What People Are Commenting
Visit to Cuba, Courtesy & Fatima
Petition to Protest Papal Visit to Castro
I thought your readers would want to know about a petition being circulated (it is in Spanish) to protest the papal visit to Cuba. Pope Benedict XVI shouldn't reward the Castros and give an implicit approval to the Communist regime with his visit as long as the White Ladies (Damas de Blanco) are under siege.
If you have doubts about how afraid the Castro regime is of the Damas de Blanco, the brave woman who since 2003 have stood up the dictatorship to demand justice, consider how the political police and other goons targeted the women for repression this weekend.
In Caimanera and Guantanamo / Again in Guantanamo.
And today in Havana, where Castro thugs rounded up 40 Damas and took them away in buses, when after Sunday Mass they tried to place a wreath at a statue of Jose Marti. The Castro police always know where the Damas are, especially on Sunday when they go to Mass. The goons act with impunity.
Which is why Pope Benedict XVI should postpone his planned visit in late March to Cuba. The visit was part of a quid pro quo between the regime and the church, but continued repression of women trying to go to Mass should not have been part of the deal. If you agree that the pope should postpone his visit until human rights conditions improve in Cuba, sign this petition here.
Thanks for your good work.
Courtesy Calls Again - I
Dear Judy,
Many thanks for the autographed first-release copy of Courtesy Calls Again. It has already been the subject of lively conversation and an opening to further discuss the Couter-Revolution with my children. My son hardly put the book down for two days and thoroughly enjoyed it.
I have read a couple chapters and am already making new resolutions and renewing my commitment to courtesy and civility.
Surely Our Lady will reward you greatly for this MUCH needed treasure for young and established families.
I must say that the last two chapters in the introduction on preparing to be citizens of the “Reign of Mary” were awe-inspiring and lifted by soul greatly.
God bless you,
Courtesy Calls Again - II
Dearest Judy,
I want to thank you so much for your book Courtesy Calls Again.
I was a bit intimidated to open it and start reading… but I finally did. I am learning so much and applying things that I was taught and have neglected with my family. Many actions we have already incorporated into our family life, but now they are going to be more polished! It is really changing our lives in a good way – a spiritual way, most of all.
God bless you!
In Christ,
Desacralizing the Church
Dear TIA-Team,
Granted, the post-conciliar desacralization of churches is so widespread these days that it hardly shocks one anymore. But have you often seen anything as ugly as this?
The parish priest of St. Mary church in Warendorf (in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia) removed the old oak benches and kneelers and replaced them with plastic chairs and a couple of wooden chairs.
Obviously the parish priest had to take whatever he could get: The blue ones were provided by the Diocese, the red ones by the City of Warendorf and the wooden chairs by a local school. Says responsible parish priest Peter Lenfers: The church has to transform into an "event room" where aside from mass also comedy shows, panel discussions and concerts can take place.
You may check the source: here.
Kind regards
F.W., Germany
St. Michael Prayer
It is my understanding that Pope John Paul II asked that the St. Michael prayer be said by all parishes after every week day mass.
I wanted to send that to you because I was looking at your site for the longer version of the prayer and it said that after Vatican II the practice was wiped out. In the Diocese of Peoria Illinois Bishop Jenky, in light of Obama’s recent decision, has asked that every parish pray the prayer every Sunday in their general intercessions. May this practice increase.
God bless,
Queen’s Jubilee
Dear TIA,
I thought you might be interested to note the official logo for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.
When I saw the logo, I did think that it looked like it was done by a child, but it is so hard to tell nowadays with what passes for "art." In fact, it was done by a child. The official logo was the result of a contest among children to design it.
I just thought that this is a good example of the modern tendency to pander to children, and to bring the lofty down to the puerile.
Yours truly,
Special Devotions
Thank you for your section on special devotions. In the past, I sometimes ignored the section when I checked your website. But now I look forward to reading them more than any other section you have available. They are very uplifting in these difficult times, and seem to always say exactly what I need to hear.
Fr. Cizik
Can you please put me in direct contact with Fr Ladis J. Cizik.
TIA responds:
In this page of Peekyou you can find information on how to contact him.
TIA correspondence desk
Protestant Sarcasm
I was wondering if there was a special plan that through our Lady of good success would draw a soul closer to GOD?
Vatican II and the Holy Ghost
Many have been appalled, mystified and bewildered by the fact that so many bishops turned their backs on the Mother of God at Vatican II. The Modernists almost got their wish to have the Blessed Virgin kicked out of the Church created by her Son. The Rosary - which Our Lady has told us for centuries to pray every day - is not even mentioned as a devotion in the Council final documents.
Also, consider the fact that the bishops paid no attention to Sister Lucy who had just told Fr Fuentes in 1957 that the Holy Rosary and Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary are the last two remedies provided by God for the world. How could this happen? It just might be the work of the Holy Ghost who didn't want the Holy Rosary associated with a council that denied Jesus Christ and His Church.
Posted February 7, 2012

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