Progressivism in the Church
Church Revolution in Pictures
Photo of the Week
Card. Mahony's last Education Congress
Above you see a contorted young man dressed as a deacon; in front of him is a kneeling girl in a mystical pose, looking as if she were having a vision. Around him you find a young man with an grimace of anxious expectation and two other girls with curious expressions as if a great event were about to happen. Is it the mystical birth of a new man? We do not know. You can interpret it is as you please. It is one of the countless extravagant performances that took place during the 2010 Religious Education Congress of Card. Mahony that ended some weeks ago.
From March 19 to 21, 2010, downtown L.A. witnessed once again - we hope it is the last time since the Cardinal will be leaving his post in February 2011 - the Religious Education Congress promoted by the local Archdiocese. As customary, it encouraged youth to merge religion with the modern world, piety with immorality, liturgy with hippyism. The pictures below dispense with further need of argument.
In the first row, a female acolyte brings the Gospel to the altar while two others carry bowls with incense. They move forward in a liturgical dance under changing colored lights as in a discotheque. In the second row, during another Mass, dancing women approach the central altar from the four aisles of the auditorium.
The third row, Roger Mahony is addressing the audience on two different days. The fourth row, shows a trio executing one of the rock songs performed during those days under the wall-sized poster with a life catchphrase. In the fifth row, a general view of the attendees.
In the sixth to the eighth row, bold slogans are displayed on T-shirts and placards: The girls in blue at the left wear a T-shirt that says: "Jesus walks in the right direction so ..." - on the back side is written: "Follow Him!" There is nothing wrong with what is written, but the last invitation sounds very much like: "Follow me..." Follow her where and to do what? We are left to wonder. At the right boys wear a T-shirt with full red lips and a long tongue exposed. That this symbol does not inspire pure thoughts is the least one can say.
Next row, the team in green carry placards, one reads: "Kiss me, I'm a Catholic." The same slogan is repeated on the poster held by the girl at the right, who actually is receiving a kiss from one of the attendees.
In the eighth row signs announce the distribution of free hugs and make challenges: "Hug me if you love God" and "Hug me if you love Jesus."
Who would assert that these patterns of free-morality fit with the serious norms of Catholic doctrine? Nonetheless, the event supposedly intends to educate youth in the Faith and help them to be more Catholic.
April 18, 2010

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