What People Are Commenting
Cyril Andrade, Rivera & Card. Siri
Death of Traditionalist Pioneer in India
TIA received from Mr. Nestor Carvalho, our reader in India, the following message sent to him regarding Dr. Cyril B. Andrade’s death on January 21, 2012. He passed way at age 96. R.I.P. Remember him in your prayers. The Editor
Dear Mr. Nestor Carvalho,
I am very sad to inform you that our friend, Doctor Cyril Brendan Andrade in Bangalore, passed away this morning at 6 am. The burial will take place in the evening. May his soul rest in peace.
On the 17th I went to Bangalore and gave him absolution, extreme unction, viaticum and apostolic blessing. He was conscious and prepared for death. I returned from Bangalore yesterday. So I will not be able to attend the burial. Kindly pray for the repose of his soul.
Just a week ago, he fell down from his bed and had a swelling in his left thigh which was very painful to him. He was taken to the hospital and examined to find that there was no fracture. After this mishap, he refused to take any solid food. He was taking only liquid foods. I will pray for him in my Masses.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Xavier Ignatius, India
Rivera’s Revolutionary Art
Dear Mr. Guimarães,
Here is some additional information to substantiate the affirmation made in the recent article by Cunha Alvarenga that Modern Art was created to serve as an instrument of the Revolution to subvert Catholic Faith and Morals. There could scarcely be a more typical example of this phenomenon than the work of the Mexican artist, Diego Rivera. Although he had his own distinctive style of painting, his murals were influenced, among other things, by Cubism and reflected his ardent belief in Communism, and his rejection of God, Tradition and Capitalism.
In fact, his art works can be described as totally anti-Catholic and totally Communist. He travelled to the Soviet Union in 1927 as a member of an official delegation of Mexican Communist Party functionaries and various workers representatives, to take part in the tenth anniversary celebrations of the October Revolution.
At right is one of his best known murals celebrating the workers' Revolution. The "lady" wearing an orange shirt distributing the rifles from the arsenal to the Communist workers was his teenage girlfriend.
As a militant atheist (as well as a serial adulterer), he openly attacked the Catholic Church, and it is interesting to note that
Dorothy Day was proud to be associated with him when she was in Mexico and later recorded her sympathy with his anti-clerical diatribes:
“I...agreed with much of Rivera’s criticism, especially in regard to the wealth of the Church and the luxury of the clergy.” (Dorothy Day and Patrick Jordan, Dorothy Day: Writings from Commonweal, Liturgical Press, 2002, pp. 141-2)
Catholics have good reason to reject Modern Art, arising as it did from revolutionary Communist, Socialist and anarchist thought.
Dr. Carol Byrne, England
Lack of Modesty
Dear TIA
I am shocked to learn that the "cabaret church" photograph emanated from Poland. I consider Poland to be one of the few remaining great Catholic countries. Surely we do not need to see representations of street women, to understand the need for their conversion.
The people responsible for this "pageant," have in fact made occasions of sin out of the young girls involved and must consider whether indeed, they may have corrupted them in a serious way.
Such representations in a Catholic Church, before the Most Blessed Sacrament, cry out for reparation and must bring great sorrow to The Immaculate Heart of The Most Pure Virgin Mary.
There was a time when the natural modesty of a Catholic girl would have prevented her from appearing in this manner. At this time also, any immodest display such as a hemline not fully covering the knee, would have merited a short, sharp chastisement and the ignominy of having brown paper attached to the hem, in order to provide modest cover.
Yours faithfully,
C.P., Ireland
Cardinal Siri
Dear TIA Staff,
Thank you for the thorough and convincing attack on the Siri theory (here, here, here & here). It looks like Cardinal Siri was a wholehearted supporter of the revolution at the time that he wrote these things.
If he ever was "Gregory," he seems to be denying it just as vigorously as Peter denied Our Lord by the fire in the courtyard.
Thank you again, and God bless you,
Women Religious...
Dear Marian,
I so appreciated the picture gallery on yesterday's offering [on religious women].
I just shake my head when I see this now. May God grant all those women enlightenment and in a hurry too.
In Our Lady,
Book on St. Joseph
I am now reading the book on St. Joseph by Dr. Remi. Marvelous! Thank you for having this for distribution. It is a beautiful story.
I have the City of God by Agreda by my bedside and read it often corresponding to the liturgical year, and this little booklet is just as good.
I will pass it to my children to read (they are in their 30s). I love it!
Talks in MP3 Format
I just wanted to suggest that your talks should be in MP3 format as well for purchase and download, maybe at a lower cost or same price. But you should have that option to at least offset the cost of shipping for those persons who would prefer the mp3 formatted talk.
Let me know what you think.
God reward you,
TIA responds:
Hello J.E.,
Thank you for your suggestion. It was forwarded to our Board of Directors to see what it will do.
TIA correspondence desk
Protestant Version
Dear TIA,
I have read your article "The Shepherds of Bethlehem" and noticed that you have rendered the angel's message as "Glory to God ... peace, goodwill towards men." This is the protestant interpretation! The correct translation is "on earth peace to men of goodwill." This is quite different.
For your penance I think you should write the correct words out 100 times.
Everybody has to slip up sometimes, so I'm sure your readers will be indulgent towards you.
Regards from Australia,
TIA responds:
Dear R.B.,
We appreciate your correction very much. But instead of writing 100 times the correct words as a penance, as you picturesquely suggested, we just changed them in our posting. It seems more efficient for all those who will read that article.
For that mistake, we ask you and our readers to accept, please, our humble apologies.
TIA correspondence desk
Posted January 24, 2012

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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