What People Are Commenting
Ostpolitik in China, Miracle in India
Underground Catholics
Dear Dr. Horvat,
A word of thanks for your most recent article on the suffering Church in China. Well written and cogent, as always, it addressed a most important issue; one that continues to be disregarded by the mainstream media.
I recently read Gretta Palmer's God's Underground in Asia. Published in 1953, I find it particularly fascinating and telling that there's been no improvement in 62 years. I also note that the persecution was so much better understood and handled by Pope Pius XII than by his post-conciliar successors. Pope Pius recognized that martyrs' blood nourishes the Church ("empurpled by the sacred blood of martyrs," as the Holy Father so magnificently expressed it) and that there can be no compromising with evil. With respect, I was flummoxed and frustrated by Pope John Paul II's largely weak and ineffectual response.
While Pope Benedict XVI's approach is an improvement, if only marginally and recently, Vatican policy over the past several decades has been misguided and disgraceful. I'm appreciative (as should all Catholics seeking to be worthy of the name) that you've helped make this known in "Vatican Concessions to Communism Fail in China".
Communists' Despise & Respect
Dear TIA,
Thank you, Dr. Horvat, for your insightful article, Vatican Concessions to Communism Fail in China. J. Edgar Hoover wrote a book entitled, Masters of Deceit on what Communism really is. In it, he said that Communism despises weakness but respects strength. Given that the Vatican is very weak on Communism, it follows that the Communists despise with all their heart those at the Vatican who are, "reaching out" and want to enter, "dialogue" with them. I'm sure they would love to get close enough to them so that they could spit on them.
Conversely, they respect strength and I'm sure that in their own way, they admire the resistance of those in the underground Church who fight them to the end.
How very sad to read that some of the underground bishops have joined the CPA at the Vatican's insistence. They must be very confused at the lack of guidance that comes from the Vatican.
Communism is more dangerous today than it has ever been and will not rest until it has completely destroyed the Catholic Church via infiltration. They seem to me to be well past the half way point in their goal.
They will not be successful, of course and will be greatly surprised when just before they attain complete and total victory, Our Lady will intervene crush the accursed head of Satan.
In Christ and Mary,
JPII’s Guarantee…
Dear TIA,
A speech John Paul II gave years ago comes into my mind whenever I read of the Vatican negotiations with China. I do not know where I found the following years ago, I will dig for it, if you are interested, but this is from a speech of John Paul II's given in Manila on February 10, 1981 to the "Chinese Christian communities overseas." Said the Pope about China:
"Your country is truly developing all its energies to the future, It hopes to ensure for its citizens, through scientific and technological development, and through the industrious collaboration of all its people, the ability to live in true happiness... I am convinced that all Catholics within your frontiers will contribute fully to the construction of China, since an authentic and faithful Christian is also an authentic and good citizen."
Doesn't he sound like a Freemason concerned with this world only, a utopian in denial of the reality of today, a foe of the Faith (true happiness brought about by technology)? And that word "authentic" is right out of Sartre.
Taiwan & China
Dear TIA,
Praised be Jesus Christ!
Thank you very much indeed for posting my comment with regards to your past article Our Duty to Support Taiwan.
I shall not be surprised if anti-anti-Communist Modernist Rome will abandon Free China in favor of the Chinese Communists because it is now promoting the Chinese Communist puppet church at the expense of the loyal underground Church.
The Chinese Communists are not the Chinese Government until, God forbid, they control all of China, including the Tair-Peng-Jin-Maa Area.
Offering my consideration and esteem, I remain,
J.C.C., Philippines
Don Bosco's Miracle
Here is a news report on a miracle worked by the relic of St. John Bosco two months ago in India. The ongoing visit of this relic to my country start on April 29, 2011. I believe the news will interest you and your readers.
Best wishes,
SHILLONG, (Abp Dominic Jala SDB) - August 17, 2011 - The birthday of Don Bosco, 16 August, Larisuk Khongsit was baptised as Larisa Mary Khongsit. The baptism ceremony took place at the shrine of St. John Bosco, Cherrapunjee, where during the visit of the Relic of Don Bosco, this bed-ridden girl had a miraculous healing after praying to Don Bosco.
Twenty three young people and children from families that have been drawn to the faith through the healing of this 11 year old child also received baptism, at a ceremony presided over by Archbishop Dominic Jala SDB, of the Archdiocese of Shillong.
Larisuk Khongsit has been baptised as Larisa Mary Khongsit. She herself decided to have a new name at baptism. The old name meant, nurtured in peace. Her new name means I Have Rejoiced. A fitting name for one who has been touched through the intercession of Don Bosco.
Larisuk is the sixth of nine children from a family that follows the Khasi traditional religion, and lives in a small house in Thiep Twa locality, Cherrapunjee. She had been unable to stand or walk for the past four years.
It all happened in 2007 while playing with her friends she fell and injured her right leg. The wound festered and she spent three months in the Civil Hospital Shillong, 50 km away from her home. This brought little relief and at a certain point the doctors advised amputation to save the then 7 year old child.
It was on 19th June 2011, when the Relic of Don Bosco was in Sohra that she persuaded her mother to take her to the prayer session for healing being held on the grounds of the Parish. She said a simple prayer: "Don Bosco please give me healing; I want to go to school again."
Two days later alone in her hut, she suddenly felt the urge to get up and walk and went to fetch her mother who was washing clothes at a nearby stream. Since then the foul smelling puss stopped coming out of the wounds and the rotting flesh slowly came off leaving place for new flesh. On 17th July, a piece of bone just dropped out of the little opening that was a large wound on her leg. Larisa keeps in mind all these important dates and has reason to rejoice and the whole community has reason to rejoice too.
The baptism of Larisa and 22 others was celebrated in the Don Bosco Shrine, Sohra/Cherrapunee on 16th August, 2011, the birth day of Don Bosco, the day the Salesian Congregation is launching a four year journey to the bicentenary of his birth. The older members of the families will probably be baptised around Christmas 2011. [C.M.Paul]
Posted August 25, 2011

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