular, etc.) which have been worked outside of their enclave in the years since Vatican II. I do not understand why God would create these miracles in the “wrong” Catholic church.
Reading articles on your site has perhaps knocked more sense to me, and I now question their reasoning. You can find links to their many websites here. You might do well to rebut their points, for if this movement is heretical it will lead a great deal of Catholics to Hell, if it hasn’t led some there already.
To add to my confusion, I am not sure where to even start if I wanted to become Catholic. What materials do I need? I have a Douay-Rheims Bible – and that’s it. What type of church do I attend? Do I attend a Novus Ordo or a Latin Mass church? You say, “recognize and resist,” but that leaves me with more questions than answers. Also, do I need censures removed? I appreciate any answers you might write to me.
I fear not only for my own soul, but for those of others – if I lead my fellow men down the wrong path, it will be my fault that they shall burn.
TIA responds:
Hello D.C.,
It is good news that you are returning to the Catholic life.
We praise you for the humility you show in recognizing you did not receive a good Catholic formation.
So, before discussing the pros and cons on this or that theological position, we recommend that you place your life under the protection of Our Lady of Good Counsel and ask her to guide you. We also emphasize the importance of praying the Rosary to gain equilibrium and wisdom in your future decisions.
Besides the devotion to Our Lady, we recommend that you read the Catechism of Trent, also called the Roman Catechism. It is a summary of the doctrine of the Council of Trent directed to priests. After studying it seriously, you will have some of the basics necessary to not be so confused.
We believe you should go to a Traditional Mass, frequent the Sacraments without engaging in the parish life.
After taking these steps, we invite you to write us back and we will glad to continue to help you.
TIA correspondence desk
It is very difficult for Catholics to navigate the heresies that abound today. This storm is without doubt fomented by Satan, for he rules in disorder. It is onerous even more so for those wishing to convert or return to the faith while retaining those moral principles consistent with pre-VII doctrine. I am one of those unfortunates.
Months ago, when I decided to “return” to the Church (I have practically only been baptized – I received neither an education in the faith nor communion) my attention turned to my local church. As it was a Novus Ordo church, my want of attending wavered and I began researching alternatives online. I found an SSPX Resistance church approximately 30 minutes away in Garden Grove, CA. I cannot drive yet, so I opted to procure transportation from my family.
Again, I was met with misfortune. I watched portions of live Mass online, but my suspicious nature disallowed me from fully embracing the SSPX Resistance stance. Approximately one week ago, I stumbled across a group claiming a unique (perhaps heretical) stance – that all Popes after Pius XII are in fact anti-Popes, having usurped the See first from Cardinal Siri (who they claim was elected Pope Gregorius XVII) and then his successor, Gregorius XVIII – whose identity is shrouded in secrecy (for security, they claim).
Being quite the layman, I know not much of Catholic exhortations or Church dogma; to an extent, I find many of their arguments convincing. But I find it hard to reconcile their claims of legitimacy with the many miracles (as well as/including stigmata, apparitions of Mary, successful healing and conversion through the green scapular, etc.) which have been worked outside of their enclave in the years since Vatican II. I do not understand why God would create these miracles in the “wrong” Catholic church.
Reading articles on your site has perhaps knocked more sense to me, and I now question their reasoning. You can find links to their many websites here. You might do well to rebut their points, for if this movement is heretical it will lead a great deal of Catholics to Hell, if it hasn’t led some there already.
To add to my confusion, I am not sure where to even start if I wanted to become Catholic. What materials do I need? I have a Douay-Rheims Bible – and that’s it. What type of church do I attend? Do I attend a Novus Ordo or a Latin Mass church? You say, “recognize and resist,” but that leaves me with more questions than answers. Also, do I need censures removed? I appreciate any answers you might write to me.
I fear not only for my own soul, but for those of others – if I lead my fellow men down the wrong path, it will be my fault that they shall burn.
TIA responds:
Hello D.C.,
It is good news that you are returning to the Catholic life.
We praise you for the humility you show in recognizing you did not receive a good Catholic formation.
So, before discussing the pros and cons on this or that theological position, we recommend that you place your life under the protection of Our Lady of Good Counsel and ask her to guide you. We also emphasize the importance of praying the Rosary to gain equilibrium and wisdom in your future decisions.
Besides the devotion to Our Lady, we recommend that you read the Catechism of Trent, also called the Roman Catechism. It is a summary of the doctrine of the Council of Trent directed to priests. After studying it seriously, you will have some of the basics necessary to not be so confused.
We believe you should go to a Traditional Mass, frequent the Sacraments without engaging in the parish life.
After taking these steps, we invite you to write us back and we will glad to continue to help you.
TIA correspondence desk

Posted March 2, 2021
Re: Irish priest dancing with the stars - III
The pictures of the Irish priest and the dancer remind me of the scene in the film, ‘The Devil and Daniel Webster’ when the evil ‘Belle’ is dancing at a fast pace with the man who sold his soul to Satan, causing his death.
The picture of the two of them taken in front of the confessional, with her hand to her mouth as though she is telling him something and his hand to his ear as if he was listening, was quite a mockery of the Sacrament.
This man’s soul is in deep trouble.