What People Are Commenting
Can Coptic ‘Orthodox’ Be Martyrs & Saints?
Hello TIA,
I am more confused every day.
Now, Francis is calling Coptic schismatics saints, and yes, they did die rather than deny Christ.
So, my question to you is this: Are they really saints, or at least saved?
Or are they schismatics and damned even if they died in Christ’s name?
Really, really confusing.
TIA responds:
Hello G.T.R.,
No, they are not saints.
When someone, like Francis, affirms they are saints, he falls into the heresy of universal salvation, which was condemned by the many Popes before Vatican II, for example, Pope Eugene IV, Pope Pius IX, Gregory XVI and Pope Pius XI.
Just a precision: The Copts are not Schismatics, they are old heretics who defend the heresy of Monophysitism. This heresy teaches that in Jesus Christ there is only one nature and not two, as the Catholic Church teaches.
TIA correspondence desk
I am more confused every day.
Now, Francis is calling Coptic schismatics saints, and yes, they did die rather than deny Christ.
So, my question to you is this: Are they really saints, or at least saved?
Or are they schismatics and damned even if they died in Christ’s name?
Really, really confusing.
TIA responds:
Hello G.T.R.,
No, they are not saints.
When someone, like Francis, affirms they are saints, he falls into the heresy of universal salvation, which was condemned by the many Popes before Vatican II, for example, Pope Eugene IV, Pope Pius IX, Gregory XVI and Pope Pius XI.
Just a precision: The Copts are not Schismatics, they are old heretics who defend the heresy of Monophysitism. This heresy teaches that in Jesus Christ there is only one nature and not two, as the Catholic Church teaches.
TIA correspondence desk
Royals Molded by the Same Form
Dear TIA,
I thought you would like to know how the Royals around the world follow the same revolutionary path.
Here is one of the places where they receive formation in their youth.
Making sure the next Queen of Spain will be perfectly politically correct
The eldest daughter of Felipe VI will spend two years abroad, in order to obtain an international baccalaureate. An original and exceptional high school awaits the future queen.
Like Crown Princess Elisabeth of Belgium, Leonor of Spain, 15, will join Atlantic College in August 2021 to take an international baccalaureate, Casa Real said in a statement on February 10, 2021.
At the end of an anonymous selection process, the Princess of Asturias will fly to Wales for a first international experience of two years in this exceptional establishment bringing together 350 students from 90 different countries, including the three- quarters who are scholarship students.
In its press release, the Royal Palace emphasizes the ideals of Atlantic College: “An education for peace that believes in intercultural coexistence”. In addition to courses in literature, arts and sciences, the heiress to the throne will take part in various activities of general interest: environmental protection missions, educational support, help to vulnerable people and first aid.
Called “Hogwarts for hippies” for its architecture and pacifist teachings by The Times, the high school has a long history of training the princes and princesses of today.
The establishment, of which Nelson Mandela was honorary president, was created in the 1960s by the German Kurt Hahn, tutor to Leonor’s grandmother, Queen Sophie of Spain. The professor defends the principles of tolerance and social justice. In the 1980s Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands spent several years there during which the young prince, then nicknamed “Prince Pils” in reference to the brand of beer he favored, made peace with a fate from which he had sought to escape.
A fate for which Leonor is slowly preparing. Since her childhood, the princess has received private lessons on the Constitution, History as well as lessons in Catalan and Basque. In addition to her perfect command of English, the princess is also learning French, Arabic and Chinese.
I thought you would like to know how the Royals around the world follow the same revolutionary path.
Here is one of the places where they receive formation in their youth.
The eldest daughter of Felipe VI will spend two years abroad, in order to obtain an international baccalaureate. An original and exceptional high school awaits the future queen.
Like Crown Princess Elisabeth of Belgium, Leonor of Spain, 15, will join Atlantic College in August 2021 to take an international baccalaureate, Casa Real said in a statement on February 10, 2021.

The prestigious Atlantic College, Wales
(image credit ABACA); below,
Princess Leonor using a mask

In its press release, the Royal Palace emphasizes the ideals of Atlantic College: “An education for peace that believes in intercultural coexistence”. In addition to courses in literature, arts and sciences, the heiress to the throne will take part in various activities of general interest: environmental protection missions, educational support, help to vulnerable people and first aid.
Called “Hogwarts for hippies” for its architecture and pacifist teachings by The Times, the high school has a long history of training the princes and princesses of today.
The establishment, of which Nelson Mandela was honorary president, was created in the 1960s by the German Kurt Hahn, tutor to Leonor’s grandmother, Queen Sophie of Spain. The professor defends the principles of tolerance and social justice. In the 1980s Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands spent several years there during which the young prince, then nicknamed “Prince Pils” in reference to the brand of beer he favored, made peace with a fate from which he had sought to escape.
A fate for which Leonor is slowly preparing. Since her childhood, the princess has received private lessons on the Constitution, History as well as lessons in Catalan and Basque. In addition to her perfect command of English, the princess is also learning French, Arabic and Chinese.
Sr. Faustina & the Holy Office
I am trying to put together an answer against the validity of the writings of Sr Faustina on a YouTube video I saw last night; “St. Faustina visits Purgatory with Guardian Angel”.
I hadn’t even heard of sr Faustina before I saw this video and I’m trying to wrap my head around the subject of purgatory in the light of Luke 23:39 where Jesus promises the criminal next to Him that he would be in Paradise that same day. So, no purgatory needed. (But who am I to say this). Since I have an investigating mind and since I like to under-build my comments, I would like to ask you the following;
On your web-page Msgr. Perez claims that the writings of Sr. Faustina were placed on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum (Index of Prohibited Books) first by Pope Pius XII and later by Pope John XXIII.
Could you please show me where I can find them in the list (if not this one).
He also claims that Pope John Paul II wrote in the Encyclical Dives in misericordia. “I do not recommend reading it to any of you, except the most prepared, because it has many misleading things.”
Could you please show me the exact spot where he wrote this (or how he formulated it).
Thanks in advance
J.S., Netherlands
TIA responds:
First, we would suggest that you read the refutation of Br. Theodor Roriz, O.C., here, where he presented evidence for the two times the Holy Office issued statements against Sr. Faustina and the Divine Mercy devotion. This is a strong condemnation. As Bro Theodor points out:
“The Holy Office was, until the reforms coming from Vatican II, the official organ of the Pope to speak on doctrinal matters. It carried the weight of papal authority. So, there was no need to have two condemnations, one of the Holy Office and another of the Pope as you imply. The condemnation of the Holy Office effectively operates as a papal condemnation.”
Regarding your second question, it seems that there is a misunderstanding on what Msgr. Perez wrote. His assertion is that the “central error of the Divine Mercy is that it promises lots of spiritual rewards with no requirement of penance, no mention of reparation, no mention of any condition.”
He then went on to make a personal commentary on this error: “Unfortunately, this corresponds very much with what Pope John Paul II wrote in the Encyclical Dives in misericordia.” That is to say, he is affirming that the emphasis on mercy and not justice is prevalent in the mentioned Encyclical, whose title in fact translates to “Rich in mercy.”
In the next sentence Msgr. Perez addresses his reader: “I do not recommend reading it to any of you, except the most prepared, because it has many misleading things.”
That is to say, it is not John Paul II who made this statement in his Encyclical, but rather it is the commentary of Msgr. Perez. That the Encyclical contains many misleading statements is confirmed by this reputable Catholic writer here.
You can read more on the Divine Mercy Controversy on our website here.
We hope this will be some help to you.
TIA correspondence desk
I am trying to put together an answer against the validity of the writings of Sr Faustina on a YouTube video I saw last night; “St. Faustina visits Purgatory with Guardian Angel”.
I hadn’t even heard of sr Faustina before I saw this video and I’m trying to wrap my head around the subject of purgatory in the light of Luke 23:39 where Jesus promises the criminal next to Him that he would be in Paradise that same day. So, no purgatory needed. (But who am I to say this). Since I have an investigating mind and since I like to under-build my comments, I would like to ask you the following;
On your web-page Msgr. Perez claims that the writings of Sr. Faustina were placed on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum (Index of Prohibited Books) first by Pope Pius XII and later by Pope John XXIII.
Could you please show me where I can find them in the list (if not this one).
He also claims that Pope John Paul II wrote in the Encyclical Dives in misericordia. “I do not recommend reading it to any of you, except the most prepared, because it has many misleading things.”
Could you please show me the exact spot where he wrote this (or how he formulated it).
Thanks in advance
J.S., Netherlands
TIA responds:
First, we would suggest that you read the refutation of Br. Theodor Roriz, O.C., here, where he presented evidence for the two times the Holy Office issued statements against Sr. Faustina and the Divine Mercy devotion. This is a strong condemnation. As Bro Theodor points out:
“The Holy Office was, until the reforms coming from Vatican II, the official organ of the Pope to speak on doctrinal matters. It carried the weight of papal authority. So, there was no need to have two condemnations, one of the Holy Office and another of the Pope as you imply. The condemnation of the Holy Office effectively operates as a papal condemnation.”
Regarding your second question, it seems that there is a misunderstanding on what Msgr. Perez wrote. His assertion is that the “central error of the Divine Mercy is that it promises lots of spiritual rewards with no requirement of penance, no mention of reparation, no mention of any condition.”
He then went on to make a personal commentary on this error: “Unfortunately, this corresponds very much with what Pope John Paul II wrote in the Encyclical Dives in misericordia.” That is to say, he is affirming that the emphasis on mercy and not justice is prevalent in the mentioned Encyclical, whose title in fact translates to “Rich in mercy.”
In the next sentence Msgr. Perez addresses his reader: “I do not recommend reading it to any of you, except the most prepared, because it has many misleading things.”
That is to say, it is not John Paul II who made this statement in his Encyclical, but rather it is the commentary of Msgr. Perez. That the Encyclical contains many misleading statements is confirmed by this reputable Catholic writer here.
You can read more on the Divine Mercy Controversy on our website here.
We hope this will be some help to you.
TIA correspondence desk

Posted February 18, 2021
Do you like old pictures? Sometimes they surprise us, don’t they?
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