What People Are Commenting
Sharia Law & Massacre in Nigeria
Moslems & Sharia Law
First, I wanted to let everyone know that we recently added an article "Do Catholics and Moslems worship the same God"? on the Chapel website here.
This error is being promoted in the New Church, as well as in the preaching of modernist bishops, priests and apparently popes who kiss the Koran. It is an extremely informative article penned by a traditional Roman Catholic. It presents the Catholic teaching as opposed to the "new thought" of Modernism.
Secondly, I had an opportunity recently to attend an interesting lecture by a retired US Army Colonel. The Colonel explained what "Sharia" Law is, and how this is being spread around the world. He provides detail information on the beliefs of the Koran, as well as the activities of Moslems around the world who are trying, in a subtle and not so subtle manner, to spread Sharia and have it inculcated into various countries. Are most even aware that France, in about 30 years, will be a Moslem nation simply because of the contraceptive "Christians" - while the Moslems have many children?
If anyone thinks this topic would be something we could invite the general community to (Elgin and areas) please let me know. I found it extremely interesting as regards the teachings of Mohammad, the Koran, and Sharia law that is now practiced in a good portion of the Arab world. The Colonel said he would be more than pleased to come to the Chapel and present a power point presentation. He also happens to be a Ukrainian Rite Catholic.
Fr. R. Brown
Deeper Understanding
Dear TIA,
I appreciate Dr. Horvat’s CDs on the family series and learn very much from them. For example, I had read articles in various Catholic papers on the Four Temperaments – but was not able to remember them. When driving my car I was able to put on the lecture on the Temperaments many times, and now I have them memorized. Now when an article or book mentions them, I know right away what they are talking about. It also gives assistance in self-understand and understanding others. It assists me in understanding my defects, what they are, and I can try to combat them and, perhaps with the help of Our Lady, I will eventually overcome them.
I continue to learn from Mr. Guimaraes’ outline of history (tendencies, ideas & facts), and, as my reading continues, I saw that all Catholic historians prior to Vatican II agree with this, although they may not use that formula. The lecture R-CR enables me to see where I am in the course of history, which is helpful.
I never get tired of these lectures. Every time I listen to them, another sentence stands out or a deeper understanding starts to come about. Thank you.
It helps to replay the CD lectures over and over again, because then the understanding gets better. That’s what I find. Mix them up for variety, but keep going back over them.
With great respect and consideration,
I remain most faithfully,
L.A. Religious Congress
This morning, while I was looking for some other information, I stumbled across the piece on certain parts of the Religious Education Congress.
First off the first picture is NOT a picture from Congress itself, but rather from March 18th, celebration of Youth Day, and it was a part of the closing Youth Rally. Secondly, the interpretation of the Liturgical Dancers are totally unfounded. Liturgical Dance dates back to early biblical times and Jewish forms of worship. You should read up, and perhaps even EXPERIENCE first hand the Religious Education Congress before you write a review about it.
The Regius Education Congress was NOT something that was started by Cardinal Mahony. It began in the 1960’s and was first presented at Immaculate Heart College in Los Angeles and was a one day conference. In 1970, attendance had grown so large that they moved to the Anaheim Convention Center, and the conference was held for two days, with a Youth Day on Friday. Now, the Congress is spread over three days of workshops and Thursday is dedicated to the Youth. The Religious Education Congress is a very moving and emotional celebration of our Catholic faith and contains widespread information for both “traditional” and “new” Catholics alike.
Congress has been celebrated under the guidance of four Los Angeles Cardinals now (McIntyre, Manning, Mahony, and Gomez), and the Archbishop of Orange has now joined as well. People travel from as far as Europe and Asia to experience this spectacular event, and I personally have watched it grow into what it is today. We are not heretics or non conformists at all, and if you would just give it a try, you might really see what it is all about.
Proud to be a Religious Education Congress enthusiast and CATHOLIC!!!
Thank you,
Your work on what has happened and is happening to the Roman Catholic Church is second to none in my opinion.
Have you, though, done anything on the subject of The Americanist Heresy and its connection to ideas fostered in the American and French Revolutions plus the connection it has had to Modernism and Progressivism?
Blessed Kateri Teckawitha, Pray for Us
TIA responds:
Thank you for your kind words. They mean a lot to us.
No, until now we have not dealt with Americanism. Your request is an encouragement to do so.
TIA correspondence desk
Religious Massacre in Nigeria
I am a reader from Brazil. I am forwarding to you, so that you may disseminate, this horrible photo of the Muslim religious massacre of those who do not profess Islamism. It is going on in Nigeria right now. [Warning: This is a shocking photo. But if you want to see it, click here].
This is what the Muslims do when they take over the situation. This is what the Vatican is indirectly promoting when it asks forgiveness for the Crusades and tells Catholics to open their arms to the followers of Mohammed.
I don’t need to elaborate on the reasons why the media avoids publishing photos like this.
Keep the great work in defense of the Faith and Christian Civilization.
Posted November 15, 2011

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do not necessarily express those of TIA

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