What People Are Commenting
WMDs, ‘Communists Are Christians’ & Koran
‘Communists Are Christians’
I am sure you’ve seen this, but just in case - I guess it leaves no more doubt about his views and plans.
Pope Francis says communists are closet Christians who’ve “stolen our flag”
Pope Francis, whose criticisms of unbridled capitalism have prompted some to label him a Marxist, said in an interview published on Sunday that communists had stolen the flag of Christianity.
The 77-year-old pontiff gave an interview to Il Messaggero, Rome’s local newspaper, to mark the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, a Roman holiday.
He was asked about a blog post in the Economist magazine that said he sounded like a Leninist when he criticized Capitalism and called for radical economic reform.
“I can only say that the communists have stolen our flag. The flag of the poor is Christian. Poverty is at the centre of the Gospel,” he said, citing Biblical passages about the need to help the poor, the sick and the needy.
“Communists say that all this is communism. Sure, twenty centuries later. So when they speak, one can say to them: ‘but then you are Christian’,” he said, laughing.
Since his election in March 2013, Francis has often attacked the global economic system as being insensitive to the poor and not doing enough to share wealth with those who need it most. Earlier this month, he criticized the wealth made from financial speculation as intolerable and said speculation on commodities was a scandal that compromised the poor’s access to food.
Original here
I am sure you’ve seen this, but just in case - I guess it leaves no more doubt about his views and plans.
Pope Francis says communists are closet Christians who’ve “stolen our flag”
Pope Francis, whose criticisms of unbridled capitalism have prompted some to label him a Marxist, said in an interview published on Sunday that communists had stolen the flag of Christianity.
The 77-year-old pontiff gave an interview to Il Messaggero, Rome’s local newspaper, to mark the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, a Roman holiday.
He was asked about a blog post in the Economist magazine that said he sounded like a Leninist when he criticized Capitalism and called for radical economic reform.
“I can only say that the communists have stolen our flag. The flag of the poor is Christian. Poverty is at the centre of the Gospel,” he said, citing Biblical passages about the need to help the poor, the sick and the needy.
“Communists say that all this is communism. Sure, twenty centuries later. So when they speak, one can say to them: ‘but then you are Christian’,” he said, laughing.
Since his election in March 2013, Francis has often attacked the global economic system as being insensitive to the poor and not doing enough to share wealth with those who need it most. Earlier this month, he criticized the wealth made from financial speculation as intolerable and said speculation on commodities was a scandal that compromised the poor’s access to food.
Original here
Norse Catholics
Dear Tradition in Action,
I just read Let None Dare Call it Liberty: The Catholic Church in Colonial America, by Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D.
I read the web post because I was curious to know why the Catholic Church in Colonial America was not more responsive to the plight of the Norse Catholics along the Atlantic coast when the invasion began. Now, I know.
The Norse Catholics along the coast were exterminated by the WASPs by 1743. The dastardly deed was covered up by calling the Norse Catholics "savages" and by invoking "Columbus was first" to deny the fact that the Norse reached North America first. Catholics from Europe were mostly prohibited from the colonies during that century and a half.
Today most school kids know the Norse were the first to reach America but there are still five centuries of history missing from L'Anse aux Meadows and Columbus. The LENAPE LAND history that fills that gap.
But an existing history, much evidence, and compelling testimony in live languages will not correct four centuries of erroneous paradigms caused by the denial of the Norse Catholics in America.
I would like to engage in a discussion with an authority about this period of history.
Myron Paine, Ph. D., Author
I just read Let None Dare Call it Liberty: The Catholic Church in Colonial America, by Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D.
I read the web post because I was curious to know why the Catholic Church in Colonial America was not more responsive to the plight of the Norse Catholics along the Atlantic coast when the invasion began. Now, I know.
The Norse Catholics along the coast were exterminated by the WASPs by 1743. The dastardly deed was covered up by calling the Norse Catholics "savages" and by invoking "Columbus was first" to deny the fact that the Norse reached North America first. Catholics from Europe were mostly prohibited from the colonies during that century and a half.
Today most school kids know the Norse were the first to reach America but there are still five centuries of history missing from L'Anse aux Meadows and Columbus. The LENAPE LAND history that fills that gap.
But an existing history, much evidence, and compelling testimony in live languages will not correct four centuries of erroneous paradigms caused by the denial of the Norse Catholics in America.
I would like to engage in a discussion with an authority about this period of history.
Myron Paine, Ph. D., Author
Breath of Fresh Air
I read the comment from the “enlightened” person denigrating your article Buddhism Promoted at Chicago's Loyola University. So, I just wanted to say how good it was, like a breath of fresh air!
I read the comment from the “enlightened” person denigrating your article Buddhism Promoted at Chicago's Loyola University. So, I just wanted to say how good it was, like a breath of fresh air!
Schools Accommodating Transgenders
Please, check this news report on a school in Canada introducing a new language to accommodate “transgenders” boys and girls.
I use an "old word" that applies to this school board – Their members are LUNATICS!
Gary Morella
Please, check this news report on a school in Canada introducing a new language to accommodate “transgenders” boys and girls.
I use an "old word" that applies to this school board – Their members are LUNATICS!
Gary Morella
Street Singer
This is truly beautiful, and yes, it brought me to tears as so many things do these days. What is wonderful about this is that people will walk past an older person as though they don’t exist, and I am sure that many of you, as have I, have had that happen countless times. I sometimes think that in the eyes of the young, we become invisible as we age, especially in these days of all-absorbing portable technology that so entrances the young!
This wonderful older gentleman made them stop and pay attention. To watch the video click here.
This is truly beautiful, and yes, it brought me to tears as so many things do these days. What is wonderful about this is that people will walk past an older person as though they don’t exist, and I am sure that many of you, as have I, have had that happen countless times. I sometimes think that in the eyes of the young, we become invisible as we age, especially in these days of all-absorbing portable technology that so entrances the young!
This wonderful older gentleman made them stop and pay attention. To watch the video click here.
Dear TIA,
With reference to two posts in the "What People Are Commenting," I wanted to make the following observations: May 29, 2014 11:55 AM
Regarding Paul VI’s canonization - If Pope Paul VI is canonized, will Pope John Paul I also have to be canonized in order to not have any "gaps" in the process by which every deceased pontiff since Vatican II from Pope John XXIII to the present has been canonized?
Regarding a statue of the Devil in an Anglican temple - I believe that the baptismal font in the celebrated Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Rennes-Le-Chateau, France, of Holy Blood, Holy Grail and The Da Vinci Code fame is noted for being supported by a statue of the demon Asmodeus, so there is at least one Catholic Church building which has a statue of "the devil" in it.
Keep up the good work!
With reference to two posts in the "What People Are Commenting," I wanted to make the following observations: May 29, 2014 11:55 AM
Regarding Paul VI’s canonization - If Pope Paul VI is canonized, will Pope John Paul I also have to be canonized in order to not have any "gaps" in the process by which every deceased pontiff since Vatican II from Pope John XXIII to the present has been canonized?
Regarding a statue of the Devil in an Anglican temple - I believe that the baptismal font in the celebrated Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Rennes-Le-Chateau, France, of Holy Blood, Holy Grail and The Da Vinci Code fame is noted for being supported by a statue of the demon Asmodeus, so there is at least one Catholic Church building which has a statue of "the devil" in it.
Keep up the good work!
Koran Recited at the Vatican
Greetings to you from G.T., a friend of Fr. Stephen Somerville.
On Wednesday, June 11, 2014, in the German Language edition of Gloria TV, a news story was posted that the Imam at the Sunday, June 8th, prayer service with Pope Francis ended his chanting with the last sentence of; “Forgive us (Allah) and have mercy on us! You are our protector. Help us in victory over the people of the Infidels!””
I CONFIRMED the Gloria TV posting with a Vatican Radio News Story; “Islamfachmann: “Koran-Rezitation bei Friedensgebeten ist legitim”
MORE SHOCKING is the Conspiracy of Silence as the Radio Vatican article IS NOT IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDITION!
You can CLEARLY read the Imam's words in the last sentence of the FIRST PARAGRAPH: Quoting the last 3 verses of the 2nd Surah of the Koran, "Verzeih uns (Allah), vergib uns und erbarm dich unser! Du bist unser Schutzherr. Hilf uns gegen das Volk der Ungläubigen!”
The German text from Vatican Radio is misleading as the word “Hilf” translates to “help” in English and is TOTALLY different from the word “Sieg” or “Victory,” and may not be the correct thought of what the Imam actually meant to say in his singing.
According to the 1930 Marmaduke Pickthall English Edition of the Koran, 2nd Surah, verse 286 reads as follows;
“Our lord! Impose not on us that which we have not the strength to bear! Pardon us, absolve us and have mercy on us, thou, our Protector, and give us victory over the disbelieving folk."
“Victory,” or “Sieg,” is the “key word” that apparently was not translated correctly in the Vatican release.
What would the courageous soldiers from the Battle of Lepanto think of an Imam praying for a “Victory” over the Catholics in front of a Pope in the Vatican?
May Our Lord Jesus Christ have MERCY ON US, and may Our Lady of Fatima and the courageous soldiers from the Battle of Lepanto, pray of us,
Greetings to you from G.T., a friend of Fr. Stephen Somerville.
On Wednesday, June 11, 2014, in the German Language edition of Gloria TV, a news story was posted that the Imam at the Sunday, June 8th, prayer service with Pope Francis ended his chanting with the last sentence of; “Forgive us (Allah) and have mercy on us! You are our protector. Help us in victory over the people of the Infidels!””
I CONFIRMED the Gloria TV posting with a Vatican Radio News Story; “Islamfachmann: “Koran-Rezitation bei Friedensgebeten ist legitim”
MORE SHOCKING is the Conspiracy of Silence as the Radio Vatican article IS NOT IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE EDITION!
You can CLEARLY read the Imam's words in the last sentence of the FIRST PARAGRAPH: Quoting the last 3 verses of the 2nd Surah of the Koran, "Verzeih uns (Allah), vergib uns und erbarm dich unser! Du bist unser Schutzherr. Hilf uns gegen das Volk der Ungläubigen!”
The German text from Vatican Radio is misleading as the word “Hilf” translates to “help” in English and is TOTALLY different from the word “Sieg” or “Victory,” and may not be the correct thought of what the Imam actually meant to say in his singing.
According to the 1930 Marmaduke Pickthall English Edition of the Koran, 2nd Surah, verse 286 reads as follows;
“Our lord! Impose not on us that which we have not the strength to bear! Pardon us, absolve us and have mercy on us, thou, our Protector, and give us victory over the disbelieving folk."
“Victory,” or “Sieg,” is the “key word” that apparently was not translated correctly in the Vatican release.
What would the courageous soldiers from the Battle of Lepanto think of an Imam praying for a “Victory” over the Catholics in front of a Pope in the Vatican?
May Our Lord Jesus Christ have MERCY ON US, and may Our Lady of Fatima and the courageous soldiers from the Battle of Lepanto, pray of us,

Posted July 3, 2014
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
It seems that the Weapons of Mass Destruction existed, like George Bush said they did as reason to invade Iraq. By the way, I believe that TIA also defended this (here, here, here, here and here).
The Sunni terrorist who invaded Iraq and founded a new “caliphate” found those weapons and are getting ready to use them, it seems.
You may read the news report for yourself. It is available here.
Kind regards in Jesus and Mary,