What People Are Commenting
Powerful Promo
Dear Miss Horvat and Dr. Guimarães,
Re: Promo video
What a powerful introductory video. Thank you so much!
I write also to enquire if we may expect the first video this evening? If so, how fortunate!!
I've been meaning to purchase the entire set, and this will probably whet my appetite even more!
Now, I am at work on Amerio's Iota Unum.
Happy Feast of St Camillus de Lellis, and Immaculate Heart, pray for us!
Re: Promo video
What a powerful introductory video. Thank you so much!
I write also to enquire if we may expect the first video this evening? If so, how fortunate!!
I've been meaning to purchase the entire set, and this will probably whet my appetite even more!
Now, I am at work on Amerio's Iota Unum.
Happy Feast of St Camillus de Lellis, and Immaculate Heart, pray for us!
Awaiting with Great Anticipation
Dear Atila,
Re: Promo video
I am so very pleased that your Collection is being presented on you tube. It is a valuable media channel for dispersing this message. I pray for all those who view it. The release date of Our Lady's Feast of Carmel is apropos.
Our Lady is our supreme advocate and ultimate channel of all truth.
As an aside, I personally slowed down the speed so I could read all the words so I would not miss what is printed there. I did this after listening at regular speed. The music also is compelling and well-selected. The forthcoming additions I look forward to with great anticipation.
Thank you for kindly including me as a friend.
Best regards and prayers for you,
In Our Lady,
Re: Promo video
I am so very pleased that your Collection is being presented on you tube. It is a valuable media channel for dispersing this message. I pray for all those who view it. The release date of Our Lady's Feast of Carmel is apropos.
Our Lady is our supreme advocate and ultimate channel of all truth.
As an aside, I personally slowed down the speed so I could read all the words so I would not miss what is printed there. I did this after listening at regular speed. The music also is compelling and well-selected. The forthcoming additions I look forward to with great anticipation.
Thank you for kindly including me as a friend.
Best regards and prayers for you,
In Our Lady,
It is Wonderful
Re: Promo video
This is wonderful!
I wish I could afford to purchase all his books for our library. Yet, hopefully we are very close to the end of this great apostasy and there is a new beginning. We who are older and have the light of grace to see and understand, do not need to read further on this subject or watch videos. We have lived with it for 50+ years. It is however the youth of today and those older who still have not entered the holies of God temple; these will benefit much from Atila's writings and videos.
God bless Atila for his life of hard work and zeal. He can now say with confidence, "At last all powerful Master, you give leave to your servant to go in peace.... I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith..." 2 Tim. 4:7
If you are in touch with him, give him our regards and please ask him to remember our little Hermitage in his prayers. We are suffering at present, but God is blessing us with many potential vocations.
God bless,
Sister I.G., Ireland
This is wonderful!
I wish I could afford to purchase all his books for our library. Yet, hopefully we are very close to the end of this great apostasy and there is a new beginning. We who are older and have the light of grace to see and understand, do not need to read further on this subject or watch videos. We have lived with it for 50+ years. It is however the youth of today and those older who still have not entered the holies of God temple; these will benefit much from Atila's writings and videos.
God bless Atila for his life of hard work and zeal. He can now say with confidence, "At last all powerful Master, you give leave to your servant to go in peace.... I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith..." 2 Tim. 4:7
If you are in touch with him, give him our regards and please ask him to remember our little Hermitage in his prayers. We are suffering at present, but God is blessing us with many potential vocations.
God bless,
Sister I.G., Ireland
Magnificently Done
My dear TIA,
Re: In the Murky Waters of Vatican II: Explained
P. told me about this video, and we watched it together: she at her home and I at mine.
Beautiful! Magnificently done by all, and it was a joy to be 'connected' to you all through this surprise video.
Of course, the scenes of NO were too painful for me to watch, so I turned away until they went bye-bye.
I could not afford to buy any more books, so that's why I'm short of volumes - but know my prayers are always with you, and I thank God for allowing me to know you personally, even though the time was too short.
Love to all,
Re: In the Murky Waters of Vatican II: Explained
P. told me about this video, and we watched it together: she at her home and I at mine.
Beautiful! Magnificently done by all, and it was a joy to be 'connected' to you all through this surprise video.
Of course, the scenes of NO were too painful for me to watch, so I turned away until they went bye-bye.
I could not afford to buy any more books, so that's why I'm short of volumes - but know my prayers are always with you, and I thank God for allowing me to know you personally, even though the time was too short.
Love to all,
Suggestions for the Future
Dear TIA,
Re: In the Murky Waters of Vatican II: Explained
I have been eagerly waiting for the "In the Murky Waters of Vatican II: Explained" video since I first saw the promo yesterday. I just finished watching it and found it enjoyable.
I want to know, how soon will the next video come out? I will be sure to share these with friends.
Finally, I think it would be a good idea for TIA, if this video series is successful, to continue to make more video productions from time to time, since this can attract a wider audience to the Counter-revolution. Think about it: TIA could make video commentaries on goings-on in the world (like Birds Eye View of the News, except on video), have interviews, question-and-answer sessions, etc. So many opportunities! But this is just my opinion.
I remain your friend and ally,
"For the true friends of the people are neither revolutionaries nor innovators but traditionalists." - Pius X
Re: In the Murky Waters of Vatican II: Explained
I have been eagerly waiting for the "In the Murky Waters of Vatican II: Explained" video since I first saw the promo yesterday. I just finished watching it and found it enjoyable.
I want to know, how soon will the next video come out? I will be sure to share these with friends.
Finally, I think it would be a good idea for TIA, if this video series is successful, to continue to make more video productions from time to time, since this can attract a wider audience to the Counter-revolution. Think about it: TIA could make video commentaries on goings-on in the world (like Birds Eye View of the News, except on video), have interviews, question-and-answer sessions, etc. So many opportunities! But this is just my opinion.
I remain your friend and ally,
"For the true friends of the people are neither revolutionaries nor innovators but traditionalists." - Pius X
Comments on YouTube regarding the Promo Video
- Can hardly wait! Thank you so much Atila for a lifetime of dedicated service to the Most Holy Triune God and for the many souls that have been and shall be saved because of your work and that of Dr. Marian Horvat. A great crown awaits you in heaven.
With our prayers.
Carmelite Sisters, Ireland - Thank you for publishing this you tube, I have been hoping you would.
P.J. - I have said once before and will state once again that this Collection will be source documentation for a Council to depose Vatican Council II.
Comments on YouTube regarding
the Video on In the Murky Waters
the Video on In the Murky Waters
- This is an intellectual feast for me. I have been starving for the truth and I thank you for publishing these you tube presentations.
Prayers for you and your staff.
P.J. - Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Antichrist.
B.A. - What an absolutely beautiful and informative video! Great and holy man.
God bless you for sharing your wisdom. May Our Lady of the Miracle and her heavenly angels multiply the fruit of your work.
E.S. - Informative, systematic and well-presented.
Thank you!
A reader from Russia

Posted July 19, 2018
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
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Re: Promo video on the Collection
Your new video on the "Eli Eli" Collection is fantastic! I can hardly wait until Wednesday to see some more! I posted it to my Facebook page.