What People Are Commenting
Psycho, ‘Saint’ Montini & Dialogue Mass
‘Saint’ Montini
Dear TIA,
Paul VI will be beatified on October 19, at the end of the extraordinary synod on the family, being the synod a body Paul VI wanted and promoted. It is also reported that Paul VI will be proclaimed saint probably as soon as 2015, through an accelerated process pursuant to Francis’ wishes. Pope Montini is indeed Pope Francis’ model. They also share the same sympathy toward homosexual priests, so it seems from your recent posting…
Francis is the Pope who will continue the reforms put into place by Paul VI, that is why he is doing everything he can to ‘canonize’ Vatican II, and is shutting up anyone who speaks against it.
I noticed that in my FSSP Mass community, the priests say NOTHING against Francis, John Paul II or the Council. Quite the contrary, they do what they can to praise them, and to criticize anyone who raises legitimate objections to the changes they made in doctrine, morals and tradition.
I heard that one priest even said that anyone who criticizes the Popes is a sede-vacantist. It is a strange new definition, isn’t it? But the people, like sheep, accept everything that comes from the lips of priests, even if it is wrong.
This is what got us in trouble in the first place, and it is the reason why the indult communities even exist. There is an irony in the present situation, when now the priests in these same communities are trying to silence the legitimate objections that established them in the first place.
It seems to me Catholics must be even stronger in resisting errors and novelties in this new post-conciliar phase led by Francis.
Margaret Galitzin
Paul VI will be beatified on October 19, at the end of the extraordinary synod on the family, being the synod a body Paul VI wanted and promoted. It is also reported that Paul VI will be proclaimed saint probably as soon as 2015, through an accelerated process pursuant to Francis’ wishes. Pope Montini is indeed Pope Francis’ model. They also share the same sympathy toward homosexual priests, so it seems from your recent posting…
Francis is the Pope who will continue the reforms put into place by Paul VI, that is why he is doing everything he can to ‘canonize’ Vatican II, and is shutting up anyone who speaks against it.
I noticed that in my FSSP Mass community, the priests say NOTHING against Francis, John Paul II or the Council. Quite the contrary, they do what they can to praise them, and to criticize anyone who raises legitimate objections to the changes they made in doctrine, morals and tradition.
I heard that one priest even said that anyone who criticizes the Popes is a sede-vacantist. It is a strange new definition, isn’t it? But the people, like sheep, accept everything that comes from the lips of priests, even if it is wrong.
This is what got us in trouble in the first place, and it is the reason why the indult communities even exist. There is an irony in the present situation, when now the priests in these same communities are trying to silence the legitimate objections that established them in the first place.
It seems to me Catholics must be even stronger in resisting errors and novelties in this new post-conciliar phase led by Francis.
Margaret Galitzin
Kicked-out Club
I no longer have the honor of being the oldest geezer kicked-out of the Neo-SSPX.
A 89-year-old in Germany with a 'bad spirit' beats out my almost 72 with a bad attitude.
This 89-year-old retired postal worker spent all his $$$ to buy the very parish he was kicked out of. Neo-SSPX people are now beginning to know what their priests really are...
PS: I was kicked-out of the Novus Ordo Sacred Heart in Newport, Oregon, for advertizing in the local newspaper a car pool to SSPX St. Thomas Becket in Veneta, Oregon, where I was also kicked out. So... I still have the record for being kicked out of the most churches, but I defer all honor to the 89-year-old, who spent his retirement money to build the very church he was kicked out of.
Shame on the Neo-SSPX.
I hereby start the order of "Kicked-out old geezer's club."
Want to join us???
Lance Colvard
Note: A video by Mr. Colvard reporting his expulsion from SSPX is available here.
I no longer have the honor of being the oldest geezer kicked-out of the Neo-SSPX.
A 89-year-old in Germany with a 'bad spirit' beats out my almost 72 with a bad attitude.
This 89-year-old retired postal worker spent all his $$$ to buy the very parish he was kicked out of. Neo-SSPX people are now beginning to know what their priests really are...
PS: I was kicked-out of the Novus Ordo Sacred Heart in Newport, Oregon, for advertizing in the local newspaper a car pool to SSPX St. Thomas Becket in Veneta, Oregon, where I was also kicked out. So... I still have the record for being kicked out of the most churches, but I defer all honor to the 89-year-old, who spent his retirement money to build the very church he was kicked out of.
Shame on the Neo-SSPX.
I hereby start the order of "Kicked-out old geezer's club."
Want to join us???
Lance Colvard
Note: A video by Mr. Colvard reporting his expulsion from SSPX is available here.
Devil in Church
Is a statue of Satan in a church suitable or not, even knowing that it is an Anglican church?
Please, check this link.
Is a statue of Satan in a church suitable or not, even knowing that it is an Anglican church?
Please, check this link.
Dialogue Mass
Dr. Carol Byrne, who is writing to TIA a series of articles on the Dialogue Mass, now answers a recent objection made to her series. The Editor
Dear M.P.,
Thank you for your response to my series of articles on the “Dialogue Mass.” There is just one question I would like to ask: why restrict the Rosary and private prayer solely to the time before and after Mass? There is no logical reason why we must do so. Certainly such an idea never occurred to anyone before the Liturgical Movement – or, to put it more accurately – Revolution got under way. Personally, I am astonished at the insensitivity of pastors in turning the liturgy into an occasion for public recitation.
Let me explain a little how things were before the liturgists intruded themselves into people’s minds. In those days, the Church, in her wisdom and concern for the needs of individual souls, allowed great flexibility in methods of hearing Mass, provided, of course, that they are relevant to the action taking place on the altar and conducted in silence.
Reading the Missal silently is only one of several commendable options. Many of the pre-Vatican II prayer books helped previous generations of Catholics – and can still help us – to devote some time at Mass to mental prayer by providing meditations on the Passion of Our Lord.
They contain a selection of appropriate prayers, to be used ad lib, based on scriptural extracts and thoughts from the great masters of the spiritual life to aid us in our reflections on the Holy Sacrifice. These are interspersed with indulgenced prayers and ejaculations wherever a proper setting can be found for them e.g. at the Elevation or the Memento for the dead. As indulgenced prayers are specially recommended by the Church, they can be used with great spiritual benefit for ourselves and for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.
It sometimes happens that, while reading from a devotional prayer book at Mass, a good thought might make a strong impression on our minds, causing us to pause and meditate on it, evoking spiritual affections and good resolutions. The same can be said for the Holy Rosary. One cannot deny that such methods of praying at Mass can benefit our spiritual lives by helping us to overcome our evil inclinations and lead a more perfect life.
As an enthusiastic Latinist myself, I was pleased to see your appreciation for the Church’s own language, and I would encourage everyone to learn as much as they can about it. But it does not follow that the Mass is the proper occasion for vocalization or that it is good, expedient or spiritually profitable for the laity to speak or sing it aloud at Mass. As I have pointed out in my article, the “Dialogue” form carries several disadvantages which militate against a truly Catholic atmosphere in the Mass.
Since then, one other disadvantage has come to mind. If everyone said the Latin responses aloud, what effect would the “Dialogue Mass” have on potential converts to the Catholic Faith? They would most likely be intimidated at the sight of so many people in the church sounding off in an unfamiliar tongue, and conclude that they would have to be able to speak Latin fluently before coming in. On the contrary, converts have been attracted by the silent participation of the laity in a liturgy where all can feel equally at home.
With best wishes,
Dr. Carol Byrne
Dear M.P.,
Thank you for your response to my series of articles on the “Dialogue Mass.” There is just one question I would like to ask: why restrict the Rosary and private prayer solely to the time before and after Mass? There is no logical reason why we must do so. Certainly such an idea never occurred to anyone before the Liturgical Movement – or, to put it more accurately – Revolution got under way. Personally, I am astonished at the insensitivity of pastors in turning the liturgy into an occasion for public recitation.
Let me explain a little how things were before the liturgists intruded themselves into people’s minds. In those days, the Church, in her wisdom and concern for the needs of individual souls, allowed great flexibility in methods of hearing Mass, provided, of course, that they are relevant to the action taking place on the altar and conducted in silence.
Reading the Missal silently is only one of several commendable options. Many of the pre-Vatican II prayer books helped previous generations of Catholics – and can still help us – to devote some time at Mass to mental prayer by providing meditations on the Passion of Our Lord.
They contain a selection of appropriate prayers, to be used ad lib, based on scriptural extracts and thoughts from the great masters of the spiritual life to aid us in our reflections on the Holy Sacrifice. These are interspersed with indulgenced prayers and ejaculations wherever a proper setting can be found for them e.g. at the Elevation or the Memento for the dead. As indulgenced prayers are specially recommended by the Church, they can be used with great spiritual benefit for ourselves and for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.
It sometimes happens that, while reading from a devotional prayer book at Mass, a good thought might make a strong impression on our minds, causing us to pause and meditate on it, evoking spiritual affections and good resolutions. The same can be said for the Holy Rosary. One cannot deny that such methods of praying at Mass can benefit our spiritual lives by helping us to overcome our evil inclinations and lead a more perfect life.
As an enthusiastic Latinist myself, I was pleased to see your appreciation for the Church’s own language, and I would encourage everyone to learn as much as they can about it. But it does not follow that the Mass is the proper occasion for vocalization or that it is good, expedient or spiritually profitable for the laity to speak or sing it aloud at Mass. As I have pointed out in my article, the “Dialogue” form carries several disadvantages which militate against a truly Catholic atmosphere in the Mass.
Since then, one other disadvantage has come to mind. If everyone said the Latin responses aloud, what effect would the “Dialogue Mass” have on potential converts to the Catholic Faith? They would most likely be intimidated at the sight of so many people in the church sounding off in an unfamiliar tongue, and conclude that they would have to be able to speak Latin fluently before coming in. On the contrary, converts have been attracted by the silent participation of the laity in a liturgy where all can feel equally at home.
With best wishes,
Dr. Carol Byrne
Honoring Memorial Day
Listen to the Navy Hymn to honor those who die for our country.
Eternal Father, strong to save,
Whose arm hath bound the restless wave,
Who bidd'st the mighty ocean deep
Its own appointed limits keep;
Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee,
For those in peril on the sea!
O Christ! Whose voice the waters heard
And hushed their raging at Thy word,
Who walkedst on the foaming deep,
And calm amidst its rage didst sleep;
Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee,
For those in peril on the sea!
Most Holy Spirit! Who didst brood
Upon the chaos dark and rude,
And bid its angry tumult cease,
And give, for wild confusion, peace;
Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee,
For those in peril on the sea!
O Trinity of love and power!
Our brethren shield in danger's hour;
From rock and tempest, fire and foe,
Protect them wheresoe'er they go;
Thus evermore shall rise to Thee
Glad hymns of praise from land and sea.
Listen to the Navy Hymn to honor those who die for our country.
Eternal Father, strong to save,
Whose arm hath bound the restless wave,
Who bidd'st the mighty ocean deep
Its own appointed limits keep;
Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee,
For those in peril on the sea!
O Christ! Whose voice the waters heard
And hushed their raging at Thy word,
Who walkedst on the foaming deep,
And calm amidst its rage didst sleep;
Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee,
For those in peril on the sea!
Most Holy Spirit! Who didst brood
Upon the chaos dark and rude,
And bid its angry tumult cease,
And give, for wild confusion, peace;
Oh, hear us when we cry to Thee,
For those in peril on the sea!
O Trinity of love and power!
Our brethren shield in danger's hour;
From rock and tempest, fire and foe,
Protect them wheresoe'er they go;
Thus evermore shall rise to Thee
Glad hymns of praise from land and sea.

Posted May 27, 2014
The opinions expressed in this section - What People Are Commenting - do not necessarily express those of TIA
After reading the article regarding the possibility that the pope may be a psychopath, I was reminded of a thought that struck me following the reading of Mr. Arnold's article.
My question was: How could a man who seemingly confuses the word psychological with psychiatric (and other "similar" words), as you discussed, speaks so fluently words that I am quite sure most people have never heard of before, about a topic that, again, none had ever known, much less ever even considered?
I think these types of questions about the psychological makeup of the pope beg an answer, and M.G.M. has provided a little hint of what may, indeed, be the case.
Thank you for these insightful articles!
E.M.S., Ph.D.